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"Was Mordheim's warpstone inspired by" Topic

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Byteknight07 May 2017 4:17 a.m. PST

tales of the New Age's Moldavite?

As discussed here: link



Crazyivanov07 May 2017 7:56 a.m. PST

Maybe? A lot of crazy stuff ended up in Warhammer in general. I wouldn't be too surprised if a specific lump of glass believed in by credulous people ended up scattered all over Mordheim.

djbthesecond07 May 2017 4:31 p.m. PST

I always thought it was related to the 'Pure Evil' rock mentioned in the movie 'Time Bandits'.

eg YouTube link

but then, maybe that was inspired by Moldavite?

Byteknight07 May 2017 5:01 p.m. PST

Time Bandits! That goes back a way.. Maybe Moldavite is the story behind them all, who knows. :-)

Patrick R08 May 2017 2:54 a.m. PST

How it happened (with apologies to Kurosawa)

Version 1) After consulting the tarot, the high chancellor of the writing congress stood up in front of the auditorium where the eminent researchers working on the Warhammer project had gathered. He praised the field researchers, the dousers and the archaeological team for their long efforts and reviewed the warpstone papers over the next two hours. There was still some debate among those who still tried to reconcile their work at CERN with that of the alchemist team, but it was the ancient Chinese medicine delegation who offered a subtle, but highly clever compromise. It was then put to the vote by Ouija board, swearing on a copy of Einstein's General Relativity and after nearly two decades of hard work warpstone was added to the Warhammer canon which would be published later that year.

Version 2) The writer emptied his beer and lit another cigarette, on the shelves were the works of Moorcock, Tolkien and a pile of 2000AD comics, while VHS tapes of Mad Max and Hawk the Hunter were played alternatively. He was furiously punching away at the typewriter and talked out loud to himself. "Transformation stone ? No, Mutation stone ? sounds even worse …" His eye drifted over an issue of Slaine. "Warp stone … Yes Warp stone, which glows a … sickly yel- no green !!!"

Version 3) And lo, there was a heavenly light and accompanied by celestial choirs the Divine Warhammer tome materialized in the GW offices.

Version 4) Some say he wrote all the editions of Warhammer, but doesn't know how to play it, all we know he's called the Stig.

Version 5) Warhammer is the codename for a CIA mind-control experiment started in 1957 to prepare our world for a grim future where there is only war.

Version 6) Rick wondered briefly how a whale could have fallen from the sky in the middle of Nottingham forest, but among the remains he found mostly really bad Vogon Poetry from a period where nobody even tried and Beatnik Free-form poetry was left to run rampant until it managed to set fire to several important things and was subsequently locked up on an abandoned island and the key thrown into the nearest sun. Alongside Rick found a slightly out of date version of the Interplanetary Hopscotch, Conkers, Tiddlywinks and Mass Genocide Guide with the name of the previous owner "Bob" messily written on the side of the only vaguely tasteful cover, which is totally unlike the back cover which to this days is held up by the Desktop Publishers Guild of Gamma Reticuli Seventeen as the Holy Grail of Desktop Publishing. Rick looked left, looked right, crossed out the name and in his haste wrote Rikc and sold it for a few quid and a blister of free figures to Bryan who happened look for a set of rules but couldn't recognize rules if someone slapped him into a permanent coma with a full binder of Advanced Squad Leader extensions.

Pick your version …

Byteknight08 May 2017 3:16 p.m. PST

Version 3

Poniatowski10 Aug 2017 3:54 a.m. PST

Like all things GW… it was most certainly NOT their own creation, so whichever scenario most closely resembles Wyrdstone as a spinoff in other games or real life is where it came from…. they did an awesome job with it though!!!!

They take a lot of their ideas form actual history or mythological figures and just change them up to fit their ideas…. I say brilliant, as I especially love Mordheim and the whole concept.

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