Copied directly from Joe (the author of Frostgrave)
"Frostgrave – Charity Scenario. (
Hello everyone. First off, I just want to thank everyone for supporting my game, it's been wonderful to see all of the figures and terrain people have painted or made and to read all of the battle reports and backstories people have posted.
It has long been a dream of mine to somehow combine my love of fantasy gaming with doing a bit of good in the real world. Like many, I have been struck by the plight of the Syrian refugees, and wanted to do something to help. So, I've done what I seem to do best at the moment, I wrote a new scenario for Frostgrave. I have posted this scenario on my blog for everyone to enjoy. I am just asking that anyone who plays this scenario or adds it to their Frostgrave collection to please donate £1.00 GBP to Save the Children. I have set up a MyDonate page with a link from my blog. I'm hoping to raise £500.00 GBP
Thanks again everyone, and enjoy your adventures in Frostgrave.
Frostgrave: Standing in the Eye –
A great cause, and great idea!