"How should a playtest be done?" Topic
3 Posts
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21eRegt | 07 Jun 2017 5:33 a.m. PST |
If it is for a convention game, twice. If that doesn't fix any issues then the concept is flawed. Move along. |
peterx  | 07 Jun 2017 7:15 p.m. PST |
Are you play testing a scenerio or a rules set? If you are playing a new scenerio, play it a couple of times or more, and tweek the balance and goals so either side can have a fair chance to win. If it is a new rule set, then you should play it until you are very familiar with it. If it is both new rules and new scenerio, then you should play it several times so all the kinks are worked out. 21eRegt is right, if it doesn't play well, find a new scenerio to run. |
peterx  | 07 Jun 2017 7:16 p.m. PST |
Are you play testing a scenerio or a rules set? If you are playing a scenerio, play it a couple of times or more, and tweek the balance and goals so either side can have a fair chance to win. If it is a new rule set, then you should play it until you are very familiar with it. If it is both new rules and new scenerio, then you should play it several times so all the kinks are worked out. 21eRegt is right, if it doesn't play well, find a new scenerio to run. |