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"Generosity among Wargamers" Topic

6 Posts

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Tango0131 May 2016 1:16 p.m. PST

"I think the Wargaming community is way better than most other hobby communities. Sure, we have our problems too, but in the last month I've had so many positive encounters with different wargamers and companies that I think you'll agree we are pretty awesome.

If you follow our Facebook then you've probably seen me promoting Muse on Minis Wargaming convention. I ran the X-Wing events throughout the weekend and this was my first time volunteering for a convention. In order to guarantee a positive experience for the attendees I reached out to multiple companies and asked if they would be willing to send any prize support. I've never asked someone for handouts before so I honestly didn't expect any replies but to my surprise, fellow wargamers came to my assistance…"
Full text here


cavcrazy31 May 2016 7:03 p.m. PST

I have found that most gamers are more than generous with time, books, figures and generally anything else pertaining to the hobby.
I too like to help out whenever I can.
I put on games at a local toy soldier show twice a year to so that the kids at the show can play, they all love gaming.
If I find that I have figures that will never see my paint table, I will give them to whoever can use them.
Of course I have been blessed with people who got me into gaming, they are all very generous and great guys all around.

Tango0101 Jun 2016 11:33 a.m. PST

Good points…


Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP01 Jun 2016 1:00 p.m. PST

I don't think this type of participatory hobby could be sustained without a good dose of generosity spread all around.

I have always been amazed that the guy who will haggle you over pennies in the flea market at a con will donate a couple of boxes of minis to the charity auction and give a newbie a dozen figures for free.

TMP Reader208 Jun 2016 8:08 a.m. PST

+1 Etotheipi.

Also, certain individuals need to stop freeloading off other miniatures players. It's fascinating how certain players have no problem in playing with other people's miniatures for 2 plus years without any consideration to the owners.

Yes, there are individuals that I have come across who are fortunate enough to be able to buy pre-painted miniatures, but choose not to because they can freeload off of other players.

Yes, there are also individuals that I have come across who cannot afford miniatures due to income. I have no problem in loaning out my armies to these individuals for a reasonable period of time until he/she can afford his/her army.

Generosity of 1 player should not mean an opportunity for another to freeload.

Ottoathome09 Jun 2016 6:26 a.m. PST

It's a mixed bag. I'd say it oscillates between the extremes on both ends. I know gamers who have given away whole armies, rules, terrain etc. On the other extreme there are gamers who mooch off others and won't even bring a bag of pretzels to a game. I've given away whole armies fully painted of over 200 figures. I know people who have given me rare games I wanted that they were on the lookout for. This isn't a quid-pro-quo either. Some gamers have a generous nature, others wouldn't give you the sweat off their balls.

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