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smacdowall10 Nov 2015 1:53 p.m. PST

With more 1650s French troops painted it was time for another game. There were only two of us and I decided on a small delaying action as a follow-up to the Battle of Ardes game (1657) the reports of which can be read here: link

Following his defeat at Ardes, Don Juan de Austria lifted the siege of the town and began a withdrawal back towards Flanders. However with guns, baggage and camp followers the going is slow and to make matters worse it has started to rain causing the roads to turn into a quagmire. Learning that Turenne has taken up pursuit, Don Juan decided to conduct a delaying action to hold up the enemy while giving the Spanish time to make a clean break.


Colonel Thomas Blague of Horringer, commander of the King's Own English Regiment, has volunteered to lead the delaying force. He is anxious to restore the reputation of the British Royalists following the capture of James Duke of York, and the lack of action taken by the British foot at the Battle of Ardes. With his own regiment, the Duke of York's Irish Regiment, a troop of Horse and a battery of light guns, he sets up a position centred around the hamlet of Blancard at a key cross roads where the terrain will funnel the pursuers and prevent them from outflanking him. As he awaits the French advance he uses the time to erect hasty field fortifications. Don Juan has reinforced Col Blague with 4 squadrons of Spanish dragoons and 6 squadrons of German arquebusiers. He has also promised to send more cavalry and a Spanish Tercio to help extract the delaying force when it comes time to withdraw.

Le Comte de Schomberg is leading the French advance guard charged with harassing the withdrawing Spanish while the allied English Commonwealth troops occupy Ardes. He has under his command 12 Squadrons of horse and 7 battalions of foot. His scouts have reported that Blancard is held against him and so he informs Marshal Turenne and deploys his forces to break through.

The French player had to set up for the attack without knowing the enemy positions. Bad weather reduced visibility and slowed movement.

The full battle report with pics is on my site at link

mghFond10 Nov 2015 4:18 p.m. PST

Good report, nice figs too.

smacdowall12 Nov 2015 2:10 a.m. PST

Many thanks – glad you liked it

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