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Balthazar Marduk02 Dec 2015 11:08 a.m. PST

The Menaanites are a race of nomadic machines that travel freely through out the League, where they are barely tolerated by the local populations of the planets they travel to.

In recent decades, the Menaanites have taken to politically motivated violence and religious extremism.

All sculpts by Peder Bartholdy.

The Menaanites are an adaptive machine race, capable of building additional synthetic muscle through exercise. In this case, the machine has put considerable effort towards building its personal strength to increase its utility in the assault role.

The Oculus provides for the spiritual well being of the Menaanite cell, offering support and comfort to the machine warriors in trying times, as well as spurring them on to action in the name of their deity.

The rags worn by the machines serve multiple purposes. First of all, they obfuscate the identity of the warrior in environments where they are operating alongside a civilian population. In combat, they can be arranged to break up the outline of the warrior… Further, since the Menaanites have been running far beyond their intended service time, they protect more vulnerable and exposed moving parts from environmental damage.

This warrior is pictured with a breech-loading rail rifle.

Rear view.

Close up shot.

Another rear view image.

Balthazar Marduk02 Dec 2015 11:10 a.m. PST

Here's some shiny concept art done by Greg Breault!

otherone02 Dec 2015 11:49 a.m. PST

Balthazar Marduk02 Dec 2015 12:10 p.m. PST

You know… Oh, you know…

Grignotage02 Dec 2015 4:23 p.m. PST

Those are great minis and a fun concept for a force.

Redroom02 Dec 2015 4:36 p.m. PST

neat models and concept art

Balthazar Marduk02 Dec 2015 7:00 p.m. PST

Thanks guys. I figured that the humans are always fighting an insurgency against the machines and thought it was about time for flip the dynamic.

Lion in the Stars02 Dec 2015 7:08 p.m. PST

Awesome minis! Do you have an ETA for sales?

Balthazar Marduk02 Dec 2015 7:32 p.m. PST

I don't have much of a line right now, or a website… But I should have these guys and five Aumanii shock troopers cast by, say, February.

If you are interested, I can keep you updated.

tnjrp03 Dec 2015 12:37 a.m. PST

Technically nice enough but the assault android looks too much like a dude in a powered suit and am not all that keen on the robes and rags on the others -- from the aesthetic POW, the reasoning for them aside.

Balthazar Marduk03 Dec 2015 3:01 a.m. PST

Welp, can't win 'em all. Figured that we would try something new, anyway.

otherone03 Dec 2015 6:24 a.m. PST

Actually, love the rags on the droids…camouflage. Adds a level of "anthropomorphacy" that is more evocative than wearing human skin.

tnjrp03 Dec 2015 6:31 a.m. PST

Robots that look like humans in suits aren't very new tho. Droids in robes, maybe more so but 4X Eden has a few that are like that.

Ashokmarine03 Dec 2015 7:16 a.m. PST

I like them!

Balthazar Marduk03 Dec 2015 9:45 a.m. PST

That's totes what I was going for, Otherone.

I'm not sure what 4X Eden is, TNJRP, but I'll Google it because I'm trying my best to develop this line that avoids common tropes.

Thanks Ashokmarine, that means a lot to us.

Dogged03 Dec 2015 3:00 p.m. PST

I like them too. Very interesting!

tnjrp03 Dec 2015 11:34 p.m. PST

, for example:

I was apparently assuming too much preliminary research into what is on offer. Just looking at GW catalogue and doing something a little (but not too much) different from that doesn't make for too much originality. In many cases, that is specifically the point of the project of course, especially since the majority of miniature producers seem to be of a mind that originality wouldn't sell.

Balthazar Marduk04 Dec 2015 12:38 a.m. PST

I am sensing some hostility here.

tnjrp04 Dec 2015 6:01 a.m. PST

Well, I admit I'm not one of those guys who only says things if I can say something nice. Since that appears to bother you, I will refrain from commenting on your project from now. My input is hardly worth your grief.

Balthazar Marduk04 Dec 2015 9:42 a.m. PST

K den

TwinMirror04 Dec 2015 12:47 p.m. PST

Froim a pulp sci-fi perspective I really like the robots in ragged robes – they'd make great robot Knights Martial from 2000ad's ABC Warriors comic strip. As long as they aren't too pricy, I would definitely get some of these.

Balthazar Marduk04 Dec 2015 2:12 p.m. PST

Well, I'm still trying to figure out the price… But, what do you think would be a fair amount?

Twoball Cane04 Dec 2015 7:43 p.m. PST

Yes but do they make furniture too?

Great looking minis

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