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"King Philip's War 28mm figures - what's the look?" Topic

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Happy Wanderer18 Mar 2017 3:20 p.m. PST


King Phillips War is something of an enigma. If one looks around the Internet looking for suitable 28mm figures for the King Phillip's War you get responses from using 30 Years War Germans with match locks and apostles, ECW Irish, through to Grand Alliance War miniatures and then there is Brigade Games KPW range itself.

This in fact reflects a huge variety in the looks for KPW forces. Given the relatively small size of the colonies and their resources doesn't seem necessarily appropriate to have a such a kaleidoscope of varying types of troops and look.

One would think that there would be a general theme and look to each particular militia company. Whilst individual officers might have a splash of colour or fancy uniform the vast bulk of troops using their civilian clothing would present something of an 'ordered' look, albeit with a certain degree of individuality.

So to be specific, what would the colonist militia forces look like in 1675? Are they best represent by Brigade Games American type militia look or a slightly more regular and up-to-date uniform in the manner of European forces even though they are in fact in civilian attire? I guess it is possible to have some variation but what would your typical Massachusetts, Connecticut, or Rhode Island 'company' look like in 1675?

I've got the osprey colonial American books and they're not overly specific on the topic…they only briefly touch on aspects of King Phillip's War.

I'm really trying to nail down what the appropriate looking for a typical force of 50-60 figures from a single militia company that heads out into the bush taking it to the Indian forces.

Are there specific woodsmen types as the move to Indian tactics evolved? Is this what the Brigade games figures are supposed to represent ie Benjamin Church 'ranger' types? Or would they still have the Puritan civilian clothed look at the start of the war and the end of the war.

Any and all comments would be much appreciated to help get a proper handle on what these trips really look like and what 28mm figures are appropriate.


PS @ Lon at Brigade Games – will there be any further additions to the KPW range and if so what would they likely be?

mghFond18 Mar 2017 11:18 p.m. PST

I thought about doing this war but honestly there wasn't enough variety of figures to choose that seemed to fit. Lon's figs are the best of them really. I certainly can understand though if he isn't going to add to the range as I doubt they are very good sellers.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP18 Mar 2017 11:19 p.m. PST

I think you are looking for a sense of uniformity that didn't exist. A buff coat and a soft hat would be the most uniform things you would find, although you will find references to officers who still wear breast plates and helmets. Militiamen had what they could afford, so you would find a wide variety of arms and equipment.

Supercilius Maximus19 Mar 2017 1:44 a.m. PST

Buff coats were expensive (and I suspect this was equally true in the Colonies) and so would only have been worn by officers and cavalrymen. Whilst I would imagine that the wide-brimmed "floppy" hat was worn more in America, where the summers were often hotter/sunnier than in northern Europe, many ordinary men would have worn "monmouth" caps, which could range in style from a simple "beanie" to a Dickensian-style nightcap.

Otherwise, you'd have breeches, stockings and shoes, topped with either a shirt and waistcoat, or – more likely – a coat (which, by the 1670s, was approaching 18thC proportions).

Happy Wanderer19 Mar 2017 8:00 a.m. PST

Very useful thoughts, thanks gents.

In so far as equipment goes, would the bandolier used for matchlock Muskets (ie apostles) be used to carry powder for flintlock Muskets even though the they'd be using flintlock vs matchlock Muskets?

Whilst I know a cartridge pouch on the waist is usable, are the apostles still used to carry powder? I know Benjamin Church mandated a no apostle policy to avoid noise from clanking apostles but more generally could the average militiaman have a look of a 30YW German type soldier?

I was thinking maybe Renegde Miniatures ECW musketeer figures might be usable for your typical New England colonist in a variety of 'drab' Colors ie browns, greys, blacks, etc.

Your thoughts appreciated.


Happy W

The Beast Rampant19 Mar 2017 8:31 a.m. PST

I think the issue of having armor at hand wouldn't necessarily be as big an issue as men bothering to wear it. That armor shipped in from the the Mother Country- with supplies of muskets and bandoliers/cartridge boxes, etc- would still be around.

Puster Sponsoring Member of TMP19 Mar 2017 9:12 a.m. PST

Around here (Northern Germany), yes.

GurKhan20 Mar 2017 4:22 a.m. PST

Have you seen this book – link ? Partly available online at link

Happy Wanderer20 Mar 2017 5:06 a.m. PST

I have – thanks. I don't have the book however.

There is a good youtube discussion by the author as well.

It however doesn't speak to the clothing and weapon and accoutrement style of 1675 as far as I can tell.

The cover is from the 1630s and would be suitable for the Pequot War…not the later KPW.

Winston Smith21 Mar 2017 7:04 a.m. PST

Too bad there's not an Osprey book on that subject. It's a natural.

Basha Felika19 Apr 2018 12:14 p.m. PST

Reviving this thread to ask for suggestions on which ranges of 28mm Indians, other than Brigade, would be appropriate for the KPW period as most seem to be aimed at the rather later FIW/AWI Wars?

Warfare Miniatures are talking about releasing some more ‘scruffy Europeans' suitable for the period, so it's becoming a tempting project for ‘Sharp Practice' or ‘M&T' skirmish games. Who else does armed Puritans in 28mm while we're on the subject?

Thanks for all suggestions

Bowman23 Apr 2018 9:21 a.m. PST

……other than Brigade, would be appropriate for the KPW period as most seem to be aimed at the rather later FIW/AWI Wars?

Yes, the F&IW natives may be too late and perhaps Eureka's Powhatan natives are too early.


Crucible Crush carries very nice pre-contact natives, but they also have a pack of Mohawks with muskets (#67011) that might work for you.


Who else does armed Puritans in 28mm while we're on the subject?

Would early, unarmoured English Civil War figures work? If so, there are lots of manufacturers to give you a choice of poses.

The Beast Rampant12 May 2020 8:11 a.m. PST

Resuscitating an older thread I just rediscovered:

I've considered the notion of tossing some Monmouth Rebellion minis into the mix, such as from Front Rank, here:


RogerC12 May 2020 2:55 p.m. PST

Have you considered Warfare miniatures 17th century Militia for the European types? They are aimed at the Moinmouth rebellion period so wouldseem a good fit.

The Beast Rampant13 May 2020 10:15 p.m. PST

I had picked some of those up, and I have to say I'm not a big fan of Warfare. I prefer chunkier sculpts, and Warfare's are a bit willowy. Thank you for the input, though.

marco56 Supporting Member of TMP19 Jul 2023 6:24 a.m. PST

You might be able to use Crucible Crush's English or French figures.

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