Here is a "change log" if you are interested.
Additions and changes to Vallejo WWII mixes – July 4, 2019
Royal Navy
Additions and changes to Vallejo WWII mixes – July 4, 2019
Royal Navy
507A/G10 alternate
Emergency mix medium grey
507C/G45 alternate
Dark Deck Grey
B5/B15 alternate
Cemtex (late war)
G45 (1942)
B55 (1942)
G45 Neutral Tone (1943?)
B55 (1943)
United States Navy
Cavite Blue
5-S Sea Blue B
Italian Regia Marina
Verde Chiaro
Soviet Navy
Medium Blue Grey (Northern Fleet)
Dark Grey
Tashkent Blue
Colors for wood decking
Weather beaten deck tan
Royal Air Force
RAF Sky Type S
United States Air Force and Navy/Marines
Newly expanded and updated
Germany Luftwaffe
Newly expanded and updated
Light Ash Grey – "J3 towards Ameriro" for early war Zeke
Blue Black (cowling)
Romanian Air Force
IAR 80 colors
Reference list expanded with new acquisitions. All references are in the personal collection of the author.
I guess I should add that I continue to update this list because I mostly paint WWII miniatures. I use the Vallejo Model Color paints because they are optimally formulated for brush painting, are easily thinned for airbrush, and there is a wide range of colors to work with. I have no connection to Vallejo either monetarily or personally.
Disclaimer: I am not a paint "historian" or researcher. I just attempt to match the colors that other researchers and references have provided. With all the variation out there I often just have to make my "best call" on a paint color. Your mileage may vary.
I would always be interested in hearing about alternative mixes.