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"Solo gaming Napoleonic at the corp or army level- rules?" Topic

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rustymusket20 Apr 2016 6:01 p.m. PST

I read a book years ago that discussed wargaming and how the bases were taller than the actual troops would be in comparison to the ground scale (ie 1 inch = 100 yards). I have been looking for markers to use instead of figs (horror, I understand being a 15mm and 25mm gamer in the past) and I found recently. I decided that based on comparison to the bases of Napoleons Battles, the regular size dominoes would be cavalry and the mini's would be infantry. I have bought most of what I will be using for Napoleonic battles at the corp and army level. I was thinking of using Two Hour Wargame's "Morale Napoleon" rules but I wondered if anyone had any other suggestions. I have never solo wargamed before, but the shop is gone and it has been so long, I decided to just try a solo before giving up completely. Soon I will be retired and have the time to spend gaming. Any comments welcome. Thank you. Craig

epturner20 Apr 2016 6:07 p.m. PST

Snappy Nappy. It's a decent set.


Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP20 Apr 2016 7:50 p.m. PST

First consider "semi-solo" gaming. I just did this with a Cold War Gone Hot scenario and it has a lot of promise I think. It works like this:

Write a description of your scenario with a map. Solicit gamers to provide you with deployments and battle plans. So you describe their mission, and give them an OOB. They tell you where to put each formation and what the battle plan is. So: 1st and 2nd divisions deploy on the ridge and hold. The hussars hold the right flank. 3rd and 4th with the cavalry division attack via the Hurtgen Gap and take Anytown.

They don't deploy each battalion just the higher order formations (brigades or divisions, depending).

Now you try to carry out both plans.

When you get to a major "decision point" send an updated map, SitRep etc. Then ask for what the next phase of the plan should be.

Your "players" only need to do a little email now and then so not much time commitment.

I'm working on a write up of my short-lived game (new rules and I screwed the game up pretty good with a key mis-reading).

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP20 Apr 2016 7:51 p.m. PST

And I'll pimp my favorite rules for this scale game: Grande Armee. A highly unusual turn sequence that is especially good for solo play.

14Bore21 Apr 2016 3:55 p.m. PST

I play Napoleoic's solo, not advocating anyone else to do this but I'll play over a thousand figures and Empire III. I can set up and not have to break it down until I'm done. I will play 1 impulse on a night maybe a turn on a weekend. A whole game might last weeks. I need to do this again.

rustymusket21 Apr 2016 6:28 p.m. PST

Thank you, all. Epturner, I looked at Snappy Nappy and I might buy it. I am not going to start Empire, but thank you, 14Bore, for sharing. I am in the same position that I can begin a game and leave up for as long as I desire or need to. Extra Crispy, that idea is great food for thought. That does make it much more interesting without a large time demand on everyone's part. The biggest issue I will have doing that will be overcoming my limited computer abilities in transmitting a map. But I can work on that. If anyone else has thoughts, the door is still open. Thanks!

Sharanac22 Apr 2016 4:14 a.m. PST

For me, Muskets and Shakos are better game then Morale napoleon, but it is a different scale….

Major Mike22 Apr 2016 4:31 a.m. PST

Blucher and Bloody Big Battles would also be other choices. I do like the campaign system for Blucher.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Apr 2016 5:01 a.m. PST


Use photos of the table and post online. Then just link to the photos.

I can help if needed…

rustymusket24 Apr 2016 5:12 a.m. PST

Sharanac, thanks for the recommendation. I picked up Muskets and Mohawks for use with my Conquest F&I figs and I looked at M and S, but the scale is not what I am looking for, as you suggested.
Major Mike, Blucher and Bloody Big Battles both look interesting. I see myself buying BBB from Scale Creep after I get MN and doing some comparing. I might just do some pick and choose from the several rules sets. If nothing else, reading and comparing the rules will be good mental exercises.
Extra Crispy, thanks for the offer to help with the technical pictures thing. If I do that, I will probably need your help.
Thanks to everyone! I now have to move forward. I will post back here as I go.

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