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Silent Pool16 Oct 2016 9:59 a.m. PST

Haha, you thought I didn't speak Spanish, with your fancy words Mr Clark – or should that be Senor Nevada – but I do (smile)!

And while you were broadcasting, Scottie has homed in on your coordinates and we have your exact pueblo . I give you fair warning, we are about to nuke Luzerne, Pennsylvania. You and your cat farm will soon be …


Bashytubits16 Oct 2016 11:22 a.m. PST

I just love the motivational speeches you give to your crew.

Silent Pool16 Oct 2016 11:38 a.m. PST


Bashytubits16 Oct 2016 1:43 p.m. PST

Silent Pool16 Oct 2016 7:16 p.m. PST


Mr Spock, we have a problem …

Bashytubits16 Oct 2016 8:08 p.m. PST

It appears you have many problem children Cellar Door.

For goodness sake! Do not nibble on the tribble, do you have any idea where that has even been?

Silent Pool17 Oct 2016 5:44 a.m. PST

Oh no! I've been teleported down into Bashy's cat farm.

Crew, do not, I repeat DO NOT, open fire just yet. Get me back onboard the ship.

OUCH! Hey, little fellow, you didn't want to try and hide there!

Silent Pool17 Oct 2016 5:49 a.m. PST


Silent Pool17 Oct 2016 5:51 a.m. PST


Volleyfire17 Oct 2016 12:31 p.m. PST


Watch out Captain, there's a certain US billionaire hiding amongst the tribbles just behind you, I can see his blonde hair.

Silent Pool17 Oct 2016 1:00 p.m. PST


Jumping Jack Fish, it's an ambush! They're both here!


Silent Pool17 Oct 2016 1:08 p.m. PST


14Bore17 Oct 2016 2:31 p.m. PST

Its Trumpcat

14Bore17 Oct 2016 2:31 p.m. PST

Its Trumpcat

Bashytubits17 Oct 2016 5:10 p.m. PST

Sounds like a hare(y) situation…

snurl117 Oct 2016 10:54 p.m. PST

Lets not go splitting hares now.

Silent Pool18 Oct 2016 5:54 a.m. PST


Silent Pool18 Oct 2016 5:58 a.m. PST


Silent Pool18 Oct 2016 7:29 a.m. PST

In correspondence with e the Editor I am informed that one this post reaches 999 (my, that such thing should happen!) then the 'clock' resets to zero.

That indicates that post 999 will be the Last Word …just saying!


Volleyfire18 Oct 2016 7:33 a.m. PST

Is that 999 posts or 999 pages? I presume you mean pages?? Oh that we should live that long…

Toronto4818 Oct 2016 8:24 a.m. PST

999 ? should be 999,999

Bashytubits18 Oct 2016 1:25 p.m. PST

Finally proof that Cellar Doors Star Trek alpha strike missed! You are alive Toronto48! Huzzah!

It appears your fire control officer AND navigator need replacing cellar door. Just saying. evil grin

Toronto4818 Oct 2016 6:04 p.m. PST


I no longer live in Toronto

Bashytubits18 Oct 2016 6:33 p.m. PST

What a fiendishly clever ruse if I do say so myself.

Silent Pool18 Oct 2016 7:35 p.m. PST


IT IS rocket science and IT IS jolly difficult. You guys don't seem to appreciate that!




Ho Hum!

Bashytubits18 Oct 2016 9:41 p.m. PST

Only because you don't understand your crew.

Silent Pool19 Oct 2016 6:11 a.m. PST

Au contraire, my Spanish speaking cat farmer.


Conclusive proof.

Silent Pool19 Oct 2016 6:26 a.m. PST


Bashytubits19 Oct 2016 6:27 a.m. PST

Conclusive proof he is a womanizer and doesn't care about cross species "relations" either. None of them are his crew. The closest is the alternate dimemsional dame. Oh devotee of all things William Shatner.

Silent Pool19 Oct 2016 7:16 a.m. PST



Bashytubits19 Oct 2016 12:56 p.m. PST

Toronto4819 Oct 2016 4:44 p.m. PST

So for my Knock out picture


Bashytubits19 Oct 2016 6:55 p.m. PST

Ha! That is so passé. No challenge to top that.

The gun is good. Foot archery is even better!

Silent Pool19 Oct 2016 7:39 p.m. PST

I can't see her quiver! …just saying

Silent Pool19 Oct 2016 7:42 p.m. PST


I CAN see his. Bless.

Bashytubits19 Oct 2016 8:57 p.m. PST

She is actually balancing on hers. Can HE do that? Plus no one here other than you wants to see his bless.

Silent Pool20 Oct 2016 5:52 a.m. PST

I just don't get it!

Every child deserves a champion; an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be.

When I give you Captain Kirk, you all laugh. It is so wrong of you.

Let me remind you people. In the beginning you laughed at Jim Carey …well you're not laughing now!



Bashytubits20 Oct 2016 9:54 a.m. PST

Wow, that is so deep, I am touched. Keep going you are on a roll.

Toronto4820 Oct 2016 8:41 p.m. PST

Hey Bashy who's copying who I used the same picture on the "Do you paint nude thread ?"

Toronto4820 Oct 2016 8:44 p.m. PST

Of course if you find Sean a bit dull how about this guy


Silent Pool21 Oct 2016 1:19 a.m. PST

That man disgusts me! Fellow citizens, in my vision of the future, people, like him, will be forced to wear polished shoes …so they can see their reflection in them.

Ooh, where did this come from?


Silent Pool21 Oct 2016 1:49 a.m. PST

- Captain, HUMINT received indicates …well, CATINT …CATINT received indicates that Bashytubits is presently constructing a treehouse in the outskirts of Milwaukee.


- Do we have your permission to open fire?


Silent Pool21 Oct 2016 1:53 a.m. PST


- and, Toronto48?

Silent Pool21 Oct 2016 2:05 a.m. PST


- Captain, by examining Toronto48's earlier communication, reference 'Keep Calm', and removing all surplus data, then transposing the remaining image on a grid map of North America, we are able to say, to within 4% accuracy, that Toronto48 is living in Ontario, Canada.

- Somewhere between …Fort Severn and Windsor, and Kenora and Cornwall.

Silent Pool21 Oct 2016 2:08 a.m. PST


Yeah, just do it! Both of them.

What's the worst that can happen?

Silent Pool21 Oct 2016 2:15 a.m. PST


Haha, Bashy's building a treehouse in Milwaukee! Haha, it won't save him!
What did he say once, what happens in a treehouse stays in a treehouse!

Hahahaha, hahahaha, hahahaha, ooh I've wet my trousers, Mr Spock!

Hahahaha, hahahaha!

Silent Pool21 Oct 2016 2:17 a.m. PST


Congratulations, Captain. You have taken Page 16, without even trying.

Bashytubits21 Oct 2016 4:06 a.m. PST

Bleeped text%20star%20trek%20memes.jpg

Toronto4821 Oct 2016 6:19 a.m. PST

Don't forget Shatner was born in Montreal so we are "paisans

Bashytubits21 Oct 2016 10:16 a.m. PST

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