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"Clan War/L5R Skirmish Playtesters needed" Topic

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2,336 hits since 21 Jan 2016
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Soldat21 Jan 2016 8:12 a.m. PST

I wrote these rules so I could use my old Clan Wars figures for something. You will need Legend of Five Rings cards as well to play. You can find these on the interwebs.

They are a wip as I am still looking at the best way to use magic with this system.

If anyone is interested please email me at dkufner50 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Jakar Nilson21 Jan 2016 9:44 a.m. PST

So different from these rules:

TMP link

Soldat21 Jan 2016 11:57 a.m. PST

Yes different from those.

Soldat21 Jan 2016 3:43 p.m. PST

These are more individual based. You can use any fig from clan war or even bushido as long as you have a representative legend of five rings card.

Russ Lockwood04 Feb 2016 7:55 p.m. PST

Probably 10 or 15 years ago AEG (?) released a L5R miniatures game. Are your rules the same as those rules?

My impression after a quick game was that the rules were basically Warhammer. Did not use the cards at all.

It's been years since my buddy and I played a game. He was big into the GenCon tournaments back in the late 1990s. Man, as the summer went on, we played a lot to get him into tuning his deck.

When I ran MagWeb, it had the Imperial Herald as one of the magazines. That was, I guess still is, a great card game. Be interested in seeing the rules.

Soldat06 Feb 2016 11:58 p.m. PST

Sorry busy with school and work. I'll send a copy asap. No I never liked the clan wars rules this is a smaller scale of skirmish rules like Ronin or Bushido. I used to play l5r a lot though but the cards are used more like stat cards in war machine.

Achtung Minen27 Feb 2016 8:32 a.m. PST

I was the guy who was working on the rules in the second post… It never got beyond the drafting board, though. I've probably drafted at least two more types of Clan War skirmish games since then, but have never been fully satisfied with how they turned out. I'd love to see your ideas when they go public!

Clan Wars is one of those games that I love and wish were still around. The game was a bit too slow to be popular these days, however… I seem to remember games that sometimes lasted up to 4-5 hours. A quick, skirmish game seems like the natural solution to getting your old Clan War minis on the table again, but in practice it is very hard to capture the feel of warfare in Rokugan. I honestly did not like either of Osprey's recent games (Ronin and Daisho) or any of the dozens of samurai rules that came before. These games have always been either too fiddly or too dry. What is needed is a core dice mechanic that can really capture the back and forth of flashing blades, the intricate maneuver of ranked troops and the charismatic leadership of the samurai nobles.

Ghecko03 Apr 2016 4:31 p.m. PST

My son started playing Kings of War, and so I re-used my Clan War figures as a human army.

Capt Flash01 Jul 2016 6:29 a.m. PST

I have always thought that using an Empire or Bretonian army would work great as Samurai proxies, adding the Goblin Fanatics costs and rules to represent the derring-do of individual samurai trying to make a name for them selves…. Utilizing the Warhammer rules, of course…

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