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"Triumph of Death "Late German" First castings" Topic

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Skull and Crown05 Jan 2017 9:42 p.m. PST


Got my first casts for review today of the 9 figures currently sculpted for my upcoming Triumph of Death 28mm line of undead landsknecht models. Couldn't help myself to quickly get some paint on one. Really fun (and easy) to paint up.


The line is based strongly on the Pieter Breugel's Triumph of Death painting(a detail from it above) Hans Holbein's Totentanz wood block prints, and is an homage to the old Minifigs line, which were the first minis I got my hands on.

for more pics, shamble on over to my blog

Thanks for looking!

Cyrus the Great05 Jan 2017 9:49 p.m. PST

Very nice paint job! I'm looking forward to this range.

Spooner605 Jan 2017 10:59 p.m. PST

That is awesome, great concept. I would be interested to see how this line turns out.


79thPA Supporting Member of TMP06 Jan 2017 5:11 a.m. PST

Very cool.

Sir Walter Rlyeh06 Jan 2017 8:41 a.m. PST

Is there a list I can be added to, so that I can order these when they become available? Some of the first figures I had were Valley of the Four Winds skeletons. Thumbs up on this project!

Skull and Crown06 Jan 2017 9:28 a.m. PST

Spooner- In case you missed it here's some teaser shots of the "greens"for my halberdiers.



I've got all the master casts done now, and as I clean them up and paint some I'll be rolling them out to public.

Skull and Crown06 Jan 2017 9:33 a.m. PST

Sir Walter-
Thanks for the interest! I don't have a "formal" list per se, but am always looking for what players want. So please yes tell me, either here or even better on my blog. Currently I have two unit designs done (see above post) and some command, bringing me to 9 models. The plan is to have 10-14 models ready for the KS, and we'll see how it goes from there. Here's the concept art for one of the musicians. Death by Hurdy Gurdy!



LoudNinjaGames06 Jan 2017 1:16 p.m. PST

These are coming out great.

Might have to make an army of some.


Supercilius Maximus06 Jan 2017 1:58 p.m. PST

Nice sculpt, but why has he got a toothbrush?

Black Cavalier06 Jan 2017 2:42 p.m. PST

It's a 3 sided tooth brush with a big pointy bit at the other end, that you can throw or stab with too.

Lucius06 Jan 2017 3:34 p.m. PST

OK – when we are able to buy undead landsknechts, based on Pieter Breugel paintings, we have entered an area somewhere beyond the Golden Age of Miniatures.

Looking forward to these guys! I got the Valley of the Four Winds vibe right away.

evilgong06 Jan 2017 4:23 p.m. PST

Hi there

I included an army list based on this, for rules I'll soon offer for extended play-testing. I can see me buying some of these figs to go in with my VFW and others. The draft army list notes:


This list is based on the painting The Triumph of Death by Peiter Bruegal of 1562 and thus represents an army of skeletons.

The painting is usually interpreted as depicting the horror of war but also as an allegory for the Black Death or a similar plague.

The large figure of a scythe-armed skeleton rider has been interpreted as the personification of Death, probably reflecting similar imagery as the four riders of the apocalypse.

Skeleton warriors are a popular topic for figure sculptors and collectors.

The cart of skulls and riders with scythes of the painting may have been the inspiration for the classic Minifigs Valley of the Four Winds ‘Living Dead' 25mm range of figures, from 1978, which look a lot like them. The cart can be part of a Logistics base or appear on the battlefield accompanied by riders.

Skeleton riders are mostly armed with a fletched red spear, their mounts are gaunt starving horses.

The vast majority of skeleton infantry use the same weapon as the riders while others use scythe, sword or axe. Only a few skeletons have armour but a number hold white sheet-like garments.

What appear to be devils or deamons of some type inhabit the burning structure of the center of the scene.

Some naval is included as the top of the painting shows ships burning off the shore, presumably they were attacked by skeleton forces.

Pavises represent the massed skeletons fronted by soldiers using what looks like coffin lids as protection.

The logistics base and other stands can be depicted with skeletons taunting or killing humans or perhaps include humans atop wheels on poles.

References: The painting.

Interesting or Plausible enemies:
Later mediaeval western Europeans, doomed human masses.



David F Brown

Skull and Crown06 Jan 2017 9:40 p.m. PST

Super- Maybe I've gone into the wrong line of work- Undead Toothbrush holders… Hmm.
Lucius- very kind of you! It's a project that's been on my mind for many years- very excited seeing it shape up!
evilgong/David- great list, thanks!Looks like you've studied Breugel's painting in depth. I believe the white garments are the burial shrouds.
Many of what you've mentioned are on my "list" but I'll also be working on some more conventional "troop" types that will work in many if not all armies. Pike, sweihander and crossbow for instance.
I'll be showing off some more of the current castings very soon!
Would love to take a look at your rules when they come out.

rob polymathsw16 Jan 2017 8:08 a.m. PST

Really nice, love the ideas and the minis. I'm a big fan of the artwork too!

Skull and Crown16 Jan 2017 4:25 p.m. PST

Rob- Thanks. I've got the first batch on my painting table right now.They are a real treat to paint! Pics soon to follow.

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