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"Star Wars RISK Review " Topic

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07 Jan 2016 12:51 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Star War RISK Review " to "Star Wars RISK Review "

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jason c07 Jan 2016 8:45 a.m. PST


Star Wars RISK reenacts the final part of Return of the Jedi. The light side must disable the shield on Endor and hit the Death Star. The dark side must eliminate the rebel fleet. But who will reach their goal first and win?

This is more Star Wars and less RISK. Read the review to see if you'd enjoy it.


jason c07 Jan 2016 8:54 a.m. PST

I can't seem to edit the topic to say Star Wars. Sorry about that :(

jpattern207 Jan 2016 8:56 a.m. PST

If you push the complaint button on yourself, and ask Bill in the comments to update the title, he'll do it.

jason c07 Jan 2016 9:22 a.m. PST



David Cliffel07 Jan 2016 9:53 a.m. PST

Played this a couple of times with my 11-year nephew, it seems like a clone of the Star Wars Queen's Gambit Game, albeit that it plays even faster. Nephew was disappointed as it was very brief <1hr. Not sure it is as balanced or interesting as Queen's Gambit, as the Light side strategy is pretty straightforward of shutting off the field generator is impossible to stop.

Redcoat 5507 Jan 2016 12:16 p.m. PST

It is more balanced than I had originally thought after playing multiple games. The shield will go down if the rebels push hard enough on it, but if the Empire makes the right moves it won't matter.

This game is more fun if you replace the paper tokens with Micromachine toys.

This is a big picture, strategic choices kind of a game. The only real tactical choices are in the space battle. While it would be fun to have a tactical ground battle and more nuanced light saber fight I appreciate that simplifying all that means that it can be played in thirty minutes to an hour.

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP07 Jan 2016 6:21 p.m. PST

I actually bought this to use as proxies in Armada, and MAYBE the display for a campaign system, but it is looking more interesting all the time.

I'm not sure I'd say NOTHING to do with Risk series, though more out there than most. However, outside of Broadsides and Boarding parties, I always said the each of the Gamesmaster group was Risk with chrome.



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