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1,740 hits since 28 Aug 2015
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Pictors Studio28 Aug 2015 4:46 a.m. PST

The warriors of Lord Dal Almarth moved into the valley. Coppery dust fell from the armour of the knights, warriors and chosen from where they had risen from the ground, only Almarth and his marauders had been awake prior to the shattering of the defensive fire wall around the Numinus Occulum.


For all of their lack of activity the warriors of Tzeentch showed no stiffness in their joints. They moved with imagined speed over the hazel ground Almarth at their head.




Lord Singhan Hammerfall ordered his men back into a defensive line to meet this threat. It would take Sigmar some time to send them reinforcements and it would not be able to be done if the Occulum fell back into the foul hands of Chaos.


A low thrumming voice could be heard across the plane coming from the Chaos Sorcerer lord. It echoed off of the plate armour of his warriors and knights and amplified until a flash turn the rocks in front of the Sigmarite position incandescent and there appeared mewling Chaos things, slithering around them and oozing over the floor, quickly taking shape, becoming more solid and then chattering and screeching horribly.


The Judicators moved up against this new threat as Lord Almarth moved well ahead of his battle line.

The massive steel shafts fell among the newly-summoned Horrors striking down several.

Meanwhile Singhan addressed his line to respond to the threat moving around his flank.

Then the thrumming chant started again, this time more than twice as loud as the sound coming from the throat of Almarth was doubled by that coming from the Horrors.


Now a small cloud started swirling just east of the Occulum, a cloud of blue and green. It worked itself into a small tornado and spit out three fungus looking creatures, each nine feet tall erupting with green hell flame from multiple mouths that appeared and disappeared all over their blue skin.

Their green fire fell heavily on the Liberators closest to them. The sizzling of flesh could be heard as the Sigmarites gritted their teeth to the pain and then died.

More arrows fell among the Horrors but still the chanting continued, in explosions all over the battlefield more of the Tzzentch daemons appeared, their coruscating forms warping the air around them.

Buring liquid was cast from their hands at the Judicators and the Sigmarite archers fell with it burning holes through their armour.


Still the warriors drew closer, moving at a run.

The Chaos Knights now charged into the retributors and the massive hammers of the Sigmarites offered no protection against the hellglaives as they pierced armour, flesh and bone.


Seeing his men falling all around and becoming increasingly surrounded and outnumbered Singhan ordered one of the units of Liberators back into the Occulum. They would need to stay there and hold out, no matter what.


The horrors fell upon the Judicators, their hands ripping plates of armour from the archers even as the warriors stabbed into their bellies spilling burning ichor onto the copper impregnated ground.


More horrors gibber their way towards Singhan and start tearing at his cloak and armour, his hammer smashing them away each time it swings, his Dracoth rending their bodies with claws and fangs.

The lone prosecutor flies straight at Lord Almarth and engages him in single combat.


The magical sword of the Sorcerer lashes out briefly turning into a snake and wrapping itself around the flying warriors arm before turning back to silvery steel, slicing a deep cut all around the arm exposing sinew, muscle and bone.

His next swing detaches the warriors head from its shoulders.

Singhan himself smashes the last of the horrors around him only to turn and find himself engulfed in billowing warpflame, his dracoth getting a spurt straight down the throat and the mighty Sigmarite falls to the earth, his body immolated lighting that area of the battlefield with a weird green glow.

Any yells of pain or battle cries let out by the warriors on the ground are drowned out by the horrific screaming of the Sky Sharks of Chaos as they pass over the battlefield before plunging straight at the Liberators guarding the Occulum. As they do the last of the Judicators and Retributors fall outside the shattered building.


The screamers pull back only for more horrors of the warped mind of Tzeentch to appear, flying over the walls the Flamers on their own and on their burning chariot pour warpfire among the Liberators. The Sigmarites turn their backs to the wall, kneeling on the parapet with their shields in front of them the worst of the flames gushes around them leaving small pools of burning warp matter dripping to the ground below.


The Chosen warriors of Tzeentch make it to the Occulum and bound up to the parapet, their axes digging deep into the shield wall of the Liberators as the Flammers sweep over them. Lord Almarth starts hacking at the defenders. He knows that time is short and all of these warriors must die if he is to reconstruct the blocking wall before it is too late.


All of the Liberators except the prime fall before the combined forces of Chaos. His skin charred and blood seeping through his armour he deals blow after blow against his enemies before the entire sky and ground below is lit with a new bright glow.


The combatants pause, momentarily blinded. As they regain their sight both Sigmarite and Chaos can see the plain and they are all surrounded by ranks of Sigmarite warriors just brought to this realm by the lightning bolts of Sigmar. Almarth was too late.

More pictures can be seen here:





Xintao28 Aug 2015 5:47 a.m. PST

Some nice looking terrain and figures there.


Pictors Studio28 Aug 2015 6:16 a.m. PST

Thank you. I just got the Occulum painted up and finished the Prosecutors yesterday. They were the worst thing in the boxed set to paint, although are among the coolest looking of the Sigmarite models.

The scenario followed on from the previous game: TMP link

The perameters were that the Chaos player had to have at least 6 models in the Oculum at the end of turn 6 and no Sigmarite models could be in there.

The two forces were approximately evenly matched at the beginning of the game with the Sigmarites having a slight advantage, but of course the Chaos player can summon lots of Daemons and the Daemons can summon Daemons.

It ended up being an incredibly close game. The last remaining Sigmarite warrior on the table was a Liberator and he had 1 wound left at the end of turn 6 so the Sigmarites just barely pulled out a victory. Still that was all they needed. The realm gate would remain protected.

All in all it was a very fun game. The Sigmarite player said it had a very Rorke's Drift feel to it.

Those Liberators were pretty tough to dig out of the building. They get a 4+ save increased to 3+ in cover and then they get to re-roll 1's because of their big ass shields.

Gone Fishing28 Aug 2015 8:01 a.m. PST

Your figures look incredible, Pictors, and it's great to hear it was a fun game as well. It's funny how Rorke's Drift style situations are tons of fun in just about any genre. Thank you very much for sharing!

Baranovich28 Aug 2015 11:54 a.m. PST

Just incredible battle report and narrative, you make this so immersive and it tells such a great story. This is what Warhammer was always meant to be!

Well done!

Pictors Studio28 Aug 2015 1:53 p.m. PST

Thanks guys! It was a lot of fun playing. I'm not sure I understand the complaints about the game being hard to balance. It was pretty easy to come up with a balanced scenario. We only played it through the once but it was as close as it could be.

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