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"Heavy Fighting Reported In The Libyan City Of Benghazi" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP02 Oct 2014 10:58 p.m. PST

"Almost 30 Libyan soldiers were killed and 70 wounded in a double suicide bombing and clashes in the port city of Benghazi on Thursday, medics said.

Four people were also killed in a separate attack by suspected Islamists on an army checkpoint in Qubah, east of Benghazi, hospital officials said.

Libya is being racked by violence as the armed groups which helped topple Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 turn their guns on each other in a struggle for the country's vast oil resources and political domination…"


Full article here


15mm and 28mm Fanatik02 Oct 2014 11:02 p.m. PST

Toppling Gaddafi was a mistake. The NFZ should not have been imposed.


Chortle Fezian03 Oct 2014 3:28 a.m. PST

Toppling Gaddafi was a mistake. The NFZ should not have been imposed.

I think it was deliberate. The "Neocons" planned to invade seven countries in five years. Here is General Wes Clarke talking about this

YouTube link

Do you remember Carl Bernstein (one of the "Watergate" journalists) stating that the Neocons were the architects of the Gulf war? He did so on the MSNBC Joe Scarborough show. I'm sure that is on youtube. In Alistair Campbell's diary he claimed that Tony Blair was offered full press support by Murdoch if he were to quickly invade Iraq. This was done, said Campbell, at the behest of the Neocons.

I previously posted a link to the 1982 Yinon plan to break up states around Israel. In that same article are links to earlier documents with the same proposal.

It seems like everything is going according to plan.

Project for the New American Century

zippyfusenet03 Oct 2014 4:38 a.m. PST

As I recall, Ben Ali in Tunisia fell as the result of a genuine popular uprising. There was no foreign military intervention. Tunisia is still the most successful of the Arab Spring revolutions. They seem to be working out a liberal democratic system that incorporates the Islamists without allowing takfiri extremists to take over and tyrannize everyone.

By the way, the Tunisians have been and continue to be one of the friendliest Arab states to Israel. The Israelis were unhappy to see Ben Ali fall, though they recognized there was nothing they could do to stop it. The successor regime has turned out to follow a similar policy. This year they again allowed Jewish tourists to visit the shrine on Djerba Island using their Israeli passports.

Killing Khaddafi was a big mistake in my opinion. The push for that came from the UK and France as I recall. It was taken under cover of the Arab Spring ("Look! Another democratic uprising! Let's support it!") with the US joining quite late, when our NATO allies turned out not to have quite enough muscle to pull the job off. I suppose the big hope there was for the European states to get long-term oil contracts at more favorable prices from the revolutionaries. I don't know whether that's happened or not. It looks now like the country is splitting along tribal lines.

Of course the Israelis were worried sick when Mubarek fell to the Muslim Brotherhood, and they strongly support and partner with Gen. al-Sissi, whatever Pres. Obama may think or say. Israel prefers an orderly, strong, Ba'athist Egypt (Nasser was a Ba'athist and so are his successors. Ba'athism is a national socialist political philosophy that depends on the army for power.) to a chaotic, weak, revolutionary Islamist Egypt.

So, Chortle. How are the Jooze going to undermine and fragment the Turkish republic? The Turks aren't giving up one inch of their remaining sovereign territory to the Kurds, the Alawis, the Caliphate or anyone else. They have the military power to prevent a Kurdistan, an Alawistan, to take over Syria and nail the pieces back together. How can the Jooze block that?

I'll be taking notes, of course.

Chortle Fezian03 Oct 2014 8:36 a.m. PST

So, Chortle. How are the Jooze going to undermine and fragment the Turkish republic?

I can positively rule out any chance of their involvement. Please PM me details of where I can collect the check. I know other people are making money from this (one, two, three)

BTW, did you know that the Young Turks (the Committee of Union and Progress), the force behind the genocide of a million Armenian Christians, were led by Jews? The Young Turk newspaper, one of several, was funded by the Russian Zionist federation, overseen by a Dutch Zionist named Jacob Kann, with editorial input from Vladimir (Ze'ev) Jabotinsky who later formed the Irgun terrorist organisation in Israel. That is an incredible, and selfless, international effort to help out the Turks. Of course, the genocide was part of the reason Turkey was drawn into the war. The net result was the formation of Israel. It must be Karma for all of the good will shown by Zionists in their dealings with Turkey. It is a funny thing that the ADL are so reluctant to acknowledge the Armenian genocide. They seem to want to play the whole thing down.

Going back to your question, my good chum, If I wanted to fracture Turkey I would drive more of a wedge between Turkish military/intelligence and Erdogan's cronies. They can both be viewed as criminal organisations. Erdogan came into power on an anti-corruption ticket but has stopped investigations into corruption of his own relatives. Erdogan doesn't seem to have the power to eclipse his mil/int opponents, some of whom he has jailed. Supporting both sides at once would wear them down. I am prepared to say more depending on how much $$$ you come up with for my hasbara work earlier in my post..

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP03 Oct 2014 10:50 a.m. PST

Very interesting threads my friend Chortle!


zippyfusenet03 Oct 2014 12:15 p.m. PST

What a coup it would be to neutralize and even recruit such an able opponent as you, Chortle! I'll be delighted to share with you the vast income I receive as an agent of the hasbara. Just ping me your surface mail address, so I can send you the standard new recruit's package. Make sure no one else opens it – there'll be lots of secret stuff that no one but you should see.

So, we Zionists already destroyed the Turks? *And* the Armenians? Gawd we're good at subversion. Who knew?

But now the Turks are back, so we have to destroy them again. Drive a wedge between Turkish military/intelligence and Erdogan's cronies, you say…but, but Erdogan came to power opposed to the army, with a program to purge the generals, which he has carried out! What genius on our part! It's all ready to fall into place…

Chortle Fezian03 Oct 2014 8:19 p.m. PST

Zippy, my details are

Henry K-R-I-N-K-L-E
154 Hopper Avenue.

Please rush me my Hasbara (TM) package. I can't wait to join the new world order!

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP04 Oct 2014 6:41 a.m. PST

Young Turks (the Committee of Union and Progress), the force behind the genocide of a million Armenian Christians, were led by Jews? The Young Turk newspaper, one of several, was funded by the Russian Zionist federation, overseen by a Dutch Zionist named Jacob Kann, with editorial input from Vladimir (Ze'ev) Jabotinsky who later formed the Irgun terrorist organisation in Israel.
If that is true, it muddies the waters even more …

Failure1604 Oct 2014 7:31 a.m. PST

There is a little more to the backstory of the CUP than Jews than is being let on, L4

More to the point, those not averse to gaming on-going conflicts should find a raft of inspiration in the current state of affairs in Libya and other locales. As a primarily SF gamer, the current age has certainly been quite a boon for my personal gaming milieu.

Rod I Robertson04 Oct 2014 3:01 p.m. PST

That Wesley Clark speech you linked to was astonishing. Please post it on a thread of its own in the Ultra-modern section for others to see and comment on. If what Clark says is true it would inform many a strategic wargamer's perspective and gaming.
For seven years I have been totally unaware of this speech and I pride myself on staying up to date on world matters; how could I have missed it, Doh?
Well done!
Rod Robertson.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP06 Oct 2014 8:33 a.m. PST

There is a little more to the backstory of the CUP than Jews than is being let on, L4…
I know there is. Especially after researching the Turk genocide of the Armenians, etc. in the region in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries … And don't misunderstand my comments. I'm very much pro-Israeli …

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