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Judge Doug15 May 2017 2:29 p.m. PST

Primaris Space Marines: Gaming

from link

There's a new type of Space Marine on the block: the Primaris. When the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 lands, how will they play in the game? Let's take a look at their rules to see what we can expect on the battlefield from the galaxy's newest super-humans.


As you can see, there are a lot of similarities to classic Space Marines: 3+ save, bolters (albeit, up-gunned a bit), and the usual frag/krak grenade loadout. There are some definite differences though.

2 wounds puts Intercessors somewhere between your typical power armoured Space Marine and a Terminator in terms of survivability. Compared to a Tactical Squad Space Marine, who only has a single wound, an Intercessor will last twice as long against small arms fire but will die just as quickly to heavy weapons. Terminators have the same number of wounds as a Primaris Marine, but their better armour and invulnerable save means that they will last longer against all types of weapons.

That bolt rifle is pretty cool too. This is the iconic bolter armament of the Space Marines with a bit more kick. It has additional range and armour piercing punch over a standard bolt gun, meaning Intercessors will do well in a shoot-out against most current Warhammer 40,000 Troops units, and thanks to the new Strength vs Toughness system, they can even start to menace lighter vehicles, wounding any vehicle smaller than a Gorkanaut on 5's and reducing its save by 1.

That said, like the Legions of the Great Crusade, they don't have options for heavy or assault weapons within the squad, so there are still situations where a Tactical Squad will be better suited – bringing lascannons, flamers or other specialist weapons with them for greater tactical flexibility.


Though not melee specialists, the Intercessor's two attacks makes them pretty handy in a fight. In close combat, they can also use their bolt pistols to fire point-blank into enemy units in the shooting phase. The enemy will need dedicated assault troops or lots of bodies to overwhelm a Primaris Space Marine up close.

You can see on the datasheet too, that you can select a <Chapter> as a faction keyword. That means you can add Primaris Space Marines to your Ultramarines, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Iron Hands, Rainbow Warriors, or any other Codex Chapter you like, even one of your own invention.

Of course, all this comes at a price. Intercessors cost a fair few more points than a Tactical Marine; an army composed entirely of Primaris Marines will be a fairly compact, but utterly lethal and elite force. You can expect these guys to make a big impact on any game in which they make an appearance.

And remember, the Intercessor is just one type of Primaris Space Marine that Guilliman ordered up from Mars to defend the galaxy. We'll have news on a few others very soon…

Judge Doug15 May 2017 2:33 p.m. PST

Rainbow Warriors

Hell yeah!


15mm and 28mm Fanatik15 May 2017 2:38 p.m. PST

Why not? Can never have too many Primaris SM threads in one day. (:

The obligatory HK chapter will surely follow because we all know what's in the grim future of HK:




alien BLOODY HELL surfer16 May 2017 10:56 a.m. PST

Leadership 7 on a 'basic' marine? seems low.

Centurio Prime16 May 2017 11:15 a.m. PST

The Ld mechanic has been changed, 7 is actually quite good.

Judge Doug16 May 2017 1:18 p.m. PST

Yup and we don't actually know what And They Shall Know No Fear rule does now

Mithmee16 May 2017 5:26 p.m. PST

Well there will most likely be a leader of some type nearby and that 7 Leadership goes to a 9/10.

At 7 Leadership

With what we know of the new morale system to ensure that you could see more of them gone you will need to put around 4-6 kills on an unit of them.

Which is no easy thing to do since most standard weapons do not have Armor Save modifiers.

Pictors Studio16 May 2017 10:36 p.m. PST

With a Ld 7 under the new system if you kill 3 guys you have a third of a chance of driving another model away. Killing 7 of them in a turn guarantees that you will drive one away.

This is all, as Judge Doug said, dependent on what the Space Marine rule does.

Judge Doug17 May 2017 6:00 a.m. PST

Also; the Sergeant has Ld 8. And the squad is only 5 guys!
I doubt we'll see them run away unless they take 4 casualties and you roll badly! (and ATSKNF rule)

Mithmee17 May 2017 12:40 p.m. PST

Well with there being more Headquarter units in 8th most units will likely fall under one of them for leadership.

So as I stated above that means they will have a leadership of 9/10.

Oh and even with their Sgt's leadership of 8 you will need to kill 3 of them to even have a chance to them losing one more.

Leadership 9 means you need to kill 4 of them and leadership 10 means 5 of them.

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