"Small Prison Complex" Topic
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Yourbitterpill | 30 Nov 2015 8:47 p.m. PST |
Following up on my review of Black Grom's excellent lasercut prison and sentry box, here is the completed small prison complex I made with them. My apologies for the poor quality of photos – the camera and lighting added a very heavy yellow tint I couldn't completely eliminate. More pics and info below: link
jwebster | 01 Dec 2015 11:15 a.m. PST |
Like it The camera is probably confused about white balance. Depending on the lights you have, you could set it to a particular value (tungsten for regular, warm, light bulbs, daylight for daylight light or bulbs) or use the custom setting. Easier to go to manual for how to set up custom, but usually take a picture of a neutral grey or white piece of paper using the lights you use for taking the pictures. John |