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"Chance for 54mm Wargamers to Appear in UK Hobby Magazine" Topic

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Mike Blake13 Apr 2017 6:15 a.m. PST


This is an invite to send me your stories and anecdotes about wargaming with 54mm metal, plastic, resin, wood, paper figures, along with some photos, to appear in the next feature article in my 54mm Wargaming series in Toy Soldier Collector.

It can be about your figures, armies, games good and bad you have played, rules you use or have written, any and all aspects you like.

The idea is for this to be a collection of material from around the world which shows the wealth and diversity of our hobby, to try to open readers minds to it. So – a chance for you to tell your story and see your name and your armies featured in glorious colour in a high street magazine.

Space will be at a premium, so please keep it snappy – and I reserve the right to edit if necessary. If you have a website or a Blog which tells your story in greater detail, fine, we can provide the link.

I meant to send this out a while back but have been feeling poorly – so time is of the essence I am afraid and I need your contributions ASAP as the deadline is nearly upon us!



79thPA Supporting Member of TMP13 Apr 2017 6:20 a.m. PST

Your contact information?

Mako1113 Apr 2017 6:39 a.m. PST

Sounds interesting.

I'd like to see more info on this here as well.

I miss the easy availability of those nice, 1/32 – 1/35th scale Airfix, and other manufacturers minis, from back in the day…….

Not that the soft plastics were really good with holding paint, which was a pity, and a major downside.

martin goddard Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Apr 2017 6:46 a.m. PST

Les must have a whole load. Shall i e-mail him?

nevinsrip13 Apr 2017 10:52 p.m. PST

Hey Botch, Contact me elsewhere. I have some pix I can share of conversions….Bill

Mike Blake14 Apr 2017 1:33 a.m. PST

79thPA – Good point- Contact Info – mike dot blakeuk(at)btinternet dot com or go to my Blog

Mako11 -not sure what more I can say really- do you have a specific quetion I can try to answer? BTW all of those 1/32nd Airfix figures are still available – both originals in soft plastic and WWII sets as remakes in hard from sellers like Weston Toy Soldiers

Martin – he will indeed – I'll contact him direct.

Nevinsrip – will do, if I can find you emails…;-)

Gone Fishing14 Apr 2017 5:24 a.m. PST

Hmmm, Mike, it's probably me, but neither that web address nor Google are helping me find you blog. Can you provide a direct link? I'd be most interested to see it!


Mike Blake14 Apr 2017 8:12 a.m. PST

Gone Fishing – sorry – try this

Gone Fishing14 Apr 2017 8:38 a.m. PST

Thank you!

Part time gamer22 Apr 2017 5:16 a.m. PST

I miss ..those nice, 1/32 – 1/35th scale Airfix, and other manufacturers minis, from back in the day…….

Not that the soft plastics were really good with holding paint, which was a pity,..

Im sure you did the SOP of warmwater a mild dish liq. routine, but did / have you ever used a 'precoat' (not primer).

Ex. Ive 'painted' on a clear matt finish before I even began ANY painting w/ some mini's and found it can be very helpful.
Just a thought.

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