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Mako1111 Oct 2015 1:40 p.m. PST


It appears my posting about this has been censored on the Citizens of the Imperium website, since it hasn't shown up yet there, so I thought I would post it here.

Please pass along this info to your friends, and acquaintances, to hopefully help save them from wasting money on projects and products that rarely, if ever, seem to see the light of day.

Ken's had SIX failed Kickstarter projects in the last few years, allegedly, and also seems to be bilking people via direct sales for various things, on his D20 Entertainment, LLC website, e.g. books, posters, t-shirts, pencil dice, "project" funding contributions, etc., etc., that somehow never seem to be delivered to the buyers (probably because they are never shipped).

People have tried making numerous inquiries about their "purchases", but rarely, if ever receive any replies from Ken, or D20. He blocks commentary on Facebook, and his KS pages, whenever he can, to try to keep others in the dark about his project mismanagement.

He's also tricked a number of people, including me, into "buying" 1/250th scale resin, Traveller Spaceship models, by posting ads for them on D20 Entertainment, and the Citizens of the Imperium (CotI) website, taking people's money, and then not shipping the items out to people, up to a year later. Note – these were not Kickstarters, but were direct sales of products that supposedly were "shipping". He's showcased pics of them on CotI and on D20, and listed them as "shipping", back in both June and August of this year, and apparently before that too.

Some were billed as very expensive, Limited Edition, Painted Traveller models (approx. $100 USD each), and others, were Unpainted Resin Traveller Spaceships for about $25 USD – $30 USD each.

A number of people have been waiting as long as a year for their models, and/or since the beginning of this year, so are now beyond the Paypal Dispute period, sadly. One guy even filed a Paypal Dispute, was then told by Ken they were in stock and would be shipped right out to him. He dropped his dispute, and never received the spaceships, as allegedly promised by Ken.

Don't fall for that trick, boys and girls.

Supposedly, there was also a range of Limited Edition, Metal Traveller Spaceships sold too, but there seems to be little info about them now, and I've never seen any photos of them.

All have now been removed from his website, apparently, due to the bad press he's received over them, and inquiries from people clamoring for the products they've paid for.

I've filed a Paypal Dispute against him and D20 Entertainment, and am hoping to get my money back.

His latest "project" (and I use that term very loosely) is "Sol Bound Traveller", which is apparently a live-action, "web series" he's now pedaling, after what appears to be a failed Traveller "Spinward Marches" TV series Kickstarter. The latter was supposed to be some 23 minutes, or so long, but came up short at GenCon, apparently, and is lacking a lot of the promised CGI, etc., according to various reports. It was also much shorter than promised too, if the reports are accurate, and people haven't received their promised DVDs.

So, it appears that Ken Whitman has now hit upon a "brilliant" new scheme to market the same, or very similar Traveller material, under another title, to others, in order to generate more cash for himself. He can't sell it on Kickstarter, so is marketing it directly to customers using his D20 Entertainment website.

Here's the listing from the D20 Entertainment website:

"What is Sol Bound Traveller

Sol Bound Traveller is a science fiction adventure set in the far future. Corporate mastermind Nick Trullia has finally made a misstep: caught embezzling trillions from the monstrous interstellar shipping megacorp Tukera Lines. He has recruited petty thief Sly Hawkins and the disgraced Sir Romo Warrick to get him off his homeworld Regina. Together, the three must evade agents of the Vemene, Tukera's brutal secret police. It will take many months of travel, millions of credits, and bull-headed determination to reach their destination… but along the way they each might find their Sol.

How can you help get this Web-series Created?

Please sponsor a package below. As soon as we hit $2,500 USD in funding, we will start producing 3 seven-to-ten minute episodes. We will continue to produce 3 more episodes every $2,500 USD we collect. Thank you for your help. We look to release the first episode on New Years Eve at Marc Miller's New Years Eve on-line web party!".

[Note – the parties, rarely if ever, happen, for the fans and cast members, as promised – see references to the failed Knights of the Dinner Table, and Spinward Marches parties, where the cast members didn't even get an invite, or they didn't happen at all, despite promises of an open bar, etc.. See the links at the bottom of this posting, to read about those other KS failures.]

