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"Some 3d printed 1/100 cold war vehicles" Topic

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Bashytubits17 Feb 2017 12:44 p.m. PST

Here are some vehicles I have done on my 3d printer for cold war. They also can be used for imagination forces or AK47 stuff. I used some Team Yankee Russian motorized infantry for size comparison.

This is actually a T64B chassis with a early T64 turret.

A T80 on the left and T72 on the right.

A picture of all the tanks I have been working on.
T64 upper left, below a T80, T72, T64BV and plain jane early

Early T64 with T64BV on left.

T64BV in center, T64 early on right, T72 to the left and half cut off T80 left of the T72.

I make these by finding video game vehicles on the internet and then run them through about 4 different programs to convert the file format and modify the meshes to be able to print them on my 3d printer.

leidang17 Feb 2017 1:11 p.m. PST

Hi there,

Not sure how your sales are going but I wanted to give you some constructive criticism/ideas. Please totally ignore me if sales are going well.

For me personally the resolution on your 3d printer is a deal killer for me with things like modern vehicles where they should have a much smoother surface. That said I think Hi resolution printers haven't come down in price yet.

Perhaps if you could find things to model where the texture could be a plus you might find more interest/sales.

For instance:
* Alien Terrain – Plant pods, Weird trees, etc – With 15mm Scifi Hot there might be a market ( I would be in if they were cool)
* Adobe style Buildings – Market is saturated but if you could hit the right price point
* Walls, Hesco Barriers, etc
* Draped Camo netting on poles to cover artillery, bunkers, etc
* Rolled camo netting as an accessory for tanks, trucks.

Like I said if you are getting sales totally ignore me. but just some thoughts I had after seeing your ads.

GeoffQRF17 Feb 2017 2:00 p.m. PST

Tongue firmly in cheek… they look like they have been crocheted

mad monkey 117 Feb 2017 2:11 p.m. PST


Martian Root Canal17 Feb 2017 2:37 p.m. PST

As someone who owns a 3d printer and prints lots of stuff, these photos over-exaggerate the print lines. They are much smoother than they look…AND primer tends to address what lines there are. Are they perfect? No. But neither are metal or metal/resin or resin vehicles either when you get into issues of bad casts, mold lines, filling gaps, etc.

Coyotepunc and Hatshepsuut18 Feb 2017 2:38 a.m. PST

What Martian Root Canal said. I have seen Bashytubits' stuff in person and have painted up some of it. It's not GW quality, but nicer than a lot of other stuff I have worked on.

capnvic18 Feb 2017 7:33 p.m. PST

I don't know if its the angle, but the T-64BV turret looks just a bit to high. It should be like the T-80 turret as a matter of fact.

Fish18 Feb 2017 8:49 p.m. PST

These look surprisingly good but I also think they should be a little more smooth.

Perhaps a pic after painting would be in order?

Mako1118 Feb 2017 10:55 p.m. PST

They do look quite nice.

Would love to see one, or more close up photos, after being primed in gray, so you can see the detailing.

I suspect some automobile primers would be good at helping to smooth out any of the print lines, since that's what they're designed to do, e.g. fill and smooth small flaws.

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