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"Lovecraftian horror minis for sci-fi and pulp" Topic

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TwinMirror08 Jan 2016 7:31 a.m. PST

Hello and happy new year, fellows!

I've noticed that I use a lot of miniatures intended for horror in my sci-fi games, and most of these would, I think, be suitable for pulp too; in fact, I use 'em in my fantasy dungeoncrawls too. I wondered how may of you do likewise, and which figures, companies etc you use?

The main staples of my Lovecraftian horror collection comes pretty much from two companies: em4/Moonraker Miniatures and CP Models. Moonraker (ex em4) has the wonderful Dunwich Detectives range of Cthulhu Mythos monsters (originally released by Metal Magic) and CP Models has a whole cavalcade of weird creepy monstrosities in its Night Terrors range.
I've been meaning to review them for quite a while now (new year's resolution number 2 fulfilled…); so here goes: both ranges are beautifully cast, great value and, as I've mentioned, I've got great use out of them in a whole range of genres and scenarios.

Here's a couple of examples:



This servitor of the outer gods and proto-shoggoth (and their fellows) frm Moonraker make a great my amorphous horde of Thing-style invaders. Add to them a shoggoth or two from CP Models:
…and their brave human opponents will be really hard pressed!

The Dunwich Detectives dimensional shambers are a particular favourite; they have areal otherworldly pulp sensibility that reminds me of the seminal work of artist Virgil Finlay:


I backed the Phroggs sci-fi amphibians kickstarter from Ral Partha Europe this year; got my package of lovely giant space frogs before xmas and great they are. But they needed some smaller reinforcements as scouts, so I got a few packs of these Phibians form CP Models:


…and they do the job very nicely.

links here:

Anyway, hope this has been useful to some of you, and I'd be interested which non-sci-fi or genre-specific figures you use to add some diversity and interest to your sci-fi and pulp games.

Cheers and happy new year!

Jeff of SaxeBearstein08 Jan 2016 8:06 a.m. PST

Didn't RAFM have a 25mm "Cthulhu" range?

-- Jeff

tberry740308 Jan 2016 8:10 a.m. PST

Still do:


Just pick a category.

The Shadow08 Jan 2016 9:12 a.m. PST


GoodOldRebel08 Jan 2016 9:27 a.m. PST

Excellent thankyou! my groaning credit card thanks you too! haha!

Hafen von Schlockenberg08 Jan 2016 3:43 p.m. PST

Wonder if the Eureka frogs would fit in….

TwinMirror09 Jan 2016 6:11 a.m. PST

Glad to be of service/enable the habit, goodoldrebel!

The rafm Cthulhu range is very nice, too – just harder to find and pricier on my side of the pond. I've go some from the old days and they match nicely with both these ranges. I like some diversity amongst my mind-bending hideous alien races!

The Shadow, I own far to many humanoid frogs, armed and unarmed, to be considered properly healthy rafm, grenadier, dunwich, cp models, ral partha…blame Lovecraft, although I think HG Wells 'invented' the deep ones, in his submersible story from memory, it was titled something like …'the abyss'…I could go and look on my bookshelf but it's Saturday and I feel like sitting down!

Insomniac09 Jan 2016 7:27 a.m. PST

Fenris Games have a nice selection of Cthulhu miniatures too:



Personal logo chicklewis Supporting Member of TMP09 Jan 2016 8:54 p.m. PST

There are many pages of comments in the "Where to buy Cthulhu Miniatures" thread on Lead Adventure Forum. Over twenty companies are listed, most with pictures of the offerings.

I hope you can see the information without joining Lead Adventure, but you really SHOULD and will LOVE the Lead Adventure Forum if you are unfamiliar with it.


TwinMirror14 Jan 2016 6:33 a.m. PST

Yes, Lead Adventure is a superb forum; a very inviting and interesting place to surf!
Definitely worth checking out for more suggestions – I just wanted to bring to sci-fi gamers' attention, that Lovecraftian minis can work really well for sci-fi and pulp. It's certainly expanded my range of non-humanoid aliens.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2020 1:04 p.m. PST

Those looks good…!





Bob Murch26 Jun 2020 11:07 a.m. PST

Crucible Crush carries three Mythos sets:



There are some monsters in the Black Sun Range as well:



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