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"L'Art de la Guerre 5 Battle reports" Topic

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madaxeman26 Jul 2015 5:10 a.m. PST

Back in June I took part in the 2nd UK-based L'Art de la Guerre "proper" competition at the BHGS Challenge in Oxford, using a Feudal German army in a Feudal themed period event.

I've now done reports on all of the games, but also ended up accidentally writing a rather rambling and lengthy preamble that turned into something of an essay on ADLG and my own personal view of the state of UK ancients competition scene that may be of interest – and the reports are still there too if you want to skip the wittering !

The German army was pretty simple, reducing my opportunities to mess things up by trying to execute any sort of over complicated plan, and the end result was fairly successful as well – as you can see in these 5 match reports, complete with rules hints and the usual captions and expert analysis from Hannibal.

Read the pre-amble and then go to the reports

Just go straight to the reports


Cardinal Ximenez26 Jul 2015 5:38 a.m. PST

Thanks Tim,

You've raised some of the same points I had after playing a few games. Glad to see I was wasn't whining too much. I'm still getting used to the "Really, I lost?" or "What do you mean the game's over?" syndromes. We've been playing 200 point games and have yet to try the 300 point level which may help me better acclimate to the tempo of the game.

Thanks for the always interesting AARs.


Who asked this joker26 Jul 2015 6:22 a.m. PST

Tango01 is so fast that he can "tango" a blogger before that blogger has time to post! wink

From Yesterday…
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I'll have a look later. I enjoyed your first battle report about LadG.

madaxeman26 Jul 2015 6:28 a.m. PST

wow. I have been well and truly Tangoe'd there haven't I!

Sudwind26 Jul 2015 7:54 a.m. PST

I got this set of rules recently. Hope to give it a whirl soon. I need a replacement for DBA.

meledward2326 Jul 2015 1:55 p.m. PST

Great reports I enjoyed reading them.
I have the ruleset sitting here on myshelf waiting to be read… this might be the inspiration to finally get'er done.

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