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Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP16 Jun 2015 10:15 p.m. PST

Getting ready to host a big FoW game in a few weeks. 5000 points per side using micro-armor. Hope to have 3 or 4 players per side. Here are my army lists:


  • HQ T-35/85 + 3 x AA Trucks
  • Tankovy Co. 10 x T34 (Upgrade 5 to T34/85)
  • Tankovy Co. 10 x T34 (Upgrade 5 to T34/85)
  • Light Tankovy 10 x T-70
  • Tank Rider Co, 3 Platoons + 2 HMGs
  • Assault Gun Co. 5 x ISU152
  • Rocket Mortar Co. Katyusha x4, Upgrade Crews, + AA trucks


  • HQ + AT Rifle + AA trucks
  • Company #1, 3 Platoons, HMG
  • Company #2, 3 Platoons
  • Company #3, 2 Platoons, HMG
  • Mortar Co, With FO
  • Artillery Co, With FO, 4 x 76mm
  • AT Co. Upgraded to 4 x 57mm ZIS-2
  • Assault Gun Co. 5 x SU76M, With Tank Riders
  • Heavy Assault Gun 4 x ISU152
  • Priority Air IL-2


  • HQ 2 x Panther A, SdKfz Recovery
  • Platoon #1 4 x Panther A
  • Platoon #2 5 x PzIV H
  • Assault Gun Platoon 4 x Stug G
  • Armored Arty, 4 x Wespe
  • Pioneer Platoon, 2 Squads


  • HQ, Plus Fausts, Mortar, Panzerschreck
  • Platoon 1, 3 Squads
  • Platoon 2, 3 Squads
  • Platoon 3, 3 Squads
  • HMG Platoon, 2 Squads
  • AT Gun, 3 x Pak40
  • AA guns, 2 x 88, Upgraded Crews
  • Tank Hunters, 4 x Jagdpanzer IV
  • Artillery 4 x 10.5cm LeFH18, Trucks
  • Panzer Platoon, 45 x Panzer IV H
  • Mortar Platoon, 2 Sections 12cm

The table is 6x9 but we use 1/2 scale so effectively 12 x 18. Should be LOTS and LOTS of room for maneuver. I expect it to be wild and wooly!

General scenario will be to control a few key terrain features for points. Still working on final details of that.

Army lists driven in part by what I own of course!

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP16 Jun 2015 10:41 p.m. PST


Calico Bill16 Jun 2015 10:44 p.m. PST

Looks good and I wish you success.
:- ). Seeing the topic heading I was hopeful for a moment that someone had converted the excellent Epic (Armageddon) rules to play WW II. Someday perhaps.

moonfleetminis17 Jun 2015 4:41 a.m. PST

Yes, pictures would be nice if you can.
I have only played a couple of early war games using FoW and 1/300 models, but it seemed to work ok, once we had scaled down the size of the blast template :)
ofcourse, the games we played, were nowhere nearas big as that.
Hope you have heaps of fun!

Winston Smith17 Jun 2015 4:59 a.m. PST

One of my favorite FoW "armies" is the Strelkovy company/battalion. Talk about flexible! This is indeed a prominent example of your fairy godmother being the corps quartermaster.
Your organization is pretty close to mine.

But for fun you can't beat Cossacks with Katyushas.

Acharnement18 Jun 2015 7:31 a.m. PST

Calico Bill et al, Years ago, I downloaded a couple of lists of WW2 American and German forces for Epic Armageddon. They are Excel files and have several infantry forces and tanks statted up. If anyone is interested I can forward to them on. / brucejmcbain (at) /

Mark 1 Supporting Member of TMP19 Jun 2015 5:32 p.m. PST


Not meaning to sound pedantic, as I presume you know most of this, but …

You call it a Tankovy Co. Yet it is a tank battalion you describe (танковый батальон – Tankovy Batal'on).

The tank battalion you propose would be for mid-1944 or beyond (the first T-34-85s were issued to combat units in late May, IIRC). Such a battalion would not have had T-70s. By the second half of 1944 T-70s were primarily re-purposed into front-line tractors, towing AT-guns or occasionally service as self-propelled Katyusha launchers (with the racks mounted on top over the turret). They were not even present in recon units, except in rare cases, by that time.

After their disastrous combat showing at Kursk the T-70 was removed from production in the summer of 1943. All light tank production stopped in October of 1943. In November of 1943 all light tanks were removed from the TOE of the tank battalions and the tank brigades. All remaining T-70 capacity went to SU-76 production, which came to dominate the independent tank companies, battalions and regiments that provided dedicated infantry support.

Oh, and if you DO want to use a T-70 company, perhaps for a 1943 battle, it should have 17 tanks, not 10. Each light tank platoon had 5 tanks, and there were 2 in the company HQ. Each medium platoon was 3 tanks, with 1 HQ tank for a total of 10 tanks in a medium company. Each heavy tank platoon had 2 tanks, with 2 (sometimes 3) platoons and 1 CO HQ tank for a total of 5 tanks (sometimes 7) for a heavy company. Not that every tank company had a full compliment, of course …

(aka: Mk 1)

vicmagpa121 Jul 2015 6:11 p.m. PST

rab Kursk scenario 5 years. it is a good way to show artillery cannot reach all over the board. used a 12 long by 6 foot table area.

do not vforget the "Hitler Rules" after second day . roll to get a phone call to pull off a division. adds excitement and "expletives" to say the least. have fun.

Tarantella01 Aug 2015 10:28 a.m. PST

The appearance of Jagdpanzers would place the scenario no earlier than the Spring of 44 by which time the remaining T70's would be used in subsidiary roles so could be transferred directly to the Strelkovy company with no fiddling in numbers.

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