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"Blood Red Skies coming in 2017 from Warlord Games?" Topic

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FlyXwire23 Dec 2016 9:48 a.m. PST

I just received a Holiday email "Christmas card" from Warlord Games, showing an advert for a "Blood Red Skies KickStarter" slotted to come up in 2017. Does anyone know anything about this game/rules system (pictured artwork shows a Bf109 tailing a Spitfire)?

Privateer4hire23 Dec 2016 9:59 a.m. PST

Andy Chambers was demoing/developing the game round about 2012. He was guest of honor at Dropzone Games in Glen Burnie, MD.

Here is the link to that. The game they mention him demoing was BRS:

Some additional links with not a lot more information.


Joes Shop Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2016 10:48 a.m. PST

Received the same email today; also shown was a Samurai Miniatures Game titled 'Test of Honour'.

Anyone have any info on that – nothing I could find on the website – ?

XRaysVision24 Dec 2016 7:23 a.m. PST

I imagine that, similar to the Project Z game, "Test of Honor" will utilize the miniature range acquired as part of the acquisition of Wargames Factory. It will interesting to see what sort of the rules they publish with he game.

I hope that they do a little better than with Project Z. I really like the game play (there are play-throughs on YouTube) but the package deals come with so much stuff that, and probably a lot of other people, already having bought the Wargames Factory miniatures. Stat cards are needed for Project Z, but are unavailable by themselves so I was forced to buy a lot more Zeds that will simply sit in a pile and never touched.

Frankly, the Zombie related stuff that Wargames Factory never got around to releasing is most welcome, albeit somewhat pricey. Similarly, I hope that there are new miniatures in the samurai line that will get released. That would be very welcome indeed. Whatever the samurai rules end up being, I hope that they don't require special stuff (cards/dice/etc.) that cannot be purchased separately.

I saw the teaser as well and another Battle of Britain game would be welcome. The my hope is that it's not hex based. I'd like to utilize generic mats/maps. I also hope it's a dogfighting game. The squadron level stuff is historically interesting, but not very exciting…at least for me.

Oh well, that's my two cents worth. I really, really, like just about everything that Warlord has done to date. I just wish they'd stock better--it seems as though every time they get me stoked about something, I go to their website only to find it's out of stock. That's probably just my bad luck (rolling 1's) their product quality and customer service is top notch.

I would be remiss if I didn't put in a good word for Jon Russell and the US demo team. I first ran into him a Millennium in Round Rock, Texas a couple of years ago. Now I make it a point to participate in his demos. This year I played in the Bolt Action demo which introduced me to the rules changes in the second edition. I you get a chance to visit the demo team's booth at a convention, by all means, make a concerted effort to do so.

Joes Shop Supporting Member of TMP24 Dec 2016 3:56 p.m. PST

XRV: thanks for the info!

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