The Readerwithnoname | 15 Mar 2016 4:30 a.m. PST |
The largest wargames convention in the north of England. Doors open 10am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday. Entry is £6.00 GBP and concessions apply. For full info on the show including which traders will be there and what games are being run please go to See you all there! |
John Armatys | 15 Mar 2016 4:40 a.m. PST |
I'll be there with Wargame Developments' new participation game – Cursus Honorum, the game of political advancement in the Roman Republic. For a preview see: link and link |
freewargamesrules | 16 Mar 2016 1:28 a.m. PST |
First time in 25 years not going. |
martin goddard  | 16 Mar 2016 9:42 a.m. PST |
Good luck with the show. martin
olicana | 17 Mar 2016 9:12 a.m. PST |
Please, can someone take a picture of the tumble weed blowing down the aisles this year. Mentioned, last year, but we want to see the evidence. |
Volleyfire | 19 Mar 2016 8:56 a.m. PST |
There was definitely tumble weed, but unfortunately having uploaded them from my phone I can't get the pics to upload from the computer! Windows 10, awful. |
deephorse | 19 Mar 2016 9:28 a.m. PST |
Acres of empty space compared with my previous visits. However, that said, it did not affect my enjoyment of the show. I only go to shop and I got everything I wanted and more besides. I'm happy. |
The flying buffalo | 19 Mar 2016 1:53 p.m. PST |
I'll start by saying I love Triples, I've been going for a great portion of my life and I'm nearly a half century. it was my one big show of the year and I always enjoyed my day. But something has gone wrong, very wrong. The show felt very low on visitors. There was no buzz in the air, no tables playing too enthusiastically, no crowd, no trader busy with a throng at their stall. No at 11.00am on Saturday felt like closing time on Sunday. There were massive gaps in the trader lineup, and it showed. There was so much space in the room that it felt wrong. There were a number of no shows too, with unoccupied tables that had been laid out. For the first time ever I would say it wasn't worth the £6.00 GBP entry, I'm not looking for a refund. I think to do so dilutes the point I want to make. But it felt like I'd paid for a big show entry and got the village hall experience. I know someone might say you get two days entry for my £6.00 GBP, but let's be honest. No I get one because there isn't anything to come back for. I really hope the organisers take a good long look at what's happening to their event. Take action and save it. I would love to be visiting Triples for years to come but feel unless the organisers revamp the show, that it may not be there for me to enjoy. |
Volleyfire | 19 Mar 2016 2:56 p.m. PST |
I must say my experience felt just like Buffalos above and I echo his comments. Traders were saying that 3 shows in pretty close regional contact on 3 consecutive weekends were too many (Hammerhead,WMMS and this one) and, although as the lady on the entrance told someone in front of me that this was always the traditional weekend for Triples, that doesn't mean that is neccesarily a good thing. Unless things are done to alter the situation this will become a one day show, or no show at all if the organizers aren't careful. |
Volleyfire | 20 Mar 2016 6:52 a.m. PST |
Saturday around 12.30pm |
Crann Tara Minis | 20 Mar 2016 10:29 a.m. PST |
When Baccus miniatures don't attend what is effectively their local show then you know something is wrong |
10mm Wargaming | 21 Mar 2016 3:18 a.m. PST |