colgar6 | 26 Dec 2016 11:53 a.m. PST |
I'm aiming to expand my 28mm Conan-esque barbarian army by adding some mounted troops. Now, here's the thing: I already have 10 mounts (large leopards/tigers from Mantic), but the riders that came with them aren't suitable for my needs. Where might I find a bunch of model riders, or even just cavalryman bodies (I've probably got enough spare heads, arms and weapons to equip them, if necessary)? Ideally, they would be wearing bits of leather & fur and possibly scraps of chainmail, but showing quite a lot of muscled limbs and/or torso. That's not absolutely essential, though, as long as they're not in obvious uniforms and preferably not horse archers either. I'm trying to keep the costs down, so I don't want to buy entire cavalry sets and bin the horses. Any ideas for bargain barbarian riders? Thanks, Hugh |
nnascati | 26 Dec 2016 12:00 p.m. PST |
I'd search for Ancient Germans. They tend to have a suitably Conanesque look to them. Some folks even use them as Neolithic tribesmen. |
FABET01 | 26 Dec 2016 3:21 p.m. PST |
Try Mirliton. They have the old Grenadier Fantasy Warriors. While it's been quite a while since I last ordered, the service was very good. link |
SleepyDragon | 26 Dec 2016 4:18 p.m. PST |
Black Tree have a one mounted barbarian that might suit. link And EM4 Miniatures – but they have a note 'catalog suspended' link |
Black Cavalier | 26 Dec 2016 11:48 p.m. PST |
Games workshop has the mounted chaos marauders. You can usually buy various parts of their plastic kits from eBay or independent retailers. |
colgar6 | 27 Dec 2016 1:37 a.m. PST |
Thanks, guys. These are all good suggestions, but they include the horse as well. That adds to the cost and I really don't want to be spending £4.00 GBP/$5 or more per figure. The GW marauders would work well for what I want. However even though parts can indeed be bought separately from some retailers, the cost of the ones I've seen is still higher than I'd like. |
Griefbringer | 27 Dec 2016 6:57 a.m. PST |
My understanding is that the Wargames Factory set of ancient Celtic cavalry came intentionally with 24 riders and 12 horses to provide the customers with a choice of riders. Thus people who have bought that set might have spare riders that they would easily part with – though based on pictures they seem to be fully clothed, so probably too civilised looking for a conan-esque use. Front Rank Figurines tends to sell their horses and riders separately, but again the closest I can find in their catalogue are late medieval knights – not very barbaresque. |
Prince Rupert of the Rhine | 27 Dec 2016 12:45 p.m. PST |
Back in the day separate horses and riders were common but I'm struggling to think of anyone who sells cavalry separate from their mounts these days. Maybe some of the plastic frost grave Barbarians they are infantry but being plastic you might be able to use a knife to cut off the base and carve them to fit mounts?
gisbygeo | 29 Dec 2016 7:49 p.m. PST |
Forlorn Hope can probably fit you out with ex-Grenadier cavalry riders, drop him a line. |