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Baranovich25 Mar 2016 7:14 p.m. PST

Further progress on my castle/keep project for Warhammer. The etching of the foam pieces are finally finished (at the expense of a good number of brain cells and a chunk of my sanity). But now the hardest part is done, and the only main structural thing left to do is add angled roofs to the towers themselves.

After that it's just a matter of utilizing several kinds of bits from GW and other sources. The extra doors that come with GW's fortress and tower kits will be used on this, as well as some of the chimney and smoke vent bits from GW's watchtower kit.

Here's the keep entirely etched out and ready to be glued to the scenic hill piece.

The materials used for the keep are 1" pink insulation foam and wall filler. The etching was done entirely with a ball-point pen and an Xacto knife. Hope you like the results:


Mako1125 Mar 2016 8:15 p.m. PST

Wow, that looks awesome!

Thanks for sharing your pics.

I must try this at home, once I find a decent, small castle, or fortress to my liking.

What scale is it for, and what type of putty, or filler are you using on the walls?

I noticed you have some spackling, or other material on some sections.

gavandjosh0226 Mar 2016 12:43 a.m. PST


dick garrison26 Mar 2016 2:26 a.m. PST

My god that is awesome!!

Simple stunning work sir.

Cheers Roger.

jowady26 Mar 2016 4:56 a.m. PST

What nice work!

Baranovich26 Mar 2016 9:49 a.m. PST

Thanks for all the positive feedback, much appreciated!


This is for 28mm fantasy, but it would work just as well for 25/28mm medieval historicals I would think.

The filler is a great question, and the answer is that I am an absolutely horrible engineer when it comes to terrain projects. I marvel at people who make castle terrain and how they can plan out and measure out pieces that fit together so exquisitely. It's just in my genes to be able to do that, lol.

On the other hand, this is all done with hand tools and hand measuring, no hot wire cutters or power tools, etc.

I didn't plan on doing nearly that much filler work. But I measured the wall sections so poorly that I had to splice in spacer pieces of foam to fill the gaps. I also had to cover all the seams with filler so that I would have a continuous surface of bricks/stones. Visible seam lines would ruin the whole effect.

And after I had done all the gap filling, I suddenly panicked because I wasn't sure if I could etch through wall filler the same way as you can etch foam. Luckily, most of the filler I used on the pieces were this:


I recommend using this kind of filler for all terrain projects. I find it easier to work with. Being lighter and stiffer in composition, you don't have to worry about it settling or running while drying. And I also discovered that lightweight filler etches VERY NICELY. With a ball point pen tip you can pretty much scribe stone textures into it about as easily as you can the foam. It dries sturdy but very soft, almost like a chalky finish.

On the other hand, I also used THIS on a few areas of the walls and towers:


BIG PROBLEM. This type of spackle dries like TITANIUM! Omg, trying to etch through this is like scratching a rock with your fingernails. It was a bear of a job to make concise brick lines through it. I ended up breaking the tip of one pen. You can etch through it, but it's a nightmare. Luckily, I used the pink spackle mostly on the hill/bluff part of the terrain piece and not on the castle, thank goodness!

smolders26 Mar 2016 10:10 a.m. PST

nice job

Mako1126 Mar 2016 2:46 p.m. PST

Thanks for the info on the spackling.

That is very helpful.

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