References to the Traveller "Spinward Marches" funding options have been pulled, so there are no episodes of that to fund/contribute to, or posters, t-shirts, etc. to buy anymore. There is still a page showing the "crew", e.g. the allegedly unpaid actors from the ill-fated show.

Now, if you have lots of dough to contribute, you can now fund various three "episodes" of 7 – 10 minutes duration, by sending him money according to the following pricing schedule:

Executive Producer Package – $750 USD (supposedly, sold out)

Associate Producer Package – $500 USD (quantity avail. = 3)

Storyline Editing Package – $250 USD (quantity avail. = 6)

Sol Bound Traveller Mini-Poster – 13" x 19" – $30 USD (appears to be unlimited)

The above positions, should you decide to fund them, will get your name mentioned in the "episode" credits, and supposedly you'll get to provide a bit of "input" into them.

For every $2,500 USD generated, three more episodes will be created.

So, I guess the moral to the story is to not send this guy a penny, since virtually all of his Kickstarters and other projects have failed, and/or people rarely, if ever receive the products he's advertised and promised to deliver.

Rumor has it he's been doing this, allegedly, for almost 20 years.

The Kentucky Attorney General has allegedly sent him a letter, after a complaint regarding his business practices, to which he has 30 days to respond. Not sure that will do anything to help people get their money back, but at least it is something.

Supposedly, Marc Miller is aware this guy seems to be tarnishing the Traveller brand, but not sure anything will be done by him, either.

To read more about Ken Whitman, and his various incompetently managed projects, see the links below, since you shouldn't just take my word for it. There are lots of other really annoyed people as well:

Things with this guy, and D20 Entertainment are so bad, a number of people have created blogs dedicated solely to him, in order to keep other people from losing their money on his mismanaged projects:


Make sure to read the side-bar articles in the second link above as well, since they are very enlightening.

A final note – for those that may have lost money to Ken Whitman, and/or D20 Entertainment, if you paid with Paypal, you now have 180 days to Dispute payments, instead of the much shorter deadline, so that's worth considering.

Also, apparently he resides in KY, so you might be able to take him to Small Claims Court there, to seek redress for products not delivered.

Please pass this info along to others, so they aren't disappointed by this alleged, serial fraudster.

Mako1111 Oct 2015 2:04 p.m. PST

I wonder if he's related to the Crowder clan?

Where is Raylan Givens when we need him?

[yes, I know, in FL now]

bsrlee11 Oct 2015 3:48 p.m. PST

I'm surprised that people haven't lodged complaints under the US mail selling laws – companies offering goods for sale to be delivered by mail used to be required to contact the buyer and offer a refund if the goods were not delivered within 28 days.

I keep getting emails in Australia from Amazon about outstanding book pre-orders so I'm guessing that the laws are still on the books.

Maybe getting the Feds on his back might get some people their money back, they seem harder to shake as you can't just move to the next town.

Mako1111 Oct 2015 4:10 p.m. PST

I think he's doing most of his business via the internet, so US Mail laws may not apply, unless people sent him payments via that method, or he claims to have shipped stuff with them, that never arrived.

Wire fraud laws do however apply, and there's a 20 year maximumum sentence for a felony conviction on that, by an individual, as well as a $1,000,000 USD fine.

Anyone caught up in his scams can try reporting him to the KY AG, FTC, FBI – Wire Fraud Division, and probably your local state's attorney general as well.

Seems he uses Paypal, Facebook, and Wordpress for his website, so complaints to them, or on those sites might be helpful as well.

I tried checking into Wordpress to complain to them, and inform them about what's going on, but they don't seem to have any contact people you can reach. Seems they run everything through their "forums" there, to address issues, but if someone has an account with them, perhaps you can let them know about these issues.

I also don't do Facebook, and some that've tried mentioning stuff there have been blocked, or somehow, otherwise "unfriended" by Ken, in order to silence them.

Still waiting to hear back from Paypal on my dispute there.

I did get a note from the CotI people, and it appears they want to let Marc Miller know about the Sol Bound Traveller issue written by me, before posting my note on the forum, there.

