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08 Feb 2005 12:47 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "GW Rouge Trader Painting Contest- Home Cooking Galore!!" to "GW Rogue Trader Painting Contest- Home Cooking Galore!!"

08 Feb 2005 12:47 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "GW Rogue Trader Painting Contest- Home Cooking Galore!!" to "GW Rogue Trader Painting Contest - Home Cooking Galore!!"

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Gene Seed08 Feb 2005 12:44 p.m. PST

I entered the Rogue Trader Painting Contest (as advertised in White Dwarf 300- US edition) at a GW store. They had the awards ceremony last Saturday. Before I go any farther, want to let you know I won the category I entered, so this is not sour grapes or anything. I can not believe who won over half of the prises. Ready for it...... STORE STAFF. Store staff entered the contest, store staff judged it (and when pressed about the judging process they could neither conferm or deny that staff IN the contest were part of the judging) and they won about half of all the 1st, 2nd, and 3rds. They even won the overall winner award.

This kills me. There were younger painter (15-18 year olds)in the contest who put alot of time and effort into their entries and the store could not throw them a third place certificate. Apparently the staff "drybrush" king is wallpapering his bedroom with them.

Also in the Rogue Trader handbook (you download this if you are running one; it tells you how to run one properly) is states that it is not a good idea for ataff to enter. I guess GW rules don't apply to GW employees.

I mean really... the guy calling out the winners names was like " ...and in second place for his wolf priest is me!!..."

That takes pure balls.

PeteMurray08 Feb 2005 12:47 p.m. PST

Send an e-mail to the GW district manager. That's beyond bad taste.

Tim Huckelbery of GW08 Feb 2005 1:03 p.m. PST

What store was this at? Email me on it at


Thomas Whitten08 Feb 2005 1:21 p.m. PST

I am sorry, but I find this is rather funny. Mostly because I play an Imperial Officer in a D20 Star Wars campaign who always awards himself metals after each mission.

I am guessing the other participants in the contest found it less amusing. (As do the other players in the Star Wars campaign. :)

Lord Billington Wadsworth Fezian08 Feb 2005 1:28 p.m. PST

There were staff who entered the contest at the store near me, but they all excused themselves from judging the competition - and even then I don't think they took any places.

Nuts to your staff.

Gene Seed08 Feb 2005 1:35 p.m. PST

I emailed you the store info. Thank you for your quick response. As always, GW customer service is great!!

Tim Huckelbery of GW08 Feb 2005 1:44 p.m. PST

Got it, thanks. I'm alerting the manager for that region right now.


Dread Pirate Garness Fezian08 Feb 2005 2:03 p.m. PST

I entered and was greatly disappointed. I try to be fair in lookig at the other entries compared to my own, and in one contest I took first because I was the only entry in that division. The rest were third or not at all.

I try not to complain and I know judges look for different things, but by golly in all honesty I lost out to reasonably painted figures and I knew it was so when the winners told me themselves they were surprised with the result. I don't mind losing competitions to better painted figures, but when one of the judges said he liked a guys decals over my freehand, in a "PAINTING CONTEST" i was rather perturbed.

So there, I said it, I was really Bleeped texted I did not win and am being a sore loser about it. Moreso because I saw the entries and when I get third behind a drybrush extraganza and a bright shiny figure with cool decals, that hacks me off.

Rant over.

Tim Huckelbery of GW08 Feb 2005 2:19 p.m. PST

Was this at the same store event? Email me with details either way please.


NikkiB08 Feb 2005 2:35 p.m. PST

I bet this is a "mom and pop" shop and not a GW owned store. I have found the GW store personel to be very professional when it comes to competitions and such.

John "delljohnb" Baugher

NikkiB08 Feb 2005 2:37 p.m. PST

My regular GW Store is Nashville Tennessee (Opry Mills)

GREAT floks there!!!

Tim, that's ok to pass on too! :-)

Gene Seed08 Feb 2005 2:38 p.m. PST

Dread Pirate was at a different store than me, as far as I can tell.

Gene Seed08 Feb 2005 2:42 p.m. PST

This was NO mom & pop store, it was a national GW store.

LeadAsbestos08 Feb 2005 3:10 p.m. PST

Hey Tim H., as long as you're looking, GW Cheektowaga, NY, ran a very cool operation. Lots of great models, and an enthusiastic and fun crew at the shop.

Dread Pirate Garness Fezian08 Feb 2005 4:11 p.m. PST

Hey Geneseed, I don't you are at the same store as me as local staff did not win. What hacked me off was the way the judging went for the cool decals or drybrushing. I bear the other contestants no ill will, but what I would say is there needs to be some sort of criteria that says "decals are not an example of painting skill over freehand work"

I know the judges have a certain amount of discretion in their selections, but I don't use any decals in anything, everything is freehand.

Hey Tim, I accept a loss as a loss, but in some cases it doesn't mean I have to like it. I guess I will just have to make a trek to a Gamesday to enter. maybe I will do better there, or the same, I dunno, but I would at least like to think my blending can outdo drybrushing and that my freehand can count for something against decals.


NikkiB08 Feb 2005 4:38 p.m. PST

Gene, you mean they had store staff that were given awards for a competition that was sponsored by the same store, and they were the judges too?

You sure about that?

Alxbates08 Feb 2005 5:24 p.m. PST

GW store staff are as varied as people anywhere - some of them are great hobby enthusiasts and some are total gamer geek loser creeps.

Sounds like this store in particular has one of the creeps as a manager if he lets his staff get away with such crap.

As someone else said earlier, that is beyond bad taste. Judges can't objectively grade their own work.

Hundvig Fezian08 Feb 2005 5:56 p.m. PST

Guess you should have stayed home and taken your beating in 40K like I suggested, eh Bob? Admit it, you're afraid of the Ripper Swarms... :)

What was that, about an hour's drive each way, and for a crooked contest? Should be interesting to see if this regional manager replaces the staff or not...that oughta be a firing offense as I understand things.


Gene Seed10 Feb 2005 7:17 a.m. PST

Ripper swarms meet mister thunderhammer.... Oh, I see you have already met.

Actually 2 hours- one way!!

Rich, I won, but Dom did not even come in the top 3 for single miniature. It was one of his better miniatures too!!

To all who asked:
The staff entered and won and a panel of 3 staff judged(they were not present or at least would not say). When asked, one of the staff (contestent- winners), would not say who in the staff actually judged.

Rudysnelson10 Feb 2005 8:33 a.m. PST

Sore Staff should not be allowed to enter contests sponsored entirely/partially or judged by the Store Staff.

There should be other regional sponsored events or game Days for the Staff to compete against staff members from other stores. It would be fair and a better kudos for a store if their staff won inter-store events.

Rudysnelson10 Feb 2005 2:56 p.m. PST

Correction = Store Staff

Ivan DBA10 Feb 2005 6:46 p.m. PST

Hopefully they'll be sore after they get what's coming to them!

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