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"6mm Starwars Republic Gunships and others" Topic

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cloudcaptain29 Mar 2005 12:55 p.m. PST

There are diecast Starwars vehicles on the shelves again. They range 6mm-15mm in scale.

Walmart seems to be the only place locally I have found these...Toy's R Us and KB do not appear to have them.

The Gunship is dead on 6mm and makes a great dropship. I can fit a stand of 6mm troops based on a penny inside the cargo area of the ship and they sit securely. They even come with flight stands. Retail is around $5 USD each. Some of the other vehicles have potential. I have yet to see the Royal Naboo starship this is supposed to be available.

There is actually a 25-28mmish AT series walker (Pre AT-PT) with Rider that would work for Rebel Storm or such. I didn't get a great look at it but it appeared to be piloted by a Clone trooper.

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2005 2:07 p.m. PST

Sweet! I'm so there! Who's manufacturing them, if I may ask?

StarfuryXL529 Mar 2005 3:29 p.m. PST

Hasbro, who else?

cloudcaptain29 Mar 2005 4:10 p.m. PST

that's Hasborg. Get it straight!

strategoi nikolai29 Mar 2005 4:50 p.m. PST

It can't be Borg, it's the wrong license.

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP29 Mar 2005 5:22 p.m. PST

Perhaps "Hasbloat" would be more appropriate, considering all the companies they've acquired in the past five years.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP29 Mar 2005 10:50 p.m. PST

And then destroyed. Avalon Hill, Kenner, etc.

3720to130 Mar 2005 12:32 a.m. PST

We always refered to them as "Hasborg" on the inside between being acquired and being downsized. Now us former employees call them "Hasbeen".

However, I REALLY like those gunships and will have to keep my eye out.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian30 Mar 2005 3:23 p.m. PST

I vote for "HasBlob" in keeping with their ability to assimilate other companies, use the matter to expand their own mass, and utterly obliterate whatever they absorb. ;)

Leland R. Erickson

MaksimSmelchak02 Apr 2005 10:51 a.m. PST

Hi Guys,

I was checking these out and found the following links:



Apparently the toys are called the Titanium Series Die-Cast Vehicles Wave 2. There is a batch of Star Wars Episodes IV to VI and another batch for the newer movies Episodes I to III.

IV-VI toys: Millennium Falcon, X-wing, Slave I, and TIE Fighter.

I-III toys: AT-RT, A-wing, Snowspeeder, Star Destroyer, Republic Gunship, Droid Tri-fighter, Jedi Starfighter and Y-wing.

Shabbat Shalom,


The Demon Hunter02 Apr 2005 12:48 p.m. PST

As for the April 2nd release date, I'd say that was either fictional or an error. I went to three different Wal-Marts today (in a rain storm, no less) looking for the Republic Gunship. Nobody had even heard of the Titanium Series there, so it wasn't like they sold out before I could get them.

I'd love to have some for my Battletech units, even if just as display pieces.

Anyone else have this problem with finding these pieces? frown

StarfuryXL504 Apr 2005 6:00 p.m. PST

My local Walmart had signs announcing a Star Wars celebration April 2 and 3. I was there Friday, 4/1, and there was a big empty spread of shelves with a Star Wars header panel. Looking at the stock sheets taped to the racks I saw a row of die-cast vehicles listed.

On 4/3 I went back and there was ton of SW stuff. Lots of action figures and vehicles. Surprisingly, they also had Revenge of the Sith Starter Sets and Booster Packs for the WOTC minis game, for 19.99 and 9.99.

Besides the minis games, there were also two other battle games. There were the Force Battlers action figures and the Attactix figures. The Attactix figures are about 3" high, with an enlarged limb or weapon for fighting with. The starter set has 4 figs you can see, and they have sealed expansion packs with a random selection inside. Looks like Hasbro's trying to follow the WOTC model.

But, there were no die-cast vehicles. This store has already had the Wave 1 figures for a few weeks now. So maybe there was some delay in production or distribution.

It was a pretty impressive display of merchandising, however.

Covert Walrus09 Apr 2005 8:06 a.m. PST

. . . And we dont have Wal-Mart in New Zealand, only K-Mart. So we'll miss out.
Oh well, at least Paris might move here.

stormseer8812 Apr 2005 12:07 p.m. PST

So where can i get 6mm clonetroopers?

stormseer8814 Apr 2005 11:54 p.m. PST


Covert Walrus15 Apr 2005 12:44 a.m. PST

How about Forge World epic Tau? Yes, pretty pricy, but damn nicely done.

Sorry to answer late, I was in the bath....

stormseer8815 Apr 2005 6:05 a.m. PST

They might do but they are damn pricey!
I'll have to check it out!

Any other manufacturers making suitable proxies?


stormseer8815 Apr 2005 11:01 a.m. PST


stormseer8817 Apr 2005 10:12 a.m. PST

Any other proxies out there?

The Demon Hunter21 Apr 2005 7:36 a.m. PST

Woohoo! Finally saw the Titanium pieces this morning while I was out to buy a window fan. Luckily I decided to take a chance and look into the SW toy aisle at the local WalMart.

Picked up 4 of the Republic Gunships at $4.97 USD a piece. Certainly cheaper than some 6mm troop transports *coughGWcoughThunderhawkcoughcough* that I've seen, and definitely a better-looking design than a lot I've seen. I like the way the sides are open, for example. Gives it the feel of a modern transport helicopter or the Viet Nam era Huey. Just a cool feel to it, I think.

Overall I'd say they'll do the job admirably. Now I just need to find an excuse to look for more of them.

MaksimSmelchak21 Apr 2005 5:35 p.m. PST

Hi Guys,

I still haven't seen these at my local Walmart...


MaksimSmelchak01 May 2005 10:51 a.m. PST

Hi Guys,

Apparently none of my local Walmarts carry the titanium line. They must have had a limited distroubution and I'm guessing that the toy collector people bought most of them.



stormseer8801 May 2005 11:35 p.m. PST

That's really bad(Grrrr!)!

But they are really nice!
To bad the don't have Walmart in Sweden(Grrrrr!)!

wordwildwebb02 May 2005 11:58 a.m. PST


I though the same thing until this weekend when my local WM put them on the shelf - you may check back in with yours. I had asked and my local guys said "we won't be carrying that", but then this weekend the Star Wars Minis lost 2 pegs, and voila, Titanium arrived.

MaksimSmelchak07 May 2005 8:06 a.m. PST


I found out that Walmart uses a central distitubtion point so if one store in an area is out then it's very likely that all the stores will be out because the central supply point will have run out.

At any rate, my roommate went out of the way down to his old home for a dentist appointment and found a small batch of "hold-outs" that wee waiting for us. I now have one Republic gunship! Yeah!

Shabbat Shalom,

stormseer8811 May 2005 8:29 a.m. PST

You are a lucky dude, Maksim!

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