Here's a link to others on the mismanaged Spinward Traveller Kickstarter, where you can read comments from many others, at the bottom of the page:


Some poor sap bought in to the 20 Traveller Spaceship offer.

Dances With Words Fezian11 Oct 2015 4:38 p.m. PST

He only lives about 6hrs from me and I'm looking into a small claims court summons as a way to get his attention…..

Mako1111 Oct 2015 4:49 p.m. PST

Good luck with that, DWW.

You can see a lot of other disappointed people on the link just above.

Perhaps printing that out and showing to the judge, or providing him/her with the on-line link might be helpful.

If I had the funds to travel, I'd sue him myself, and bill him for my travel and lodging costs too.

It appears early on this year that some of the Limited Edition Beowulfs were shipped, but judging from the comments about them, it seems like a very high percentage of them were damaged, or had other defects. Many did not receive their complete orders.

A lot of others, like me, haven't received anything at all, after 4+ months, and numerous e-mail inquiries about them.

cosmicbank11 Oct 2015 5:38 p.m. PST

If he is only 6 hours away, I am sure a chat over a cup of coffee would settle things.

cosmicbank11 Oct 2015 5:44 p.m. PST

Sue kickstarter if he has 6 failed kickstarters, then they are a partner in his ill gotten gains.

Mako1111 Oct 2015 5:50 p.m. PST

I think, in addition to the legal complaints and lawsuits, we need to go after his abilities to advertise, and fund his projects.

Seems to me if his access to Paypal is turned off, and his website host closes down his page(s), that would curtail his operations significantly.

Facebook is another target too, though reading all the negative comments there about him and his failures is enlightening. Perhaps if they just leave it up, for posterity, but lock the account, so he can't take advantage of others, that would be helpful.

ubercommando12 Oct 2015 5:33 a.m. PST

Have you raised this on the CotI forums? I haven't been there for a couple of weeks so this is the first I've heard about this.

williamb12 Oct 2015 7:21 a.m. PST

Mako11 upgrade your Paypal dispute to a claim. You can also report his activities as fraudulent to Paypal on their security page. You should also cross post this to the General Forum/Consumer Affairs

charles popp12 Oct 2015 9:22 a.m. PST

Hate to say but if CoTL is not informing people then maybe Marc himself is in on this stuff? I mean with all the numerous times I do not see how Marc is not aware of what is going on, He could real easy shut this all down. He is usually pretty on top of his brand and who uses it. For this to have been going on as long and as many times kinda makes you wonder.

Ping Pong12 Oct 2015 10:30 a.m. PST

Try your state attorney generals office. I contacted mine once regarding an issue with wizards of the coast. An inquiry from the AG got their attention! And I got satisfaction.

Mako1112 Oct 2015 1:01 p.m. PST

Yes, I've attempted to raise it there, though it's not been posted yet, since they wanted to alert Marc Miller to the issue, supposedly.

I'm told Marc is aware of at least some of the issues – non-delivery of, and/or badly damaged resin spaceships.

Some seem to indicate there may be nothing he can do, but I think he should/may have a clause to pull the Traveller license, if needed.

napthyme12 Oct 2015 1:31 p.m. PST

Yeah he also made a fiasco out of the KoDT live action series release and its fulfillment.

I seriously doubt that he will get a second chance at doing that again.

Mako1112 Oct 2015 2:51 p.m. PST

Apparently, he's still trying, using funds from one failed KS, and/or those non-existent, resin, Traveller spaceships which are "shipping" for the last four months.

Perhaps there's a black hole in Kentucky, gobbling all those up.

Thanks for the tip.

Yea, just escalated it to a claim, since he's not responding to my dispute with Paypal, either.

My posting about this on CotI still hasn't been "cleared" for posting there, which is a shame, since it might keep other people from becoming Ken's victims as well.

I have posted about this on Lead Adventure, and Starship Combat News (Star Ranger Forum), to try to spread the word.

Please help to post about this on other appropriate sites, and/or tell your friends and acquaintances too. We need his sources of funding to be cut off, so he can't scam others.

