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Must Contain Minis02 Apr 2017 4:58 p.m. PST

Below are some pictures from my latest Flames of War Tournament Battle Report. If you are interested in reading the actual report, a link is below.







The Battle ended in a 6-1 German win using the Version 3 Rules of Flames of War. My AARs focus more on pictures and story so it might still be of interest to those that have moved on to fourth edition.

A link to the article is here… link

1905Adventure02 Apr 2017 6:16 p.m. PST

I love that the tanks are not all jammed hub to hub in blocks. It makes the battle report so much more visually appealing to see some space between the vehicles.

As for V3 interesting V4 minded people, I don't think the game has changed enough to worry. While loads of people are very emotional about the changes, the actual rules aren't changing that much and the core of the game is still there. I've been reading loads of V3 artiles and reports and listening to podcasts from the V3 era and I always get something out of it.

It really did come down to those infantry hiding rather than advancing on the stugs, didn't it?

Must Contain Minis02 Apr 2017 7:00 p.m. PST

Thanks Nathaniel. I am happy that you like the Report. I have the 4th version of the rule book but have not yet read it so I don't know e changes yet.

I think it would have helped if his infantry assaulted those StuGs, but I don't think that would have changed anything but the scoring. At the end of the game, the Germans held both objectives when only one was needed. That said, it would have caused a lot of mental anguish to the German player if he lost those StuGs right off the bat.

1905Adventure02 Apr 2017 8:10 p.m. PST

I wonder if the decision to not go forward was a V3 result. Dug in, gone to ground infantry are definitely easier to unseat in V4, so you'd want to take the stug platoon and then carry on with the infantry to threaten something else from the buildings. The TDs coming around the side of the buildings might have been a different story had the infantry been in the buildings themselves after taking the stug platoon.

stephen m03 Apr 2017 4:52 a.m. PST

Nice job. What scale are the minis, they look more like 10 mm? How do you like the game mat? Where in Canada are you from? Thank you.


Codsticker03 Apr 2017 12:46 p.m. PST

My AARs focus more on pictures and story so it might still be of interest to those that have moved on to fourth edition.

Wait?!?! There's a 4th edition FoW???

Must Contain Minis04 Apr 2017 7:46 p.m. PST

Stephen m. The minis are 15mm and I absolutely love the mat. It gets a lot of use from myself and friends.

I live in Ontario in the Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge area.

Must Contain Minis04 Apr 2017 7:47 p.m. PST

Codsticker. Too funny. You didn't know about 4th Edition? It just came out last month. I have the books but haven't read through them yet.

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