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"Best 15mm Italian Wars?" Topic

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GARS190001 Dec 2016 11:03 a.m. PST

What is the best range of 15mm Italian Wars figures? I'm used to 28mm ranges, and have little experience with 15mm. I'd prefer the arquebusiers, artillery, ect to be generic looking for versatility reasons. However, the pikemen I would vastly prefer to be Swiss looking. Any ideas?

Prince Alberts Revenge01 Dec 2016 11:26 a.m. PST

The old Venexia range was nice, Old Glory 15mm is fairly generic and mix with Venexia's range as I recall. I like the OG line, not the greatest sculpts but solid quaity and paint up very nicely. Khurasan's Swiss are a tad smaller but also very nice. Black Hat are similar size to OG and Venexia but more of a caricature style (not bad thing IMO). I'm not sure if Venexia are still available. I'm away with work otherwise I would post some pictures.

dwight shrute01 Dec 2016 11:43 a.m. PST

My Landsknechts are all Museum Miniatures – I often do a top up order when they have their 25% sale after xmas .

GARS190001 Dec 2016 12:04 p.m. PST

Is Venexia still available? If so, from where?

featherlessquetzal01 Dec 2016 12:19 p.m. PST

My Landsknechts all old glory.
See the entire army pictures. Hope you like.

Personal logo aegiscg47 Supporting Member of TMP01 Dec 2016 12:21 p.m. PST

Venezia is definitely out in front, but I have no idea what happened to them. Old Glory's aren't bad and as always there's Essex, who has a wide variety of figures for the era. Museum isn't bad, but the static poses and limited offerings compare poorly to Venexia. Avoid Tin Soldier and Minifigs at all costs as while they were fine years and years ago, they are sadly out of date. My one unit of Tin Soldier Swiss pike from them look like oversized armored robots!

Personal logo Stosstruppen Supporting Member of TMP01 Dec 2016 12:28 p.m. PST

Venexia was purchased by Sgt Major Miniatures. They are supposed to be available again sometime next year.

Personal logo Stosstruppen Supporting Member of TMP01 Dec 2016 12:29 p.m. PST

The old TTG range has some great poses. They are available from Here is the link, scroll down.


chrisminiaturefigs01 Dec 2016 1:06 p.m. PST

Museum miniatures have a great light and medium cannon and organ gun and crew, old glory have nice italian wars range which paint up well and are even better priced!
From what i hear Sgt Major miniatures are doing there best to get the old Venexia range back into production after i and many others contacted them, they really were the best italian wars 15s ever and i have put my own Italian wars project on hold until further news from Sgt Major minis!

GARS190001 Dec 2016 1:32 p.m. PST

Is Sgt. Major Miniatures located in the US?

Robert Burke01 Dec 2016 1:36 p.m. PST

Sg.t Major Miniatures is located in Virginia

valerio01 Dec 2016 1:52 p.m. PST

You might take a look at Mirliton miniatures as well, very nice figures

Mako1101 Dec 2016 2:11 p.m. PST

Sadly, they've been saying the Venexia Italian Wars line will be available soon/next year for several years now, so…..

Personal logo Condotta Supporting Member of TMP01 Dec 2016 2:21 p.m. PST

Museum is my choice. My first army was Italians, hence influencing my TMP moniker.

vexillia01 Dec 2016 3:25 p.m. PST

You might take a look at Mirliton miniatures as well, very nice figures

Here's a link.


Martin Stephenson
Vexillia: Wargames Miniatures & Accessories
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Condottiere01 Dec 2016 5:12 p.m. PST

It is a shame about the 15mm Italian Wars Range from Venexia. It is a superb range (and almost complete). Hopefully Sgt Major Minis will bring them back soon.

Here are some photos:




Khurasan Miniatues also carries Italian Wars Swiss (as opposed to Burgundian Wars Swiss which look a bit different):


Leadjunky01 Dec 2016 5:28 p.m. PST

Thanks for posting the OG pics. Very nice. I have some I have never gotten around to painting. Another project that got sidetracked. I need to trade them for something else I might get around to painting like the Eastern Renaissance.

Henry Martini01 Dec 2016 6:43 p.m. PST

You managed to make the rather pathetic OG gendarmes look good, featherlessquetzal; a minor miracle. I relegated mine to serving as Germans: inferior sculpts for inferior troops. Other figures in that range are much better.

D6 Junkie01 Dec 2016 7:54 p.m. PST

Hey guys,
I have a whole shoe box of Venexia and Mirliton Italian Wars still in packs, if anyone is interested I'll make a list.

AussieAndy01 Dec 2016 8:11 p.m. PST

D6 Junkie
I am interested.
Thank you

Prince Alberts Revenge02 Dec 2016 12:20 a.m. PST

D6 Junkie, I too am interested. lecoqfou at gmail dot com

Supercilius Maximus02 Dec 2016 12:59 a.m. PST

Mirliton are probably the best range, if a little pricey, and have Italians, Swiss and Burgundians which should satisfy the OP's requirements.

And Martin at Vexillia is a good chap to deal with.

Oh Bugger02 Dec 2016 3:05 a.m. PST

QRF are quite nice.



Fair bit of variety too.

Henry Martini02 Dec 2016 4:08 p.m. PST

That's why I ordered them back when they were sold by Caliver: eight landsknecht pikeman variants.

Having waited a considerable time with no toys showing up I contacted Mr Ryan, only to be told that he didn't recall having received an order from me, but promised to check. In due course he told me he'd found my order lying around the office (or some such) and sent off the figures. A package duly arrived… with the landsknechts made up from only two of the eight variants. That's one of the reasons I've never ordered from him since.

Frostie27 Mar 2017 8:48 a.m. PST

Any one heard from Sht a Major re the Venaxia figures?

Also how would Mirlton or Khoursan figures match against Venaxia and Old Glory?


Swampster28 Mar 2017 10:28 a.m. PST

The last couple of things I've heard have been that the Venxia range would be ready 'soon'. The first time was in response to an email I sent and was at least two years ago.

Mirliton Burgundian Wars and Venexia's gendarmes mix well. If you want to mix horses, Venexia have the saddles on the horses and Mirliton have them moulded on the figures so a little work is needed.
Venexia horses are fairly big. I took those I had for stradiots and replaced them with Vexillia's Eastern Europe range horses. This gives me more of the bigger horses for mounting Mirliton knights.

Khurasan's Italian Wars Swiss are smaller than Old Glory's landsknechts but not massively so.

Warspite101 Apr 2017 11:48 a.m. PST

Roundway do excellent 15mm Swiss and Burgundians plus a few other nations. The only problem is that he still has not added photos to his website.



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