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"A note of thanks from Shirley" Topic

7 Posts

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john lacour15 Jul 2016 7:33 p.m. PST

Hi guys! I don't have a membership, so I'm using my husbands to say thanks.

I want to thank all the members who gave donations for our summer painting class for the kids in our town of Nesquehoning. It is a big hit, and the boys and girls are having fun learning about miniatures. Not just painting.

The kids have started with Pulp style figures, and my husband and I agree that the next figure types will be Blood Bowl, as they are not serious but fun/whacky and with my husband having well over a thousand of these, it will be fun letting them pick something, and learn to play Blod Bowl.

I have already painted figures for severel members and I hope they can tell you about my painting service.

I would like to ask for members support to help us continue our class into September and October. As I said, we have been a success, and the kids want to continue with the Saturday class'es. We have had some help from the people in our town, and the rec people have agreed to lower the cost of the center, but its still more then we can afford. We are almost there, but we need help.

I offer my painting service to any who can help us get the $200 USD we need to continue into the fall. I can send samples to anyone who asks. You can pick the scale, and I will send it to you, free of charge. We can discuss what you want done, and I will paint over and above your donation. You will find I am quite fair in my pricing, and again, I stand by my work. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:

Please take a look at my site. Its not all that much at this point, but I will be working on it, and I will be putting pictures of the class and kids, too.

Take a look:

Thanks again, and I hope to hear from you.

Best wishes! Shirleylyn

I will paint figures for anyone who donates. I have been working on my site, but as I am not a computer person, its a work in progress. But if you go to my site, you will see my work. I hope you like what you see. I can paint figures from 10mm to 28mm. My rates will beat sending figures over seas, and I stand by my work. My husband has a VAST collection of Osprey books, and other refrance books, so I can paint what you send.

Maxshadow15 Jul 2016 7:56 p.m. PST

Great to hear Shirley

john lacour15 Jul 2016 10:01 p.m. PST

Thank you, Max.

Got a lead pile needs reducing?

Mute Bystander16 Jul 2016 7:17 a.m. PST

Most of my stuff (numbers wise) would be 3mm.

I am having a friend paint my 15mm stuff (I also have legacy 25mm) but I will check out the pricing. I recently took on a ton of 15mm dwarf and am expecting a fairly large amount of 15mm SF stuff in the mail soon. I might need two painters to supplement my tortoise painting rate if the price is affordable.

corona6616 Jul 2016 8:15 a.m. PST

I have used Shirley's painting service for historical figures and can assure everyone that she does a very nice job and has excellent customer-relations skills.

wrgmr116 Jul 2016 11:02 a.m. PST

Glad to hear my donation was well used! Thanks for posting Shirley!

Skarper17 Jul 2016 10:22 p.m. PST

Nice idea. Good to see people trying to get kids involved in the hobby.

Be careful to get permission from parents etc before putting kid's pictures on the internet. Not sure what the laws are where you are but better safe than sorry.

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