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"So Who's Playing Irregular Wars?" Topic

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00 JET 0015 Jul 2016 2:54 p.m. PST

We are planning on getting very active with 28mm IW this Fall. I have a Royal English force completed and also within the group are Lowland Scots, English Adventurers, and Spanish Expeditionary Force. I am working on a more engaging scenario system (perhaps card based) between now and then.

Just wondering, who out there is playing Irregular Wars? What scale? What armies?

The Beast Rampant15 Jul 2016 3:33 p.m. PST

I have been working on a 15mm Royal English force for ages. I am two elements from maxing out my projected build. The project stalled because I was waiting to see if Khurasan would ever release (officially) their Elizabethan English line, but I need to just finish it off with the Essex I have. I like Essex, but with this period, it is really lacking in character.

Their adversaries will be a (what-if invading) Spanish Expeditionary Force, which I can fill (at least in large part)from Khurasan. I hope to pick up and finish those by the end of the year at (hopefully) the latest.

I am also planning English Adventurers vs. Spanish Colonials, in 28mm. The former will be mostly from Foundry's excellent Swashbucklers line, the Spanish will be mostly Old Glory, with others thrown in.

They will all be skirmish-based for other rules, but I will sabot them with unit bases from Litko, or maybe my own make. The individual skirmish bands (such as for En Garde) are the short-term build, it will be some time before it "maxes out" to IW-level.

I have solo-played with counters, and really like the rules. I hope to make some progress, and post some pics. I'd be happy to see any of yours or anyone else's. And a campaign system sound quite intriguing.

Prince Alberts Revenge15 Jul 2016 9:34 p.m. PST

Actually, just played a game this evening before I head out to Historicon tomorrow. English Adventurers versus Early Colonial Spanish. Adventurers were defeated in a close run thing. Terrain hampered the Spanish mounted troops but their rhodeleros carved thru the English longbow and volunteers. I need to paint up my Muscovites, Poles, Dutch, Portuguese, Irish and Mound Builders.

mghFond15 Jul 2016 10:49 p.m. PST

I own the rules and like them. I've done some games between North American Indian tribes – the Tlingits and some west coastal tribes they raided.

skinkmasterreturns16 Jul 2016 6:34 a.m. PST

I have it but havent played it yet. I have painted a bunch of Aztecs and African type warbands that will get on the table at some point.

ElGrego19 Jul 2016 9:52 a.m. PST

I am slowly getting some Mesoamerican armies together in 28mm, emphasis on slowly…

mgh, I would like to hear much, much more about your games with the Tlingit!

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