War Panda | 11 Jan 2017 9:13 p.m. PST |
I bought an outrageous amount of Heroscape minis and hex-terrain for my two boys for Christmas after I found some going at a reasonable price. I'm really impressed by its durability and flexibility and I was wondering do anyone out there use it for other systems? For example I'm a fan of GW's LotR's and I thought the hex's could be easily used to eliminate the use of measuring from the game. Another game I play is Command and Colours that uses the Hex Map so I'm sure there are those using them to expand battlefields etc? I'd really like to know of people's experiences utilizing it for other games. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated |
javelin98 | 11 Jan 2017 11:38 p.m. PST |
I know I've seen pics of people using Heroscape tiles for Battletech. Seems like a match made in heaven. |
boggler | 12 Jan 2017 4:54 a.m. PST |
I thought about using it for WW1 air warfare games in 1/600th |
JimDuncanUK | 12 Jan 2017 4:54 a.m. PST |
I have a ton of Heroscape tiles. I'll post another message later to show the blog posts I have done. |
JimDuncanUK | 12 Jan 2017 6:10 a.m. PST |
I use Heroscape tiles for my World War One air combats. I have enough green/grey tiles to cover a 6x4. The grey tiles represent the trench lines. The aircraft are 1/144th from Red Eagle and the rules are my own. link
I also use them for 10mm World War Two land battles. I have used a variety of flocks and static grasses to texture the tiles as well as felt roads. I am currently building a stream into some tiles which I will blog later. link
Here is a fully fledged AAR for a WW2 game. link
The infantry, guns and tanks are Pendraken 10mm and buildings from a variety of sources. The rules are a variant of Bob Corderys Portable Wargame Rules. Bob is about to publish a book on The Portable Wargame. Details at: link
Bob the Temple Builder | 12 Jan 2017 9:28 a.m. PST |
For some of the earlier versions of THE PORTABLE WARGAME (and a picture of Heroscape being used with the rules) look here = link |
Bob the Temple Builder | 12 Jan 2017 9:39 a.m. PST |
For more Heroscape wargaming look here = link
Cmde Perry | 12 Jan 2017 6:47 p.m. PST |
The games we have played on Heroscape terrain include Steve Jackson's OGRE in 6mm, successor armies using WRG 6th Ed. in 15mm, and naturally enough, Heroscape. I plan to use it for my sci-fi CTF skirmish in megablock scale. Since most of our games are played on a permanent sand table, the heroscape terrain makes a great mobile alternative – like for gaming on the porch in summer time. Perry |
War Panda | 12 Jan 2017 10:19 p.m. PST |
Thank you Jim for all the pics and links. For some reason I never even thought of Flight games. I used to play a lot of Watch Your 6 which uses hexes and I never even thought of it. Thanks I also really like what Jim and Bob have done to improve the look. I'm not crazy about the original two tone colour schemes myself. Never thought of the mobile advantage either. I camp a lot in the summer and I'm always wanting to bring something to game with so thats an idea. I'm going to have a look at these links properly now :) Thanks again guys |
John Michael Priest | 22 Jan 2017 6:38 a.m. PST |
I use it a lot in 54mm gaming. I have only had one piece ever snap and break in all of the years I have used it. It is great fro creating modules which can be put together to form a field. |
Elstree | 22 Jan 2017 2:35 p.m. PST |
I'm using it with rebased MechWarrior clix minis:
More pictures here. |
Bearserker | 30 Jan 2017 9:36 p.m. PST |
We have used Heroscape for Mechwarrior, Heroclix and Leviathan. Heroscape is a versatile terrain system. It's only drawback is the Set-up/Take-down time involved. |
Part time gamer | 28 Feb 2017 4:15 p.m. PST |
Like @Javalin, Ive also seen it used for Battletech games and it looked great. But little else in my area. MANY times tempted to get some, but didnt, unsure exactly 'how' I would use it? Maybe a skirmish style game? NOW.. @JimDuncanUK, A 6x4 table, really!? 1/144 WWI aircombat I HAVE to remember "Red Eagle". The 'detailed' tiles are great. As for "Pens' 10mm armor AM I corret that 10mm is 'roughly' 1/161? @Bob the Temple Builder, I havent ck'd your link yet, but that reminds me of and perhaps you or they were going for, a version of the old board game "Battle Cry".
@Elstree, Looks good. Thats the great thing about the prepainted mini's, you can do so much with them. Thanks guys, you have given me some great fuel for the 'fire of ideas'. Of course you do know my Wallet hates you all now.  |