number4 | 19 Oct 2015 10:30 p.m. PST |
Anybody have a link to the TO&E or Kstn? IIRC it is four sections of one motorcycle and two with sidecars: 7 men. One or two machine guns though? |
Martin Rapier | 20 Oct 2015 2:24 a.m. PST |
Are you sure panzer battalions had m/cycle recce platoons? I thought even in 1941 they were always light tanks? I certainly can't find a Kstn for one, although the battalion staff companies did have a small m/cycle liaison section.( two bikes, two men with rifles). |
genew49 | 20 Oct 2015 8:58 a.m. PST |
Starfury Rider | 20 Oct 2015 9:44 a.m. PST |
The earliest I can find info for is Nov 1941, but I suspect that the situation wasn't too different for June 1941 (assuming you're after Eastern Front detail). The Panzer Bn HQ Coy included a Light Panzer Pl, with 5 Pz IIs, and a Motorcycle Scout Pl (Kraftraderkundungzug), which I understand was for route recce rather than a combat role. That had a HQ of 1 officer, NCO and 3 men (1 light car and 3 solo m/c) and four Scout Dets, each 1 NCO (m/c), 2 LMG Nos, 3 motorcyclists (1 solo and 2 m/c with sidecars). Total 1 officer, 28 men, 1 car, 7 solo m/c and 8 combinations, 4 LMGs and an MP40 for the officer and each Scout Det NCO, rifles for the rest save LMG No.1s with pistols. Gary |
number4 | 20 Oct 2015 12:34 p.m. PST |
That's the one I was looking for Gary, thanks! |
number4 | 21 Oct 2015 6:24 p.m. PST |
And here it is (at least for the 11th Panzer Regiment): PDF link "Scout Platoon HQ Section (3 motorcycles & 1 Kfz 1 car) 4 Sections (1 motorcycle, 2 motorcycles with side cars & 1 LMG ea) AA Platoon (4 cars with dual LMGs)" Which leads to a follow up question: What type of car was the AA vehicle? |
Starfury Rider | 22 Oct 2015 4:52 a.m. PST |
NCO with solo m/c and four dets, each of NCO, gunner and driver, with a Kfz 4 car armed with twin LMGs. Gary |
number4 | 22 Oct 2015 4:40 p.m. PST |
Ah, this one:
Pretty cool looking vehicle! Glad I only need four of them as I've feeling they might be hard to find or only available in a fiendishly complicated kit from Ace….. (Of course the minute I finishing bodging together those kits PSC will come out with a superb quick build version!) |
Martin Rapier | 22 Oct 2015 10:09 p.m. PST |
I am sure you could use a Kubelwagen or a Horch and no-one would complain. A couple of spare MGs from the PSC 251 set and you are sorted. |
79thPA | 23 Oct 2015 7:57 a.m. PST |
For those of us who don't know, what is that vehicle? |
Starfury Rider | 23 Oct 2015 10:46 a.m. PST |
It was the early war AA defence for Panzer units, and I think also Pz Arty units. link Gary |
number4 | 23 Oct 2015 9:21 p.m. PST |