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"Dwarf Slayers..." Topic

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16 Jul 2016 3:57 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Dwarft Slayers..." to "Dwarf Slayers..."

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Comments or corrections?

Tango0115 Jul 2016 10:53 p.m. PST

Cool girls!… (smile)






From here


ZULUPAUL Supporting Member of TMP16 Jul 2016 2:58 a.m. PST

Very different, don't look like any Dwarf females models I've seen. Not exactly protective armor on several of them!

Sloppypainter16 Jul 2016 3:06 a.m. PST

Mohawk hair! Do something original! Grrrrr.

Mardaddy16 Jul 2016 9:56 a.m. PST

Ahem – These are RENDERS, not actual models – and you only see close-ups, not the full render.

With the widespread competency many (even non-miniature enthusiasts) have in the CAD medium, renders are nothing but art to look at on a screen – and a dime a dozen at that. Show me CASTINGS and the blood will rise and pocketbooks open, until then, I just do not get excited over renderings.

If it was a Kickstarter using the renderings as advertising – I can see it. But a Facebook page is not that. I will grant these are great looking renderings, but otherwise useless to me unless a figure is cast.

"Digitally sculpted" Think I'll toss that into the same category as "Custodial Engineer"

Get off yourselves, it is a CAD render.

Tango0116 Jul 2016 10:16 a.m. PST

Glad you like them boys!. (smile)


Sloppypainter16 Jul 2016 12:08 p.m. PST

I don't give a flying guppy if it's a render, a sculpture, a line drawing or a completed figure! It's the same old over-used twaddle! So take your AHEM and shove it up yer CAD! By letting the people involved know at this stage that you dislike their early renders you can, perhaps, stop them from going ahead with their plans. So climb down off yer friggin high horse and let a person express an opinion.

Mardaddy16 Jul 2016 12:28 p.m. PST

I actually have quite a collection of female dwarf figures and would love to add these to it – but these are not casts.

I will grant these are great looking renderings, but otherwise useless to me unless a figure is cast.

I complimented the actual render & offered advise to extract money from me. MY POST WAS CONSTRUCTIVE, if snarky.

Shove it up yer CAD!

Nice. Keeping it classy, eh?
To quote your own post:
let a person express an opinion.

Yank that plank out of your own eye.

Sloppypainter16 Jul 2016 1:08 p.m. PST

"Get off yourselves, it is a CAD render." You presume to make a personal slight against us by talking down to me and ZULUPAUL then talk about class? The opinion to which I object was the insult you so easily hurled at us. All such opinions are to be confronted lest the arrogant become too bold. Perhaps my CLASS has always worn a bit of tarnish, but I have never been guilty of keeping my nose thrust too high in the air.

fullerena17 Jul 2016 1:46 a.m. PST

No beards and way too much armour to be slayers. Wear a proper bra or a shirt, but a chainmail bikini on a slayer is totally missing the point.

Mithmee17 Jul 2016 10:30 a.m. PST

Actually they should be topless.

You just got to let those guns out.

Mardaddy17 Jul 2016 1:12 p.m. PST

I guess I'll just bypass the reference to talking down to ZULUPAUL because I am not seeing how that TMP member is even involved in this. Nothing I have posted mentioned ZULUPAUL or his comments (until now.)

**Please read entire post**

My comment concerning "Get off yourselves, it is a CAD render." is directly related to the, "Digitally sculpted," that I referenced (notice the sentences are right after one another.)

Sculpt: create or represent (something) by carving, casting, or other shaping techniques.

This was not sculpted, no matter what pre-fix or words are used before or after. I fired one off on that because words mean something to me and I despise the weakening of language through reskinning, bad groupings, pretentious titling, political correctness, etc. (not all of those examples related to this discussion.)

To paraphrase your own words, I said something lest those doing things I dislike become too bold.

BUT – I am 100% at fault here. I should have addressed that on the Facebook site because that was where I saw it. I do not have a Facebook account, and choose to mention it here, which I should not have done.

The fact that it was never meant as a personal insult is besides the point that I should have never said that HERE, if I wanted to say it, I should have said it THERE.

Random Die Roll Supporting Member of TMP18 Jul 2016 9:26 a.m. PST

This is a project from Kabuki Studio
Kabuki Studio has a very specific style---although I understand about the Mohawk complaint

I will go along with Mithmee---at least one of the slayers should be topless
thumbs up

Inkpaduta18 Jul 2016 10:58 a.m. PST


I had no problem with what you said. You gave your opinion on the topic that had been posted. You have every right to do so. We sadly seem to live in a time of thin skin and quick responses. You did not attack anyone nor state your opinion in a over the top way. Frankly, I thought you made good points. Not everyone has to like what some one else likes or agree with everyone.

Mithmee19 Jul 2016 1:10 p.m. PST

Sorry but the main link is to Facebook and I do not Facebook.

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