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"Tom's Miniatures 1/72 painting service.........Fraud warning" Topic

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3,657 hits since 12 Oct 2014
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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RobH13 Oct 2014 2:02 p.m. PST

I have been trying since July to get my commission finished or my figures and money returned from Tom Pedall and/or Georg Abele Pedall trading as "Painting Studio 72" and "Miniaturen1-72" out of Wuppertal 42281 Germany

Having failed to get anything other than excuses and delays I have reported these individuals to the local Police to consider action for fraud. (I retain copies of all correspondence dealing with commissions). It is unlikely that anything will come of it but have to try as a last resort.
This is the second time I have posted this warning here, back in July they responded with more lies and worthless promises asking me to remove the post (which I requested Bill to do). Since then I have just been ignored again. Hence this warning.

Be aware of these fraudsters, do not send them any figures and under no circumstances pay them any money. My "commission" dates back to April and they have not responded to any of my requests for pictures of WIPs or my requests for the return of my figures (15mm Series 1 & 2 Minifig Prussians) and money paid in advance.

Crossposted to "Plastic figures" board as they claim to specialise in the 1/72 ranges.

grenadier corporal13 Oct 2014 9:50 p.m. PST

Thank you very much for your warning.
I had just been about contacting Georg Abele to get a commission under way – he did not respond and when I read your warning in July I stopped any further attempts. When I did not find your post the next day I was a little bit confused – now I understand.
It is a shame that such people endanger the trust most other painting services deserve. Maybe it would be better not to remove such precious warnings, only adding the responses of the defendant – and then wait. I think it would be fair enough to remove the warning only after receiving the commission.

Tame Thy Swans14 Oct 2014 1:40 a.m. PST

just discustinf

TomPainter14 Oct 2014 8:33 a.m. PST

Thats not okay!

I've wrote many times that I take time, because I get a lot of work (and own personality problems) and that you not must pay the complete price!!!

Sorry, but you get not the money back, because I painted the miniatures and the complete order is nwarly finished!
You get the painted miniatures and the 2nd half from the price, you can make with them, what you want.

RobH14 Oct 2014 9:07 a.m. PST

"……..because I painted the miniatures and the complete order is nwarly finished!……."

So you said in July. Never shown a picture to prove it then or since despite my repeated requests. Frankly I don't believe you.

TomPainter14 Oct 2014 9:10 a.m. PST

I made a very big mistake with another job and the nearly same miniatures

RobH16 Oct 2014 1:40 p.m. PST

This problem may have a resolution. At least there is some contact now. As the corporal says above, warning will stay until commission is received this time.

RobH28 May 2015 10:16 a.m. PST

Spoke too soon. No resolution just more lies. After I involved the local police he returned the few figures I have seen pictures of (about 1/4 the commission) but unable to show any pictures of the remainder.

Now claims to have painted my figures and posted them back to me, of course cannot provide any tracking number, nor pictures to prove the work was done, no insurance details and now no further contact, just ignores my emails and deletes any comments I make on his website.

I notice he is advertising his painting service again including on Plastic Soldier Review.

Guys do yourselves a favour, under no circumstances trust this fraudster, you will end up losing your figures and your money.

Das Sheep28 May 2015 12:54 p.m. PST

Its reports like these of so many painting services that make me tepdatious to risk expensive figures and more expensive fees getting mini's painted.

Sorry about your luck with this fellow sir.

1815Guy03 Jun 2015 11:10 a.m. PST

Thanks for the warning, I have some pals in Wuppertal, let me know if you would like them to pay him a friendly visit…

Friendly as in non-violent, just to be clear!


Der Ron und der Ron.

RobH10 Jun 2015 1:35 p.m. PST

Pay him a visit no, but if your friends could post a letter for me through the local service that would be very helpful :)

Please drop me a line: rbrthpr AT hotmail DOTcom

RobH13 Jun 2015 6:55 a.m. PST


So it turns out my figures are not stolen…….they are lost. Painted (allegedly as unable to provide pictures) then sent back to me by unregistered, uninsured postal service and gone missing enroute from Germany.

Absolute disgrace for a painting service not to ensure safety and security of a customers figures.

So now I am waiting to see how he plans to compensate for the loss, trying to replace mint in pack series 2 Minifig Prussians is going to prove a challenge.

Eclipsing Binaries22 Jun 2015 9:45 a.m. PST

Doh! I sold a pile of those on ebay a while ago and made pennies from them. I'd have sent them to you if I still had them.

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