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"U.S. Military And The Intelligence Community Do Not..." Topic

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766 hits since 13 Jul 2016
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Tango0113 Jul 2016 11:12 a.m. PST

… Want To Coordinate With Russia On Syria.

"…But the White House is facing major resistance to the idea from the U.S. military and those in the intelligence community who are working with local Syrian opposition forces—the very government officials who would carry out such a plan.

The pushback comes as the U.S. has reportedly sent a proposal to Russia to share information about specific targets to strike in Syria. Secretary of State John Kerry is scheduled to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin Thursday in part to discuss the plan.

Some Pentagon officials already are saying it won't work. They have suggested that should the U.S. and Russia agree to increased coordination, they will lobby to share as little with the Russians as possible…."
Full article here

Imho this is a mistake…


ITALWARS13 Jul 2016 12:29 p.m. PST

…i don't think that's it's true that Pentagon officials…above all if soldiers and with war experience and perception of the reality in the field…and above all if they have, as i imagine, a sense of duty …really don't want to cooperate with Russia ..did'nt they perceive who are the common ennemies..i suspect they are only afraid to be attacked and sanctioned by politics

cwlinsj13 Jul 2016 12:43 p.m. PST

The Russians, two defense officials said, could not be trusted to honor any agreement, saying they believe Moscow would eventually exploit any agreement to bolster the regime—and weaken Syria's beleaguered rebel fighters. As one U.S.official asked: "What do we gain?"


Russia hasn't kept their word so far in Syria and have targeted Western supported rebels, so why trust them now?

Mako1113 Jul 2016 12:58 p.m. PST

Another flip-flop?

Great War Ace13 Jul 2016 1:01 p.m. PST

I think that elimination of ISIS should be the only area of cooperation. Other "entanglements" ought to be kept to ourselves.

cwlinsj13 Jul 2016 1:12 p.m. PST

Problem is, anyone Russia goes after, they label "ISIS".

They've been bombing a lot of "ISIS" in areas where there is zero ISIS presence.

mckrok Supporting Member of TMP13 Jul 2016 1:49 p.m. PST

With over 25K employees working at the Pentagon, undoubtedly, you could find someone who thinks working with the Russians in Syria is a bad idea. You can find people who think it's a great idea, too. The IC and military will execute the lawful orders of their Commander and Chief whether they like or think it's a good (or bad) idea, or not. :)


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP15 Jul 2016 8:17 a.m. PST

That is the way is works and has since George Washington … IIRC … If you can't follow a lawful order … you won't stay in the military very long.

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