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Silent Pool13 Jan 2020 9:29 a.m. PST


- Hey, someone stole my panties …and look, he's wearing them now

Silent Pool13 Jan 2020 9:30 a.m. PST


Silent Pool13 Jan 2020 9:31 a.m. PST


- No, she means me, lassie

Silent Pool13 Jan 2020 11:16 a.m. PST


- Ooh, not a good look! They looked so much better on me.

14Bore13 Jan 2020 4:15 p.m. PST


Volleyfire14 Jan 2020 1:36 p.m. PST

Ach, I told you not to let Mussolini drive!


Now ve all have der shatner panties.

Volleyfire14 Jan 2020 1:41 p.m. PST


Not long avter ziss photograffen voss taken I voss skreaming mein kopf off in terror! Der Italians are mitt der terrible drivers.Hes goes flat out forvarts und then zuddenly shouts "Attenzione! Inglese commandoes!! und goes mitt der reversen speilen flatten outen mitt der tyres squealen.

von Schwartz14 Jan 2020 6:37 p.m. PST

This may be a first, Von Schwartz with a pic.

But NOT the last!!!!


Silent Pool16 Jan 2020 9:36 a.m. PST


Bashytubits16 Jan 2020 9:52 a.m. PST

Silent Pool16 Jan 2020 9:58 a.m. PST


Silent Pool16 Jan 2020 2:02 p.m. PST


14Bore16 Jan 2020 2:30 p.m. PST


Bashytubits16 Jan 2020 7:07 p.m. PST

I see you fixed the link you posted earlier…

Silent Pool16 Jan 2020 10:18 p.m. PST


That's our little secret

Bashytubits17 Jan 2020 10:00 a.m. PST


Volleyfire18 Jan 2020 2:18 a.m. PST


I haff founden ziss vite powder dat ASTRNM is usink vich ist making his eyes go all funny. I might haff to try it myselfen. Ja!! (Ven I am saying vite I mean zort opf der kreamy vite.)

Volleyfire18 Jan 2020 2:22 a.m. PST


Hmm, it has nein effecten on mein eyes. It must only affecten ASTRNM.

Silent Pool18 Jan 2020 2:29 a.m. PST


Oh, it's making the hair in your moustache fall out. How funny!

Bashytubits18 Jan 2020 6:36 a.m. PST

DJCoaltrain25 Jan 2020 8:25 p.m. PST

Spent all day catching up by reading all the posts. Now I have all the info I need to conquer the Earth. However, It's not worth the candle. Beware Terrains, there are civilizations that feed on stupidity and arrogance. They will be along shortly. firetruck

Volleyfire26 Jan 2020 2:23 a.m. PST


Did somevon call mein namen??

Silent Pool26 Jan 2020 6:48 a.m. PST

Yeah, all grey to me for a long while now.

Probably along this line I guess …


…and then we continue

Silent Pool27 Jan 2020 10:33 a.m. PST


Guys, forgive me for asking but do you war game?

(Terrific work from

Bashytubits28 Jan 2020 9:37 p.m. PST

I don't understand your question….

14Bore29 Jan 2020 1:12 a.m. PST


200 years ago today king George III died

Silent Pool29 Jan 2020 7:21 a.m. PST

So apart from total unopposed control of India; £8.10 GBP Bn of estates; keeping Napoleon at bay; an enormous collection of scientific instruments; the discovery of Uranus; helping to maintain a system of democratically elected governments; massive advances in agriculture paving the way for the industrial revolution. What has King George the Third ever done for us?

Happy Birthday George


Bashytubits29 Jan 2020 5:07 p.m. PST

Well he did an outstanding job of disgruntling the 13 colonies.

von Schwartz29 Jan 2020 6:19 p.m. PST


Disgruntled? funny word that.

I've known people who were described as "disgruntled" i.e. angry/dissatisfied, but have you ever know anyone who was described as "gruntled"?

Volleyfire30 Jan 2020 1:35 a.m. PST

Pigs grunt, that's near enough for me.


Bashytubits30 Jan 2020 9:25 p.m. PST

Ask the "grunts" I'm sure they are gruntled frequently.

Silent Pool30 Jan 2020 10:44 p.m. PST


- Disgruntling?

- Pigs and cavemen?

- Never mind, Captain, you'll always have The Last Word on TMP

- Yes!

Volleyfire31 Jan 2020 2:20 a.m. PST

And the last word is Shatner Panties.


Robert le Diable31 Jan 2020 6:15 a.m. PST


14Bore31 Jan 2020 3:07 p.m. PST


Happy Brexit day!

Silent Pool31 Jan 2020 4:23 p.m. PST


von Schwartz31 Jan 2020 5:28 p.m. PST

Happy Brexit Day

Bashytubits31 Jan 2020 6:53 p.m. PST

Congrats on standing up for yourselves.

Volleyfire01 Feb 2020 3:30 a.m. PST


Happy Brexit Day!!

Silent Pool02 Feb 2020 5:37 a.m. PST



14Bore02 Feb 2020 8:28 a.m. PST


Bashytubits03 Feb 2020 2:19 p.m. PST

Volleyfire06 Feb 2020 3:13 a.m. PST

Vell ve are back vrom our little trip to see der old Shatner Panties factories.
link His driving ist nix gut.
Zo I maken him push us out off der snow ven he gott us mitt stuck.


Mussolini haff astonished me mitt his idea to buy zer old Shatner Panties factories all for himselfen und producen ein military version.

Volleyfire06 Feb 2020 3:16 a.m. PST

Hier ist von opf der vurst trials opf der military Shatner Panties.
(Do not try ziss at homen)


Volleyfire06 Feb 2020 3:17 a.m. PST

Und hier ist ein test under zer battlefield conditions. Ja!!


Volleyfire06 Feb 2020 3:20 a.m. PST

Unt hier are der results. (Classified opft course)

Bashytubits06 Feb 2020 11:47 a.m. PST

Talk about getting thrown under the bus. If you wear Shatner Panties you get what you deserve.

Silent Pool06 Feb 2020 1:50 p.m. PST

You may mock me gentlemen but Shatner Panties are a very …uh! …oh! …where was I? Oh yes, …Shatner Panties ARE a very good thing

Silent Pool06 Feb 2020 1:58 p.m. PST


Volleyfire06 Feb 2020 3:42 p.m. PST

You vill need to carry ein bouquet opf flowers ziss big to get rid opf der smell!!


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