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"Does your pet hold a grudge?" Topic

18 Posts

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1,077 hits since 11 Dec 2015
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Bashytubits11 Dec 2015 10:49 p.m. PST

tkdguy11 Dec 2015 11:45 p.m. PST

The longest time my cat had a grudge was when I went abroad for a week. She was mad at me for a few days after I returned.

Mako1112 Dec 2015 12:21 a.m. PST

Not usually.

If so, it is only very briefly, and I can tell, since her back is turned towards whomever she is mad at, but that never lasts for long.

She is sad when she doesn't get her way though, e.g. with getting to sit on the couch like the rest of the family, or getting a share of whatever is being eaten at mealtime, or as a snack.

Bill McHarg12 Dec 2015 1:02 a.m. PST

My cat is 21 years old. When I met my wife, 16 yeas ago, she moved in with her cat. My cat was outraged. My cat still hasn't gotten over it. She still is hostile to my wife, even though the other cat is about 8 years gone. Of course, she is a cranky little thing. She pretty much just follows me around when she isn't sleeping.

pzivh43 Supporting Member of TMP12 Dec 2015 6:28 a.m. PST

Yes. Every time I go away for a gaming convention, she is mad for days!

hocklermp512 Dec 2015 6:58 a.m. PST

Had a dog that got miffed every time you left him alone. He would let you know it by taking a Kleenex out of a trash can and placing it in the center of a room or hallway so when you got home you got the message. If really offended he would refuse to look you in the eye and if you persisted he would leave the room. He also had a way of standing there and looking you up and down that was positively humiliating.

skinkmasterreturns12 Dec 2015 7:26 a.m. PST

My cat used to hide my 6mm figures in my shoes.Quite irritating to get my toes poked with tiny bayonets.

Dynaman878912 Dec 2015 8:10 a.m. PST

My sister's dog used to poop in her Husband's shoes and wee on his pillow…

Bismarck12 Dec 2015 11:38 a.m. PST

yes, they do not forget..nor are they shy about demonstrating the grudge…now i am talking cats here.
had one that if i was traveling for a few days, knew the exact day or time i was returning and left me a "gift" to clean up right beside the door just before i got home. and would stand there with "that" look. Same one if you did something it didnt like, would get on top of the dresser, look you in the eye, look down at whatever you had laying there, look back, then knock the item off onto the floor and then look back.

they discipline their humans well.

Coyotepunc and Hatshepsuut12 Dec 2015 3:28 p.m. PST

My new cat, who is older (would "used cat" be a better description?) gets mad at me, but doesn't hold a grudge. When he was brought home, my kids were here for the first two days, then they went to their mother's for three days. When they came back, he got MAD at me. Swiping, snapping, avoiding… he was very jealous that he was no longer the sole object of my attention. He goes through small episodes from time to time, but no grudges.

Personal logo Doctor X Supporting Member of TMP12 Dec 2015 9:29 p.m. PST

My dog hates geese.
He has successfully kept those lawn carp away for a number of years.
Those that are foolish enough to return feel his wrath.
I have not seen a gosling around here since he was a puppy.

Giles the Zog13 Dec 2015 2:51 p.m. PST

My cats make it perfectly clear my mates are not welcome.
For a couple of months I thought their constant requests to go outside when my mates were round for a game were annoying. Then I realised, the cats didn't want to go outside, they wanted my mates to go out.

BlackJack (Satan's Emissary on Earth), made it even clearer 2 months ago. He came in, sat on a chair, glared at me, glared at my mate Jim, and then glared at Jim's car parked outside the kitchen window. In that order.

It was obvious – YOU, put HIM outside, in that car.

He then went outside and sat on the car bonnet and glared through the window at Jim.

Still the pictures of cats help drive up the blog roll hit point. ;-)

Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Dec 2015 11:44 a.m. PST

Yes, SMBO's cat does. But then again, so do I in that case.

All that aside, I feel dressing up animals is cruel and unusual behaviour.

Ottoathome15 Dec 2015 5:04 a.m. PST


I used to have Alaskan Malemutes. They never held a grudge. They would retaliate immediately and then let bygone's be bygones.

Old Wolfman15 Dec 2015 7:56 a.m. PST

Our cat was quite forgiving to me and the wife.

Weasel16 Dec 2015 8:49 p.m. PST

Generally not, even if someone steps on a tail on accident.

Only exception is when the dumb one got outside, panicked, ran under a flight of stairs which turned out to be full of water.

I had to drag the cretin out by his collar, soaking wet and wailing pathetically, and all next day, he refused to go near me.

Ottoathome17 Dec 2015 8:52 a.m. PST

Penny, our Alaskan Malemute had a sure fire revenge routine. When my sister let her out in the morning into the yard to do her business, in the winter she would be sure to plough her nose through the snow and slush and get it REAL cold. Then she would bound into the bedroom and stick her nose right into the small of your back while you were asleep. Then she would stand there with a huge smile on her face as if to say "Wakey-Wakey!!! Time to great the big beautiful day, aren't I so cute!!!! I'm up so you're up!"

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