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"Sgt Major Miniatures Figure Lines Available for Sale" Topic

19 Posts

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sgmmnew25 Apr 2017 7:01 a.m. PST

Due to changes in life ordeals, I am looking to sell of the figure lines that I have been marketing under the banner of Sgt Major Miniatures for the last 7 years. Some of these lines were of my own creation; some were purchased from other companies over the years. I can give pricing and specific lists of items to those interested.

The prices that I have listed in the spreadsheet that I will send out are less than what I paid for each line in the hopes of selling them quicker than slower. I am also prepared to consider offers, so don't be afraid to ask, acceptance will depend on any other interested parties interested in the same line, but I need to sell them over the next couple of months, or destroy them forever, I will no longer have the space to store any of these items in my new living situation.

I also have some casting equipment listed, which is in very good order.

Thanks for looking. You can e-mail me at or 540-940-3846
You can see pictures of most of the figure lines at


Coyotepunc and Hatshepsuut25 Apr 2017 11:24 a.m. PST

How long will you still be selling the miniatures?

Personal logo Mars Miniatures Supporting Member of TMP25 Apr 2017 12:33 p.m. PST

Sad to hear this.

I also would like to know if you are still taking orders, and if so, for how much longer.

AussieAndy25 Apr 2017 1:33 p.m. PST

Sorry to hear that things have got that bad for you.

Given how well regarded the Venexia figures are, you might want to draw specific attention to the fact that you have the rights to them ( assuming that you still do).

Hope things improve soon.

Jamesonsafari25 Apr 2017 2:47 p.m. PST

What's the cut off for retail orders?
And I've told a friend with a spin caster.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP25 Apr 2017 6:06 p.m. PST

Best of luck to you.

Bellbottom26 Apr 2017 1:41 p.m. PST

Sorry to hear that, but I do hope you resell the 15mm ancients lines to someone in the UK

Gone Fishing27 Apr 2017 6:38 a.m. PST

Very sorry to hear this. Hope things take a turn for the better.

sgmmnew27 Apr 2017 7:54 a.m. PST

Thanks everyone. This is all due to some rather large changes in my personal life. I have responded to quite a few people so far who have asked for details. 3 who seem to be interested in taking the company as a turn key business. Hopefully something will pan out. In the meantime, I will continue to take orders until a line is sold, at which point they will be removed from the web site and I will stop selling them, they wont belong to me at that point. I am hoping that is sooner than later, but its a lot of lines to sell, so I don't know how this will go…

If you do place an order, don't be surprised if it take me a week or two to get it mailed out, I have way too much going on right now, and I am having trouble with keeping up on all fronts at the moment…


Dadster Supporting Member of TMP28 Apr 2017 2:16 p.m. PST

Hi Andy,

Never heard back from you.

All the best,


Lord of Jerwood Sponsoring Member of TMP05 May 2017 11:47 a.m. PST


Send an email a few days ago still not heard anything back.


Dashetal13 Jun 2017 8:42 a.m. PST

Has anyone heard back from Andy? If so what is his status and whether or not he is filling orders. I have an arrangement made in early April, I think, to pick up an order at Historicon. Since that time and seeing this post, I have been unable to reach him by phone and no response to emails.

HobbySean07 Aug 2017 9:24 a.m. PST


I am very sorry to hear this. I have a lot of your Classic Indians and recently (Order number: SGMM1872
Order Date: 7/29/2017) made an order for more before seeing this post. Will you be able to honor this order? If it makes things any easier, I am local to Fredericksburg VA (in Stafford VA) and can meet you for an in-person pick-up. If you are not in a position to honor the order, how do I go about getting a refund?



jeeves06 Jan 2018 2:57 p.m. PST

Someone pick up this line please.

Dadster Supporting Member of TMP09 Jan 2018 12:20 p.m. PST

I believe Andy has a potential buyer and there may be news soon.

jhancock16 Jan 2018 5:01 p.m. PST

Good news all around!

Thanks for the update.

MinBiz06 Apr 2018 7:47 a.m. PST

We missed this thread!

For those interested, please see the Hobby Industry thread for a March 19th, 2018 update concerning the status Sgt. Major's Miniatures figure ranges.

Additionally, sales are pending for a number of the ranges listed as still available on March 19th.


MinBiz21 Apr 2018 5:43 a.m. PST


20 April 2018 update on the Hobby Industry thread as to what remains available.


MinBiz27 Aug 2018 6:49 a.m. PST

Hi All,

For those following this thread, a consolidated update has been posted to the Hobby Industry Thread under the heading FS: 28mm… Pulp, Sci-fi, and Monsters.


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