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"Migration to Kingdom - assessment of the three scenarios" Topic

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timurilank08 Jan 2017 4:00 a.m. PST

In my assessment of the Migration to Kingdom game I noted several changes I had made for the last scenario (409 AD).

These worked well and if the game were to be done again would certainly be added to the first scenario.

To reflect the political friction that developed during the course of the three year period I simply reduced Constantine III's ability to replenish his losses as provinces were deemed their immediate security had precedence.

This forced the Roman player to source allies from a ready supply – the barbarians. This opened a level of diplomacy that had not been planned in the scenario but developed naturally and may have well took place historically.

You can read the full assessment here.


The work was enjoyable to do and naturally has stimulated further activity in the 5th century.

The Migration to Kingdom will continue but with new players.


goragrad09 Jan 2017 2:09 p.m. PST

Will have to see if I can get the nephew interested.

He is more inclined to do pickup random games with one of his favorites.

Might be back in Denver soon though and can see about this at the club.

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