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"Gonzaga Crossing the River Taro; Battle of Fornovo" Topic

7 Posts

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Atheling04 Nov 2015 11:59 p.m. PST

This vignette of mine was featured in an article in WArgames Soldiers and ytrategy along with Sascha Herms beautiful vignette of Niccolo da Tolentino Battle of San Romano's work and painting guide by Sascha too. There's also some great work from David Imrie in the new issua.

Francesco Gonzaga Leading the (Doomed Charge) over the river Taro; Battle of Fornovo 1495


Just Add Water Painting (and Hastings Demo) Blog:
La Journee (15thC) Hundred Years War Blog:
Gewalthaufen (Late 15thC Warfare Blog:
Shooting Leave (colonial Warfare) Blog:

El Nato05 Nov 2015 1:39 a.m. PST

Congratulations mate! Very pretty and the base work is stunning.

Personal logo oldbob Supporting Member of TMP05 Nov 2015 6:52 a.m. PST

Great brush work!

mad monkey 105 Nov 2015 7:08 a.m. PST


jwebster Supporting Member of TMP05 Nov 2015 8:45 a.m. PST

I don't normally get WSS but got this one for the Italian wars articles

I recognised your piece – it really is awesome and a fantastic example of the fun of using larger bases


Atheling06 Nov 2015 12:17 p.m. PST

Thanks guys.

I love Sascha's Niccolo vignette and there's a great run through of the painting technique too.


Just Add Water Painting (and Hastings Demo) Blog:
La Journee (15thC) Hundred Years War Blog:
Gewalthaufen (Late 15thC Warfare Blog:
Shooting Leave (colonial Warfare) Blog:

Atheling27 Jan 2020 6:26 a.m. PST

Just a quick post with a bit of good news.

This vignette was as far as I managed to get with my Fornovo project for reasons I won't go into on here. I'm pleased to say that all is well now.

I've been working of a Reconquista project; the Battle of Consuegra 1097 which will be demo-ed at Partizan this year (2020).

Following on from the the Battle of Consuegra game and in between bouts of painting units for the Reconquista game outlined above, the Fornovo project is currently being resurrected so please watch out for more posts along the lines of the original above.

Also, please note, my Shooting Leave, Gewalthaufen and La Journee Blogs are currently being amalgamated into just one; Just Add Water:

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