TheIronPrice12 Oct 2015 3:30 p.m. PST

Have you posted on the traveller Facebook group?

Mako1112 Oct 2015 5:02 p.m. PST

No, since I don't do Facebook.

War Monkey13 Oct 2015 7:09 a.m. PST

Print off all this information and send it off the the I.R.S., I'm willing to bet if he is scamming all these folks he scamming on his taxes, If they find anything that points to him cheating on his taxes they will lock down everything to include his savings and checking accounts and any evidence of fraud to other be found, get handed over to the states attorneys office for which ever state he lives in. evil grin

LouisDesyjr22 Nov 2020 11:56 a.m. PST

d20 entertainment LLC has been filed with a corporate registration in KY and effective date of 01/01/2021 but people can send correspondence at any time.

Here is a link with the full details and addresses:
Note: It would be better to send directly to the main address instead of the KY registered agent.

williamb23 Nov 2020 9:41 a.m. PST

The Maryland address appears to be in a residential neighborhood according to Google Earth. Possibly an apartment building?

Daricles26 Nov 2020 7:22 p.m. PST

Somebody is really pissed at this guy to wait patiently almost six years for him to resurface and then resurrect a 2015 post to dox him when he does.

LouisDesyjr29 Nov 2020 8:44 p.m. PST

More information on the filing.

The address is a MA address. d20 Entertainment LLC was initially used by Whitman as part of his con to make it sound more legit. When things started to go off the rails around 2015, people discovered that Whitman had not filed and refused to tell anyone where he was or d20 had been incorporated. When Whitman was pressed as to 'where was d20 incorporate' and accused of never incorporating it Whitman would tell people that it could be in any state, but never tell anyone. This was around 2015 so Whitman had already gotten the 170K or so for six Kickstarter projects, which he only partly delivered on. Basically, Whitman kept doing work while it looked like he could get more money, and the disappeared with no forwarding address. People where looking for him and d20 entertainment LLC only to discover d20 entertainment LLC was 'unincorporated'. People looked for an address to send demand letters and also a place to server a lawsuit on Whitman, which was one of the reasons for Whitman not telling anyone where he lived or worked.

After Gencon 2015 I contacted Whitman and asked him what had happened to the DVD for the Knights of The Dinner Table project. I had no idea all the other problems since I had not been following it for a while. At first Whitman was like 'oh, I am still working on it' but then as I did more research discovered that Whitman had basically taken off on everyone and stopped all work. Since no one knew where Whitman was living or working, it was impossible to do anything.

After a while, Whitman finally stopped moving around and re surfaced in KY working for a friend at a comic book store, managing or having bought one store in a two store chain. This was 2018. At that point I was able to serve Whitman and Kickstarter with a lawsuit in Kings County, NY in April 2018. After a few months of going back and forth and getting nowhere with Whitman, it finally came out just as the deadline for Kickstarter to file their answer to the lawsuit was about to happen (Kickstarter's lawyer uploaded the answer on 9pm on the last day to file an answer). Whitman confessed that he had lost the raw footage for KODT and all the other projects. The raw footage was stored on two 4TB hard drives. One drive developed hardware problems. The other hard drive was left with a friend when he left KY for GA in order to avoid anyone looking for their money, serve him with lawsuits, or send him demand letters. Whitman finally confessed to this only when confronted with 'the raw footage is gone'. Basically, around the same time, a person mentioned to me that Whitman was at Origins (or around that time) and showed some of the footage but it had spelling mistakes and such. (Whitman is infamous for his constant spelling mistakes in anything he writes.) One person noted that and Whitman told them he was going to correct it. Then at Gencon 2015 people noted the same mistakes were on the footage. At that point some people 'had the sinking feeling' that Whitman had lost of footage and that was why he could not correct any of it; it was no longer possible. I was not told that until about August 2018 and as soon I was told that I instantly realized what had happened and could explain why Whitman would 'talk in circles' and refuse to turn over the footage, no matter what was offered. It also explained everything else with how he acted. Whitman would alternate between seeming to be willing to reconcile and then would attack people, etc, sometimes at random. People offered to even finish the work for free, one person, that has their own company, even left a standing offer to drive to where ever Whitman was and bring his own hard drive and make a copy and finish the project, but Whitman would never take them up on the offer. Now we knew why; if Whitman accepted any offer, he was not going to be able to deliver.

