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"Kickstarter campaign for miniatures production company" Topic

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2,351 hits since 11 Oct 2016
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Joez6611 Oct 2016 3:27 a.m. PST

Hello All,

I have just launched a campaign to start a miniatures production company. I have over 20yrs of experience in model making and casting, and have cast for some well known scale model companies in the past.

Production capabilities will be for resins, pewter and other white metals, brass, silver and gold. I already have over $15 USDk invested in equipment alone.

If you have ever wanted a reliable source in the U.S. to have your original work produced, please have a look at my Kickstarter page !


Thank You !
Joe Zappa

Puster Sponsoring Member of TMP11 Oct 2016 7:42 a.m. PST

I fear that this campaign will not succeed. Even if I had demand for the production of miniatures, I would probably not spend my money in a KS campaign.

Good luck!

Pictors Studio11 Oct 2016 7:54 a.m. PST

Just a thought about the pledge levels: it seems that by far the best value for money is the $25 USD pledge level. I get one free mold. At $100 USD I get two free molds.

As a manufacturer of figures, why would I not just get three friends to put in $25 USD each and pledge myself for the $100 USD and get four free molds? Of if I only need two just put one friend and me and it is $50 USD for two free molds?

Joez6612 Oct 2016 5:22 p.m. PST

Pictors Studio….

You are quite right…I have reworked the rewards to make more sense. I will forge ahead with my studio whether or not the Kickstarter thing works or not. I was just hoping to jump start the studio, rather than spending the next year or so building things up part time.

I currently am doing resin casting for a couple clients, but really want to get my metal casting equipment back up and running. It is by far the more cost effective and higher production process for miniature figures. My current location will not allow for this.

Thanks for the input and suggestions.


wargamingUSA12 Feb 2017 5:15 p.m. PST

Hey Joe, PM me when you get a chance.

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