Along with the Christmas deals, Jon at GZG announced -
As some of you may know already, we recently agreed with Eureka Miniatures the termination of our long-standing license production agreement which saw Eureka producing a selection of the GZG ranges (including our "old-style" FT starship fleets) for sale in the Australian/NZ markets.
The most important effect of this decision as far as our own customers are concerned is that we will be ceasing production of a number of the lines in our SG25 infantry range, because these figures were designed by or for Eureka and have been produced by GZG under a reciprocal licensing agreement.
The 25mm figure ranges that are affected are as follows:
All of the SGZ (New Israeli) range
All of the SGO (OUDF) range
All of the SGD (Dutch) range
All of the SGB (Indonesian) range
Part of the SGP (Pan African) range – figure codes from SGP-09A onwards
Part of the SGU (UNSC Hardsuit) range – figure codes from SGU-14A to SGU-20A
Part of the SGE (Eurasian) range: the Heavy Infantry only, figure codes from SGE-50 to SGE-71
Part of the SGA (NAC) range: the Gurkhas only, figure codes from SGA-61 to SGA-72D
Part of the SGN (NSL) range: the JAGERS only, figure codes from SGN-41 to SGN-62
The "EBH" Alien Bounty Hunters figures (EBH-1,2,3)
All other SG25 code figures will remain in production as normal, but as of December 31st 2014 all the items on the list above will be removed from our webstore, and will not be available from us even as special order items; they will, as far as I know, remain available direct from Eureka Miniatures for the foreseeable future.