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"Suitable figures for 1560s Danish army" Topic

3 Posts

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889 hits since 12 Dec 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Field Marshal12 Dec 2016 4:37 p.m. PST

Inspired by this


I would like to do some pike and shot of the 1660s….are there any suitable figures for these, hoping for 28mm.?

Oops title should read 1660s

AussieAndy12 Dec 2016 7:04 p.m. PST

The clothing looks very similar to the Dutch clothing of a slightly earlier period, so maybe Dutch of the late TYW would work: I don't anything about 28 mm figures for that period.

hornblaeser13 Dec 2016 9:06 a.m. PST

The picture is not contempory, and is a picture romanticized in the 19th century, of the students in a corps of copenhagen. A small unit, and prone to unorder. :)

The follwing picture of the crown ceremony of 1660, is contemporary.

Here it a excerpt i discussion forum of 1/6 models. Scroll down to the middle, where you can see a unit.

Any dutch model would probably do, since our knowledge is weak.

What you see is probably the royal guard in yellow, queens guard in red, and ordinary regiment in white/grey.

I would use north star 1672 range

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