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"4 Madaxeman Reports - ADLG Romans in wales" Topic

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madaxeman16 Mar 2017 1:04 p.m. PST

Another year, another Doubles L'Art de la Guerre outing as ADLG became the biggest game in town at the traditional UK Wargaming season curtain-raiser, the Godendingdangdag Doubles in in Sunny Wales.

This year saw the event move out of Usk and into the rather spiffing purpose-built venue at Firestorm Games in Cardiff.

This did mean that most of the games appears to be played on the surface of a battle-blasted alien planet (note to self, bring cloth next time) but other than that it was regarded as a great improvement by everyone who joined in.

But, did the new venue prove a happy hunting ground for our Roman and Judean combination?

Read these 4 map-heavy match reports and see how the Early Imperial Roman & Judean did against the Chinese Northern Dynasties & Chi'ang, the Ostrogoths and Gepids, the Greco-Indians and Kushans and finally Don Alexander the Great and the Classical Indians.

If you ever wanted to know just What the Romans Ever Did For Us, the answer is surely hidden in these 4 match reports!

mghFond16 Mar 2017 2:00 p.m. PST

Yay, another Madaxeman report!!!!

goragrad17 Mar 2017 1:40 a.m. PST

Quite interesting as always.

PHGamer17 Mar 2017 4:45 a.m. PST

I read the first one while suffering insomnia last night. Excellent read.

idontbelieveit17 Mar 2017 5:54 a.m. PST

"The links between the Tang Empire and C18 Bavaria are strong, if somewhat overlooked by many historians."

Hilarious! What a gem!

evilgong20 Mar 2017 7:12 p.m. PST

Maybe you should let Hannibal play the games and the Mad Axeman could comment on his play.

Make him play Carthos, that should take the smile off his face in most rules sets.


David F Brown

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