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"Favorite military headgear?" Topic

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10 Jul 2015 6:51 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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Personal logo DWilliams Supporting Member of TMP20 Mar 2015 9:13 a.m. PST

From the ancients through to the present, armed men have almost always worn some kind of distinctive hat or cap as part of their uniform. Which is your personal favorite?

I was going to provide a list of choices (bearskins, bicornes, czapkas, galea, pickelhaubes, shakos, viking winged helmets, etc.) but there are far too many and I'd no doubt leave some off of the list. You are encouraged to post a suitable photo, of course.

Wackmole920 Mar 2015 9:32 a.m. PST


Personal logo Tacitus Supporting Member of TMP20 Mar 2015 9:34 a.m. PST

1. ACW Kepi
2. M1935 German Helmet
3. German Officers' visor caps WW2
4. Tricornes, I love tricornes…
5. Generic Roman Imperial Gallic helmets

53Punisher20 Mar 2015 9:39 a.m. PST

Always thought this one was pretty cool.

Austrian 1511-1514


dBerczerk20 Mar 2015 9:46 a.m. PST

Fez, with or without turban

Winston Smith20 Mar 2015 9:47 a.m. PST

Mirleton as worn by hussars.

Oddball20 Mar 2015 9:49 a.m. PST


Sir Walter Rlyeh20 Mar 2015 9:52 a.m. PST

Fezzes are cool. I wear a fez now.

Pictors Studio20 Mar 2015 9:58 a.m. PST

Corinthian helmet by far.

lloydthegamer20 Mar 2015 10:10 a.m. PST

1. Sallets in all their forms are hard to beat
2. ACW Kepis
3. Roman Gallic helmets
4. Samurai helmets in all their glory

Sajiro20 Mar 2015 10:17 a.m. PST


parrskool20 Mar 2015 10:17 a.m. PST


Battle Phlox20 Mar 2015 10:29 a.m. PST

Austrian helmets 1798-1809

Tommy2020 Mar 2015 10:32 a.m. PST


tigrifsgt20 Mar 2015 10:48 a.m. PST


Trebian Sponsoring Member of TMP20 Mar 2015 10:52 a.m. PST

The Budnovka, obviously. Designed by the costume designer for the Russian National Opera, with handy fold down flaps to keep your ears warm. Available in both Khaki & Black with a selection of colourful stars on the front.

What's not to like?

John the OFM20 Mar 2015 11:47 a.m. PST

Since Winston's cell phone is beyond his ability to post links:


snodipous20 Mar 2015 12:15 p.m. PST


I think it's hard to find a badder-ass looking helmet than the Spartans (fictionalized or otherwise).

Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP20 Mar 2015 12:50 p.m. PST

1: Forage Cap (Bummer), which some call a Kepi but isn't…

2: Boonie Hat…

3: My Fedora…

4: Stetson…

B6GOBOS20 Mar 2015 1:00 p.m. PST

British Fusilier cap c1775

Berzerker7320 Mar 2015 1:06 p.m. PST

Corinthian w/transverse crest

Winston Smith20 Mar 2015 1:18 p.m. PST

Any cavalry … hat that looks like it would fall off in a charge were it not bolted to the trooper's head. Add the busby to that.

Weasel20 Mar 2015 1:21 p.m. PST

The trusty Ushanka, with hammer and sickle.

Those WW1 American "Doughboy" hats.

The WW1 and early WW2 style British helmet.

Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP20 Mar 2015 1:32 p.m. PST



Cerdic20 Mar 2015 1:34 p.m. PST

The Great Helm….


bc174520 Mar 2015 2:06 p.m. PST

The simple helmet……over many of hundreds of years it helped save lives…….

Even if it went out of favor……..

bc174520 Mar 2015 2:06 p.m. PST

But it soon came back into favour……..

rmaker20 Mar 2015 4:14 p.m. PST

The classic Bavarian Raupenhelm.

Peachy rex20 Mar 2015 5:16 p.m. PST


Rrobbyrobot20 Mar 2015 5:40 p.m. PST

Black Beret.

377CSG Supporting Member of TMP20 Mar 2015 6:00 p.m. PST

Austrian Infantry Helmet 1798 – 1809.

hetzer Supporting Member of TMP20 Mar 2015 10:03 p.m. PST

My maroon beret.

Cattle Dog21 Mar 2015 2:12 a.m. PST


RAAC black beret,

number two grade slouch hat and

finally the DPCU pattern Kepi patrol cap.

regards Allan

Axebreaker21 Mar 2015 4:03 a.m. PST

Corinthian w/crest


14Bore21 Mar 2015 5:32 a.m. PST

not 1 vote for czapka's? one of my favorites
ACW kepis

Bismarck21 Mar 2015 5:50 a.m. PST

USMC utility cover(OG-107)
WW1 "turtle" helmet
French Kepi 1870
US M-1 helmet

Personal logo DWilliams Supporting Member of TMP24 Mar 2015 4:10 p.m. PST

I've always had a special place in my heart for the Bavarian 'raupenhelm'


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