LouisDesyjr29 Nov 2020 8:54 p.m. PST

When Whitman finally confessed he did not have the hard drives, I was at least able to find out the last place he knew they were. When Whitman fled KY for GA he left them with a friend of his in KY. While Whitman was 'away', the friend got evicted from his apartment and the two drives were in a storage box that was put into a barn. That barn caught fire sometime in late 2016/early 2017 and everything was a total loss; there was not even any remains to the drives to even attempt a drive recovery on. So all the footage from the six Kickstarter projects was gone.

The mistake I made over the entire course was:

1: Initially, I assume d20 entertainment LLC was a separate company set up by the IP owner to separate the film from the IP so I did not look more into it. Otherwise I would have seen Whitman was involved and realized that he was just doing another set of cons on a new set of marks.

2: Assuming that the raw footage still existed in 2015 to 2018. One thing that everyone assumed is that no matter what happened, Whitman would ensure that the raw footage was safe and had a proper backup. Even after the first hard drive had failed that drive probably could have had recovery done on it and the files saved; instead Whitman hid this fact from everyone until it was too late and the files/drives had been lost in a fire.

Doc 53 in Desy vs Whitman and Kickstarter

LouisDesyjr29 Nov 2020 8:59 p.m. PST

So why the recent activity?

Whitman now claims that 'he found the lost footage' and wants to finish the project. Even though everyone knows that is impossible.

As such, I have filed in KY for d20 entertaninment LLC and on 01/01/2021 I will be the sole and only member of the company, in complete control of the company.

I have also filed for 'd20 entertainment' as a trademark with a filing date of Nov 22, 2020: link

Whitman will need to turn over all records and assets for d20 entertainment to me and will have to stop using d20 entertainment trademark unless I license it to him.

Daricles30 Nov 2020 7:48 p.m. PST

Why on earth would you want to take over a company whose only legacy is conning people out of their money?

Sure, you'll prevent this slacker from using it to further his schemes, but all he'll likely do is point the finger at you as he distances himself from the failed company.

Any angry people looking for him will find you instead.

Meanwhile, he'll cook up a new name and new pack of lies to sell to unsuspecting backers and be off to a fresh, crooked new start.

All he started with was a name and empty promises. Those are cheap and easy to come by.

People like him are not exactly in short supply. They get away with their misdeeds because they are more trouble than they are worth, and they know it.

How many hours of your life and how much money have you invested in tracking this guy down since he ripped you off?

Was it worth it? What do you hope to accomplish?

You've warned people about this guy, which is more than most people would have bothered with.

If I were you I'd learn something from the experience and move on.

williamb01 Dec 2020 10:06 a.m. PST

The notanotherdime link in the original post has a recent post from November that he has resurfaced on kickstarter under the name Whit Whitman. He is also on Facebook as Whit Whitman. Fortunately I never invested in any of his kickstarters and don't know what happened with the lawsuits, but if he was found guilty of fraud, wouldn't his assets, like the store he owns, be sold off in order to help pay those who lost their money?

Daricles01 Dec 2020 3:55 p.m. PST

First of all, you probably won't find any prosecutor who is going to waste their time prosecuting this guy for any criminal charges. That's what being found "guilty of fraud" would require. Even then, it is unlikely that any of this guy's personal assets, if he has any real assets worth anything, would be sold off.

Secondly, if someone wants to throw enough good money after bad to hire a lawyer and sue him, which could take years, he may eventually be found civilly liable for the losses. If so, he could have liens placed on any assets he owns and maybe have his wages garnished. Even if there is a judgement against him, he probably doesn't actually own anything of value or have any verifiable employment. If he does, he'll just go on unemployment and claim he's destitute while he runs some new scam and gets paid off the books.

