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"Khurasan 1980s Soviet Motor Rifle Platoon" Topic

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1,934 hits since 18 Dec 2015
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Buckeye AKA Darryl18 Dec 2015 3:09 a.m. PST

A new release by the fine folks at Khurasan:



Dennis030218 Dec 2015 3:19 a.m. PST

They do look great just wish some PKMs came with the platoon.

Jemima Fawr18 Dec 2015 3:29 a.m. PST

They do two PKMs (and No.2s), in prone and advancing poses. They've been out for a while now – I've just finished painting the last of my first batch of 90.

Buckeye AKA Darryl18 Dec 2015 4:09 a.m. PST

Khurasan posted this as a "just released" message on the Ambush Alley forum, so I thought they were brand new.

He also mentions that modern Israelis will be released today!

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP18 Dec 2015 4:21 a.m. PST

He must be running behind; they have been out for a little while. They are nice looking figs.

Jemima Fawr18 Dec 2015 4:27 a.m. PST

Ah, I think the 'new' part is that they've reorganised them as a single platoon pack, without the PKMs. They used to be sold in smaller packs by type.

Perhaps they'll re-release the PKMs in a new MG Platoon pack?

ACW Gamer18 Dec 2015 4:37 a.m. PST

How do the 1970s Soviet figures differ from the 1980's Soviets? They look a lot a like to me.

panzerCDR18 Dec 2015 5:08 a.m. PST

Jemima Fawr: "I've just finished painting the last of my first batch of 90." This is a real professional at work!

These are nice.

Jemima Fawr18 Dec 2015 5:19 a.m. PST


Not a lot that I can identify – certainly not at this scale (AK-74 instead of AK-47, etc). As they're 80s figures, it's a shame they didn't include a few figures with RPG-18/RPG-22 LAWs or a few heavy company and battalion-level weapon teams such as AGS-17, AT-4 and AT-7, but maybe they'll appear in the future.


Yes, they're bloody nice figures! I'll be doing a game at the weekend, so I'll take some photos.

panzerCDR18 Dec 2015 5:31 a.m. PST

Jemima Fawr – Thanks. I look forward to your pictures. I think the Battlefront Soviet infantry look nice as well, but I am not adverse to mixing/matching/using other companies. Concur with your thoughts on the lack of more modern RPGs and battalion support weapons. Perhaps Armies Army will make them as they/he is on a current Soviet Cold War Airborne drive.

Axon0318 Dec 2015 8:24 a.m. PST

I still hope they come out with the platoon in NBC gear. I have a platoon of the 70s Soviets and they are great figures!

Lion in the Stars18 Dec 2015 9:14 a.m. PST

PKMs and AT7 missiles should be in a separate pack, for the BTR troops.

Jemima Fawr18 Dec 2015 9:40 a.m. PST

Yep, absolutely for the AT-7s, but BMP Motor Rifles had MG Platoons too (but no AT-7s).

sgt Dutch19 Dec 2015 7:28 a.m. PST

These figures have been out for a long time. I known because I bought them when they first came out. The sad part is the IDF range hasn't been updated with the IDF tanks that were promised a couple of years ago. There is talk on the Khurasan facebook page about a new series of IDF M113's. I figure they will be D.O.A because Battlefront will be releasing a bunch of M113 variants. I love the figures…But

Stand corrected these are new figures

Jemima Fawr19 Dec 2015 8:04 a.m. PST


You don't need to stand corrected, as they're not that new. I bought them in November 2014 (I'm looking at the date-stamped box they came in). They'd been out a few months before then, as I saw some painted examples belonging to a mate before ordering some for myself. They're exactly the same figures.

sgt Dutch19 Dec 2015 10:30 a.m. PST

Thanks Jemima Wasn't sure so I added that statement.

Rod I Robertson19 Dec 2015 1:10 p.m. PST

Are folks mixing up the 1970's Soviet motor rifle Infantry with the newly released 1980's motor rifle infantry? I thought these new Khurasan figures pictured at the top of this thread are the newly released 1980's infantry. Am I wrong?
Cheers and good gaming.
Rod Robertson.

Navy Fower Wun Seven19 Dec 2015 1:42 p.m. PST

For Sovs and US in NBC gear look to Eureka miniatures…

Jemima Fawr19 Dec 2015 4:59 p.m. PST


Are there two different ranges? Or just one range that's been re-named? The current catalogue doesn't show any 1970s Motor Rifles, just the 1980s Motor Rifles.

These '1980s' Motor Rifles appear to be exactly the same figures as the '1970s' Motor Rifles released in 2014 (minus the two PKM teams): TMP link

I have just painted 90 of the '1970s' figures and these look exactly the same.

Rod I Robertson19 Dec 2015 7:08 p.m. PST

Jemima Fawr:
The 1970's infantry are in the Cold War/Modern Russian range with the abTR's and the BMP-1's but the 1980's infantry figures are in the Late Cold War range along with the new BMP-2's and the Soviet T-72's.
Cheers and good gaming.
Rod Robertson.

BigNickR19 Dec 2015 9:46 p.m. PST

I really wish this kinda thing existed in 28mm. I've been futzing around with doing this in 28mm for 2 years…

And I'm only JUST NOW getting to the "paint them" stage

Rod I Robertson19 Dec 2015 10:37 p.m. PST

The Late Cold War page:
The Cold War/Modern Russia page:
Rod Robertson

Jemima Fawr20 Dec 2015 5:46 a.m. PST

Cheers Rod,

Now I'm confused (it doesn't take much)… So what's the difference?

Rod I Robertson20 Dec 2015 6:37 a.m. PST

Jemima Fawr:
Honestly, I do not know as I have not yet ordered the 1980's infantry. So I can only speculate that they may be armed with AK74's rather than AK-47's and may have the more 'sensible' battle dress of the later period. In both cases these would be minute differences at the 15mm scale I suppose so I'm definitely in the dark on this topic.
Rod Robertson.

Jemima Fawr21 Dec 2015 10:04 a.m. PST

Aha! I've just noticed that they appear to have backpacks (not just the RPG reloads)! That might be the difference. :)

Rabelais25 Dec 2015 3:58 a.m. PST

Yes, it is a different range. Ak-74s instead of AK-47s and the backpacks. Poses seem to be the same in many cases, so I guess they're modified from the 70's range.

Rod I Robertson25 Dec 2015 4:39 a.m. PST

The uniforms are different too, but at this scale you really have to look to see the differences and there is no way you can see such differences during play on a table.
Looking at the pictures on the Khurasan web page, I could not see any LMG's. The prone figure looks to be a sniper? There is also a sniper with a scope kneeling in the picture. But I can't make out any machine guns. Am I blind, mistaken or are they in fact missing from the line-up?
Cheers and good gaming.
Rod Robertson.

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