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2,718 hits since 20 Mar 2005
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infman20 Mar 2005 2:24 p.m. PST

Has anyone tried playing the old AH Circus Maximus game using miniatures?

Are there any chariots that are suitable in 6mm or 15mm scales?

Thanks for your help

MiniatureWargaming dot com20 Mar 2005 2:28 p.m. PST

Irregular has some chariots in 6mm that I use for chariot games. They also have crashed versions.

Monkey Hanger Fezian20 Mar 2005 3:06 p.m. PST

Hi there

The Leeds Wargames club have a model of the arena in 28mm. I can't remember where we got the chariots from.

I'm sure that one of the club members will have a photo or 2 I can send you for ideas and inspiration.


Rudysnelson20 Mar 2005 3:32 p.m. PST

Very common event in the South. I have seen Circus Max played in Ms, La, Fla, NC, and other places. Sometimes in 15mm. Viking forge used to have a Cm box set. Sometimes in 25mm and sometimes in plastic.

Several different people are putting them on. An often family game with a large number of boys, girls, wifes playing as well as gamers.

When you consider that Gladiators fought in traditional gear and chariots were often traditional as well, you can see where Light, heavy and mid weight chariots may come from.

The Ben Hur concept of Chariot races are misleading.

Waco Joe20 Mar 2005 3:50 p.m. PST

I have played in a 25mm version several times down here in Texas. I can echo Rudy's comment that it is often a family affair with spouses and kids attending, often settling grudges form previous games. It has always been the gamemaster who makes it most enjoyable though. The event I have attended even goes to the point of allowing small monetary bets for various side issues.

There is nothing like the look in a child's eyes' when you, the parent, publicly announce "$2.00 to whoever takes out yon urchin!"

Ah nothing like family quality time.

aecurtis Fezian20 Mar 2005 4:38 p.m. PST

It's a standard of Strategicon shows thrice a year in LA. Two gentlemen alternate running it; it goes from about 8 PM Saturday evening until up to 2 AM Sunday morning. There were 27 entrants in February at Orccon, but that's not a record. Steve V. ran a great game this time out.


Brent2751120 Mar 2005 5:57 p.m. PST

There was a guy at Southern Front who ran CM in 15mm. It was something to see. From what I hear it was a hoot to play in as well. I think there should be some pics on our web site.

Good Luck,


Kayati20 Mar 2005 6:24 p.m. PST

I've developed a chariot racing game that uses 15mm chariots I bought from Brookhurst a few years ago. I ran three games at last years Origins and will run three more at this years.

Look for "A Day at the Circus"

Amazon Miniatures21 Mar 2005 12:16 a.m. PST

The 25mm chariots used by SESWC in their participation games are from us link

I believe the Leeds club game has scratch built chariots using our wheels.

The 4 horse racing chariot (GLC04) is a former QT model and is in our catalogue here: link Gladiators

Paul / Amazon Miniatures

The War Event21 Mar 2005 5:51 a.m. PST

Oh yes! A gent in the San Antonio, Texas area used to do it in 25mm at regional conventions and it was always a spectacle, and fully booked again and again. To top ot off, he would have the chariot race background music from Ben Hur.


John the OFM21 Mar 2005 6:41 a.m. PST

I have a stable of 8 25mm chariots. Two each of the Amazon chariots, Ral Partha "Hyksos", Ral Partha Syrian, and Hinchliffe "Barbarian" scythed chariot. I got extra RP horses at conventions. I also have some 4 horse scythed chariots that I can use. I made up an AutoCAD file for a Circus Maximus track whidh will fit on a Ping Pong table. The squares are slightly larger than DBM chariot elements. I THINK it has 8 lanes, but I don;t remember. The lanes were maxed out to fit the table, though. I made the horses, cab and driver separable, like in CM. I have yet to sit down (or stand up) and actually transfer the paper plot to cloth, though.

The War Event21 Mar 2005 3:00 p.m. PST

Here is a link to the Millenium gaming convention web page that has an image of the Circus Maximus game in 25mm I was speaking of earlier:



blaker21 Mar 2005 4:18 p.m. PST

Yep, Mike Gomez, of San Antonio, Texas has been running the 25mm Circus Maximus game in the Texas conventions for about 20 years. He has even traveled to Bayou Wars I do believe to run it there. It is always a crowd pleaser. His email should be on the Lone Star Historical Miniatures website, if you want to contact his about info on his modifications of CM for miniatures play. Also, John Rodriguez, has the game in 15mm and use to run the game at cons in Texas back in the mid eighties.

It is a lot of fun to play.


infman21 Mar 2005 6:06 p.m. PST

Thanks everyone

I'll have a look at all of the sources.

it sounds like it would be great at one of the conventions here in Australia.

Caesar II21 Mar 2005 10:01 p.m. PST

We used to run chariot races using Flagship Games' Habet, Hoc Habet rules. It was fun.

Ivan DBA22 Mar 2005 12:31 a.m. PST

Outpost Miniatures does a nice little 15mm chariot. Its the ultra-light racing type, little more than a pair of wheels and a flat bit just big enought for the charioteer to stand on.

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