Prosecutors have limited resources and have to use them to go after the most egregious offenders. They have "prosecutorial thresholds" that have to be met to go after someone. It's usually hundreds of victims of victims and/hundreds of thousands of dollars before they will even consider looking at taking a case. Even if those thresholds are met they sometimes won't take a case if each individual victim's loss is relatively small.

No one is likely to ever see a penny of the money back that they've given this guy.

As long as he keeps his schemes too small to make it worthwhile for some prosecutor to make an example of him and doesn't rip off the wrong person with the juice to get the wheels of justice turning he'll skate by always on the run and always looking over his shoulder.

LouisDesyjr02 Dec 2020 6:07 p.m. PST

Daricles: Yes, it did take some time and money (about $1,000 USD or so on my part; mostly filing fees in Kings County New York plus having Whitman served in KY at the comic store he was manager/running) on my part but at least I was able to find out what happened to the raw footage. Initially I had some hope that it would be possible to figure out what was wrong and why Whitman would never make a deal to get the raw footage turned over and recover that, but found out it was gone. But eventually I did figure it out and needed my lawsuit as part of the process to get to the truth.

Interesting, in my initial lawsuit I did not expect to win, and even if I did somehow win I knew that Whitman never has anything since no one in their right mind would hire him to do anything, and Whitman being who he is, would eventually steal everything around him that he can and get fired; leaving him with no money.

I do realize that people looking for d20 entertainment will find me instead but I need them to 'find me' since with Whitman holding all of the details I can't figure out what else was/is going on. Currently, my 'd20 entertainment llc' is both the first and second search results on google, which I am surprised by but that is what I want.

In relation to Whitman, anything civil is of little to no use, since Whitman is typically broke. I have spoken over the years with Whitman and told him that people who 'wanted to get back at him' might be better off if Whitman never goes to jail, since I expect eventually no one will want to or be able to risk dealing with him and expect he will end up homeless. I pointed out that his behavior is simply psychopathic and self destructive in nature since no matter what is going on, he always steals everything from everyone around him and destroys whatever he is working on.

I am trying to see if it is possible with the d20 entertainment llc to go after Whitman on criminal complaints. Basically, my view is that Whitman openly posted he was running the projects and business under d20 entertainment llc and now I will be in control of that on 01/01/2021. We will see what happens.

I did not file for d20 entertaiment llc while my lawsuit was going on since I did not want it to be incorporated at that time, but I did file name reservations so Whitman could not decide to file and attempt to use the filed company to shield himself from any liability. (The down side of Whitman doing that is then he would have to pay money to hire a lawyer to represent d20 entertainment in court.)

Whitman is basically unable to do anything with a company under his own name since he would have to a registered address and that address would be useable to send demand letters and then lawsuits could be served.

One thing that registering the company and trademark will do is that I can prevent Whitman from using them and leave a big 'hole' in his history for when he tries to recruit his next set of marks for his next con. Whitman apparently with claiming 'he found the footage' is trying to make it sound like he is making amends so he can run the same playbook again.

As far as I can tell, Whitman is on his third or fourth cycle over the last 25 years of doing this routine.

LouisDesyjr02 Dec 2020 6:19 p.m. PST

williamb: Whitman has used the 'Whit' Whitman name for a number of years; since apparently there is a 'pack' of unhappy people from the failed Kcikstarters that start filling up his wall whenever he tries to do anything under his own name on social media. Of course, we know about that because they found out about it and 'pile in' on Whit Whitman also.

Whitman has also tried to use gofundme but people piled in on that also.

As near as I can figure, there were several hundred people Whitman took from the Kickstarters plus another few thousand that know about it.

Tenkar Tavern has done a whole series of posts and podcasts on Whitman, including the 'back and forth' we had on messaging every time. Whitman is usually hilarious in that he will threaten to call the police or FBI on you for harassment and then keeps talking with you.

Whitman's mode is to constantly play on one's feelings but sometimes it backfires on him, especially when he is presented with the fact or evidence of his lying. I suspect Whitman is getting particularly upset in recent months since I forecasted that 'this time he really messed up' because too many people got burned in this con. In the past only a few people where involved and maybe only 20 or 30 people heard about the problems. With the Kcikstarter projects hundreds of people where involved and know about it.

The funniest part is that during my lawsuit Whitman constantly would point out about 'how he was much smarter than me and how he was going to boast about it when he won'. While Whitman did 'win' that battle, he lost the war; the silence was deafening as people now knew that Whitman was such so self destructive that he allowed the raw footage to be lost. After the lawsuit was over Whitman did not do any kind of victory boasting but instead the silence was deafening; Whitman did not say or do anything for a period of weeks, maybe even months.

Daricles02 Dec 2020 9:00 p.m. PST

Good job? Sounds like a Pyrrhic victory to me. What now?

LouisDesyjr03 Dec 2020 9:15 a.m. PST

Daricles: I am not sure what happens next; basically I am 'doing something' to see what happens next; however, I can assure you that something will happen, I just don't know what.

It is part of what I called 'the effect' and seemed to start to take place around early to mid 2000s; It would be that people who usually did not treat me right or held to what I call being a good citizen, while they had made things miserable for me, usually had a disaster befall them within 5 to 10 years and would fall from power or other such bad fortune.

I am not able to explain why this happens, it just does and not really because of anything I set in motion, it is more like a punishment from The Fates for how they have conducted themselves in life.

Daricles03 Dec 2020 7:05 p.m. PST

Well, there's no great mystery there. When you treat people badly and make poor decisions in life it eventually catches up to you.

Thresher0116 Dec 2020 4:41 a.m. PST

Interesting news.

My old TMP name was Mako11, but I forgot my password, so am now Thresher01.

Fortunately, I was able to get my money back via Paypal for the resin ships.

Mr. Whitman allegedly ripped off a lot of people on that scam, which he used to pay for the products, having pre-sold them first, and then NEVER delivered on to the original purchasers. He then re-sold those to others thru that KY shop, and/or sold some to Noble Knight who then sold them on eBay as well (apparently, they were unaware of the scandal with Ken).

Last I heard, few if any of the original people pre-ordering the resin spacecraft ever received them or got their money back, even years afterwards, which is a shame.

I was left wondering how many times he could sell the same products to multiple people?

Some people, 5 or so years ago figure he's reaped at least $250,000 USD+ from his numerous scams, given sales figure claims by him, known sales, and the retail prices of those.

I'm under the impression that there are/were hundreds, if not thousands of people allegedly scammed by this crook.

I haven't checked up on the situation in some time, but imagine he is still plotting and scheming, so buyers beware with any and all Traveller products, and/or video offers related to Traveller, or other Sci-Fi film, or video products.

Ah, predictable that Ken appears to be running more Kickstarters again – BUYER BEWARE! and spread the word:

He's apparently running, and/or planning to run various scams with Kickstarter again, including Spinward Traveller.

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP16 Dec 2020 9:08 a.m. PST

Purely out of curiosity, what makes you think those hard drives were destroyed? All the information seems to come from a single highly unreliable source. I can easily see the sort of person you describe swearing blind the asset was gone, then years later "rediscovering" it--"it was an honest mistake, your honor"--when he thinks he can get away with it.

But unless he has a serious drug and/or gambling problem, he didn't scam a quarter of a million and then go to work in a game shop.

Thresher0116 Dec 2020 2:44 p.m. PST

He was reportedly living with his GF at the time, and driving her car, and even supposedly giving acting lessons.

On his "film" projects, you could pay money, like $100 USD or so, in order to be given the dubious title of "producer" on them as well, despite having no real connection with the project(s) for some of his kickstarters. IIRC, there were other titles that you could buy too, but as far as I know, none of his film or video projects was ever completed successfully.

We did see photos of the resin Traveller ships he made with money scammed from people pre-paying for those, and as far as I know from back then, only a handful of people ever received them.

He re-sold them to others thru that KY shop, and to others like Noble Knight, who unknowingly listed and sold at least some thru eBay.

Last I heard, the guy was even having trouble fulfilling orders for "Pencil Dice", which are just ordinary, six-sided, lead pencils with various numbers of dots on them, near the eraser, so they can be used instead of dice.

How hard can it be to have pencils printed by a 3rd party and shipped to the purchasers?

It certainly isn't rocket science.

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